UEFA Champions League 2013/2014

Poor OM so cruel group...
I hate this offside rule on the Napoli third goal, Hamsik strongly influences the defenders.

This is called justice. 2 years ago, Olympiacos destroyed Marseille inside Velodrome, but then Dortmund in the last fixture let the french comeback from 2-0 to 2-3 since Olympiacos was winning against Arsenal and deserved to go to the knockout stage. When you play unfair, you deserve to be punished in the future. I hope Dortmund is also left out, although probably this year Marseille will leave them win in France so that they repay their debt to their german friends. This whole thing has caused vommit to every healthy football fan.

I hope Napoli will not come in the same position as Olympiacos, clearly deserving to proceed but finally bowing out because of the shitty friendship of Marseille & Dortmund.

P.S. Last year Dortmund disgusted people when they scored the 3rd goal against Malaga, in a phase that included 2 offsides, yet 3 refs said it was ok since they had specific orders.
This is called justice. 2 years ago, Olympiacos destroyed Marseille inside Velodrome, but then Dortmund in the last fixture let the french comeback from 2-0 to 2-3 since Olympiacos was winning against Arsenal and deserved to go to the knockout stage. When you play unfair, you deserve to be punished in the future. I hope Dortmund is also left out, although probably this year Marseille will leave them win in France so that they repay their debt to their german friends. This whole thing has caused vommit to every healthy football fan.

I hope Napoli will not come in the same position as Olympiacos, clearly deserving to proceed but finally bowing out because of the shitty friendship of Marseille & Dortmund.

P.S. Last year Dortmund disgusted people when they scored the 3rd goal against Malaga, in a phase that included 2 offsides, yet 3 refs said it was ok since they had specific orders.

Dude, you need to go see a psychiatrist.

Edit: sorry ... read another post by this guy in the Gunners' thread and just can't take it anymore:

Great job Arsenal. The german cheaters were punished for what they did to Malaga last year, winning with disgusting referee help.

Just one chance from Arsenal, just one goal. Causing more pain to the rich germans, who thought the refs and Platini would always help them. If Dortmund beat Napoli, then Marseille will rescue them in the last fixture, since they will surely leave them win, just as Dortmund did 2 years ago when Olympiacos won against Arsenal but Marseille overturned 2-0 to 2-3 in the last 5 minutes in Germany, a result clearly fixed, just as Zagreb 1-7 Lyon (it was on the same day).

I hope Napoli will be strong and will not lose against Dortmund+refs and so Dortmund will be disqualified.

You cannot possibly mean any of that nonsense.
You accuse Borussia Dortmund of cheating? Borussia motherfucking Dortmund, one of the most earnest, down to earth clubs in Europe, coached by the freaking "winning mentality incarnate" - Jurgen Klopp?!?!
Are you out of your god damn mind?
Stop being so bitter because of bad refereeing and your club not being able to make it to the knockout stages. You cannot expect the Dortmunds of this world to do the dirty work for your beloved Olympiacos all the time. They lost this match because Marseille had a fantastic comeback in the end. There was nothing even remotely deliberate about any of the ongoings in this match.
And Malaga? Forgot that Malaga scored from a blatantly obvious offside-position first in this game? That's called bad refereeing - luckily for Dortmund, in that particular case, it evened itself out the same night. Got NOTHING to do with any club involved. Why would you even suspect that? Because Dortmund in this case was the "richer" club? Well, Arsenal is much richer than Dortmund, so are the Reals, Barcas, Chelseas, Man Cities, Uniteds, PSGs, Monacos, Milans, Juves of this world. Yet, I guess Platini just really loves Borussia freaking Dortmund from the Ruhrpott in good ol' Germany so much he personally fucks up some (very randomly picked) matches they are involved in ..

Truth is: You WANT to see cheating in these games because it makes it so much easier to avoid facing the shere (yeah, it's the Arsenal thread after all :P) fact that your team just isn't good enough to make it out of the group stages by themselves! And normally I wouldn't pay bullshit like this any attention whatsoever, but calling Dortmund and Marseille "cheaters" and accusing them to be in cohoots with each other is a whole new level of arrogance, stupidity and delusion. How DARE you do that? How motherfucking DARE YOU?
That is OUT of the fucking question, man. Maybe in Greece it is the norm to really be cheated out of victories, but not here man, not on this level.
Bad calls by refs exist, no doubt about that, but to blame the profiting clubs for that ... man ... what the fuck are you smoking?

Jesus Christ. And I thought Kaleso was bad.
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I also wanted to write a strong reply after reading that post in the Arsenal thread, but rentalkid has beaten me...
I couldn't agree more.
Strange that the poster 'forgot' about the blatant Malaga off-side goal, and we should have known that in the end it would all be about Olympiacos...
I apologize for the generalisation, but it seems some Greek fans here see conspiracies everywhere, does this tells something significant about the Greek league ? Maybe it is just the same person who posts under different names.
TBF, I came away from that game feeling Malaga had been robbed by some very poor officiating. Dortmund should have had a man sent off, for instance.

Doesn't mean that some UEFA reptilian decided the outcome beforehand tho
Yes but the poor refereeing advantaged both teams...
And just as you i don't believe in all these conspiracy theories.
Is it just "poor refereeing"?
It is a fact that referres are only human like you and me, and thus susceptible to influences. Most people here watch Dortmund on television and are impressed by the wall in that one fantastic stand. Is it any wonder that referees are influenced too ?
This should not happen ? Of course not, but it happens all the time.

It happens all the time: the team with the lesser reputation is slightly disadvantaged when there is doubt. What happened in Dortmund was more obvious, but that refe just had a bad day...talking about conspiracies is silly.

Ok, now that I got your attention ( :p ), please, ignore this guy. He has been banned from the greek forum as well, he has been banned from here again in the past. His posts are ridiculous! He makes me feel embarrased because of the same team we support.

Just please ignore him and feel sad about his bad mental condition.
Like i've said countless times: i have nothing against those sugar daddies teams, in my discussions with people like beachryan (nothing wrong about him) i'm even the first to defend them. I know were they come from, they used to victims of unfair competition too and they took the easy way out.

That's exactly the whole point, peoples like to hate on these teams for no reason now, but no one felt remotely bad for them when they were robbed by these so called "bigger teams". It's just poetic justice, it really is.

But football should not be about billionaires and clubs trying to buy the 11 best players in the world. Football should be about patiently building teams, cautiously bringing youth talent in the first team. Silverware should be won by clubs doing it the right way.

Fair point. I wish every team out there we're like Ajax or Dortmund, unfortunately it's not for everyone. Different cultures means different methods and paths.

With all due respect, i also think your comment shows a distinct lack of respect for all these clubs who are doing it the right way, who don't overspend and who are not in deficit.

How so? I've never talked about the other team here, I never did with any team for that matter-bar QPR of course-meanwhile it's like totally normal for others to trash mine.

I wonder how you would feel about this the day when Roman has had it with Chelsea... at that moment teams like Anderlecht, Ajax, Copenhagen, Porto and Benfica will still play CL matches. Are you sure Chelsea will even be in the EPL then ?

When Abramovich dies or when he has enough of Chelsea, the club will totally collapse. I wonder how you will feel then...

This is getting disrespectful. I feel sorry that you do think of me that way, not going to respond because I still have little respect left for you.

It is ouraging that clubs can buy good players like Willian and scarcely use them...football fans have the right to see these players perform week in week out and not only in league cup...

Really? Were you outraged when Bayern did the same with Sforza, Frings, Borowski, Diesler and now Thiago? Are you outraged when Real does this like every year? Of course not.
Yes i am outraged when Bayern or Real does this. I am even more outraged when those clubs do that, because i prefer Chelsea to those clubs. Yes, i am subjective, but i'm aware of that.

When i read your answer, i can see that you are mad and that is because you misunderstood completely.

For some reason you constantly think i have something against Chelsea. As a matter of fact i like Chelsea since the first time i saw them on television. That was in an FA Cup final against Leeds in ...1970. Long before Abramovich.

What i wanted to indicate was that your post seemed very disrespectfull towards the fans of those lesser teams. After all, it is very easy to be a fan of Chelsea (now), Manchester City (now) and PSG (now).

With all respect (and i really mean that, i even like you), since when are you a Chelsea fan ? Where you a Chelsea fan when they were in third division (when Anderlecht was winning Euro Cups) ? I guess you are too young, so i don't blame you. But be honest with me and with yourself. Let's suppose that in 2 years Abramovich has seen it all and stops funding Chelsea... Let's suppose that Chelsea fare like Leeds and Pompey...

Will you still support them ? Be honest... i don't think so.

You will say no.

Ok, you still support Chelsea as a lower league club and they win the FA Cup and have to play a big team...they loose the first match 0-5 and draw the second 1-1. You are euphoric because your team just had a fantastic result against a giant club.

And then i comment and say: the other clubis simply better (because they have an Arab billionaire who funds them). How would you feel my friend ?

No hard feelings.
Yes but the poor refereeing advantaged both teams...
And just as you i don't believe in all these conspiracy theories.
Is it just "poor refereeing"?
It is a fact that referres are only human like you and me, and thus susceptible to influences. Most people here watch Dortmund on television and are impressed by the wall in that one fantastic stand. Is it any wonder that referees are influenced too ?
This should not happen ? Of course not, but it happens all the time.

It happens all the time: the team with the lesser reputation is slightly disadvantaged when there is doubt. What happened in Dortmund was more obvious, but that refe just had a bad day...talking about conspiracies is silly.

It is not like that. No referee has helped Olympiacos yet, although Karaiskaki has been voted by almost every magazine in Europe as the stadium with the greatest atmosphere. Some teams just have better public relations. Even Chelsea, with all that money, was never helped and lost many times in ChL because of refs (Barcelona, Liverpool). In the game with Malaga, 1-1 was sending Malaga through, and Malaga's 2nd goal was not a clear offside. Dortmund should have had a player sent off and their 3rd goal contained two 1-meter offsides. It was disgusting.

Here are the best fans of the entire Europe, against the rich and referee helped fans of Dortmund. In that match, everyone will remember Hummels handing the ball in the box, 45th minute. The ref, when asked by Olympiacos coach, answered that he saw Hummels doing the penalty, but he decided not to give it. The right decision was penalty nd red card, yet the shitter said I won't give it. That simply cannot be explained. And some of you may say this did not happen, here is the report from Guardian, read the third text. http://www.wordnik.com/words/Hummels
YouTube - Olympiakos fans in Dortmund

P.S. Panos, so you think I talk bullshit. No conspiracy. What happened to Olympiacos last year with Levante? 2 non-existant penalties and a false red card in the first 10 minutes. Were you happy when you saw the ref do those unbelievable things? When something happens so many times, it is not a coincidence. Olympiacos has found refs on his way too many times (Lyon, Monaco, Bordeaux, Real Madrid, Dortmund, Levante, Metalist, Maccabi, Lazio). When someone takes something that belongs to you, you HAVE to shout. Not keep silent and say thanks. Did you vote yes to the mnemonium?
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P.S. Panos, so you think I talk bullshit. No conspiracy. What happened to Olympiacos last year with Levante? 2 non-existant penalties and a false red card in the first 10 minutes. Were you happy when you saw the ref do those unbelievable things? When something happens so many times, it is not a coincidence. Olympiacos has found refs on his way too many times (Lyon, Monaco, Bordeaux, Real Madrid, Dortmund, Levante, Metalist, Maccabi, Lazio). When someone takes something that belongs to you, you HAVE to shout. Not keep silent and say thanks. Did you vote yes to the mnemonium?
It happens to EVERY team. Sometimes they are bad referee mistakes, sometimes we just overreact to some decisions. If my team really has to win, then a single bad decision would not affect them (take for example the match with Benfica at Da Luz. Yes, the corner that was given should not, but after conceding so many corner goals in the previous games, I would expect us to be able and defend corners properly. If we did, we would win.).

As for the last question, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Chelsea wouldn't become Pompey or Leeds if Roman left. They've grown too much and are past that point. The squad may need to be trimmed a little, ie. a player like Willian would probably need to be sold and replaced with a player of lesser quality, but they'd still compete at the top.
Chelsea wouldn't become Pompey or Leeds if Roman left. They've grown too much and are past that point. The squad may need to be trimmed a little, ie. a player like Willian would probably need to be sold and replaced with a player of lesser quality, but they'd still compete at the top.

It's possible that they wouldn't implode immediately, but are you sure they would stay a big club, the way the game and the financial aspect evolues ?

Imagine Blackburn with Jack Walker, the amount of money they spend to become champion is now good enough to avoid relegation...
They'd still have a higher income than most and FFP would help keep them up there. They might not be constant nailed on title contenders every year but I couldn't see them fall off the map, so to speak.

Plus I doubt whoever took over would be a complete pauper. I also doubt Roman would just wash his hands of the club completely and in essence be responsible for a huge drop down the table, even if that would be the case (which I don't think is true). Whatever your opinion is of him I can't see him wanting to be seen as the destroyer of the club.
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It's possible that they wouldn't implode immediately, but are you sure they would stay a big club, the way the game and the financial aspect evolues ?

Imagine Blackburn with Jack Walker, the amount of money they spend to become champion is now good enough to avoid relegation...

I agree with you. That is what makes the difference between a really big club and another one that is simply owned by rich peoople. There was a period around 1990 when Olympiacos was not winning titles, because a man called 'captain' started game fixing, bribing etc. That man was the president of the official whore of Europe, panathinaikos and his era was the dirtiest period in greek football history. Then, the fans of the Piraeus team, who are the best in the entire Europe, not only did they not leave the team but the stadium was full on every game.

A big team has to represent an idea. Olympiacos was always the team that was supported by the poor, by those that were against the system.

panathinaikos is the only team in Europe that played a friendly match with the Nazi army, in the wwii period.
@PS2 Legend are you smoking too much weed? I've heard potheads repeat themselves on par with alzheimer's patients and strangely enough so do you. Potheads are also great conspiracy theorists...

panathinaikos is the only team in Europe that played a friendly match with the Nazi army, in the wwii period.


The Death Match - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And some interesting facts

"After Austria became part of Germany in the Anschluss of March 1938, that country's national team – one of Europe's better sides at the time due to professionalism – was disbanded despite having already qualified for the 1938 World Cup. As required by Nazi politicians, five or six ex-Austrian players, from the clubs Rapid Vienna, Austria Vienna, Vienna Wien, were ordered to join the all-German team on short notice in a staged show of unity orchestrated for political reasons. In the 1938 World Cup that began on 4 June, this "united" German team managed only a 1–1 draw against Switzerland, and then lost the replay 2–4 in front of a hostile crowd in Paris, France. That early exit stands as Germany's worst ever World Cup result (excluding the 1930 and 1950 tournaments in which they did not compete).
During World War II, the team played over 30 international games between September 1939 and November 1942, when national team games were suspended, as most players had to join the armed forces. Many of the national team players were gathered together under coach Herberger as Rote Jäger through the efforts of a sympathetic air force officer trying to protect the footballers from the most dangerous wartime service."

Germany national football team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Did several posts just disappear? evo-web gone from moderation to censorship? Stalin would be proud :-)

Anyway, great stuff by Dortmund today. I was certain we were going to lose with that defensive line but it was a weird but entertaining match. We were really shaky at the back so it baffles me that Napoli didn't press harder.
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PS2 Legend keeps on re-registering, that's what's getting deleted. No need for that Stalin remark.
I also watched Dortmund - Napoli.
Very good match. Mkytharian (hope that is correct) is such a wonderfull player.
Dortmund were the better team, but i quite enjoyed watching Napoli too.

Not too many refs would have given that penalty (i would, but it would result and 8 penalties in every match, i understand Napoli's outrage but don't agree with it).

Tom: apart from the (rigthly so) deleted posts in this thread, something has changed on this forum. I've been meaning to PM you about this, but i haven't sent one of my 3 PM's because i'm afraid to get banned again. And that in itself says something, i never had that fear in the 12 years before this one...I'm quite sure you are not to blame...can i PM you my personal opinion without risking a ban ?

Sorry for the off-topic.
I also watched Dortmund - Napoli.
Very good match. Mkytharian (hope that is correct) is such a wonderfull player.
Dortmund were the better team, but i quite enjoyed watching Napoli too.

Not too many refs would have given that penalty (i would, but it would result and 8 penalties in every match, i understand Napoli's outrage but don't agree with it).

i haven't perceived an "outraged" reaction by napoli fans and italian media, tbh. as for napoli players, yeah they looked quite "edgy" and nervous yesterday, but i wouldn't ascribe that to the penalty per se, as much as to the general "allure" of the ref throughout the entire match.
the penalty was indeeed very generous, but it wasn't an outrageous call, and it was definitely not a game changer.

i think napoli's performance was pretty decent (at least given their current form), but borussia were clearely the better side yesterday, and any recrimination from napoli fans or players would be groundless imo. truth is napoli right now can't do much better than this.
it was a game between two sides wich are going through a hard time (form-wise), so a home-win was pretty easy to predict.

penalty aside, i think the ref's performance was extremely poor. his delivery wasn't assertive at all, and as soon as the players (on both sides) realized it, they tried to take advantage of it and force some plays. he was never in control of the game and his poor delivery was the reason why the game became a bit too rough and nasty. nevermind the penalty, the general lack of personality was the ref's biggest flaw yesterday.
having said that, i don't think a better performance from the ref's part would have led to a different result (wich is the most important thing)
Dortmund created about 6/7 clear cut chances. Only their wasteful finishing and some good goalkeeping by Reina kept Napoli in the game.

Mkhitaryan, in particular, had an excellent game and went on a couple of surging runs through the middle that almost led to goals. The way he almost glides across the pitch effortlessly is pretty impressive to watch.
Nicely put lo zio.

When a ref can't stamp his authority on a game early on, it's never a good sign.
If ,the lot in here saw the Arsenal game the ref were shite. They gave a penalty to Arsenal that wasn`t and before that a penalty that was, not given. Its dangerous ,when refs try to make up for a mistake (if that was the case). The linesmen was guessing the offside call. He wasn`t even on the line to see it :CONFUSE: (according to replays). I can except 2 mistakes but this was a lack of effort on the refs, even he had problems w/ his ear piece Mal-functioning. I bet refs try to play through it ,and that even scarier .

Arsenal,Dortmund n Napoli are very tough group. The only surprise is Marseille couldn`t snare a single point. I think Arsenal are a shade better atm. Dortmund should easily beat Marseille ,but anything can happen. Napoli can win,but a draw means their out. So, I expect a very attacking Napoli and that can be a very exciting counter-attacking match. Rafa before the Dortmund match said something about Arsenal being the most vital game, and that was before last nights` match .I guess he saw his team losing ,before a ball was kicked .Who ever falls 2nd in the group are more likely done :COAT:
Ben, i meant the Napoli players, imo they seemed shocked about the ref's decision.

I thought it was a very enjoyable match and i really like both teams even if currently they haven't the best form (but there are reasons, Dortmund missing Gundogan and the entire backline and Napoli without Hamsik).

Why was Inler on the bench ? As far as i know, he is one of their most influential players or is he in the middle of a bad period ?
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