The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Nick, I paid the equivalent of 70p or so here for unlimited time. Once again, rip-off Britain eh?

Yeah if it was to pay for something to do with the Hospital, like keeping the car park clean,tidy and safe I wouldn't mind paying £1 standard charge, but it's just going to some company and £4 is nuts, what if your kid or your mum is in there for a while, it would cost a fortune...

As usual you have it right over there, but you do have killer wasps... :D

Clicking links doesn't work on the latest one at all, you've gotta copy and paste the address should anyone send you one, which is just shit.

So I download an older version, and it still doesn't fucking work.

Way to cock everything up yet again Microsoft.

Also COD4 and 5 on Veteran piss me off more than most things.

They're just not enjoyable, especially when ten times the normal amount of enemies all have a bullseye on your fucking face and don't appear to want to shoot anyone else.
I agree with both the Cod Veteran thingy and Microsoft, I only attempted COD 5 on veteran for the trophies and ragged half of my hair out and Microsoft in general are just wank.

Disgusting. Way to go, UK. If we want to drink ourselves stupid every weekend why should we have that took away?! Nobody's got any money these days, we [as in me and Will] like to drink when we get chance when we have a night away from our little lad but if this goes ahead we won't be bale to half as much as we're skint!! Whats daft is that they are moaning about more people going into hospital cause of being pissed, don't they realize that there is tonnes and tonnes of people around these days compared to so many years ago? And if not that then probably because they're drinking because of the shit way this place is these days? God, so stupid.

Joke, another money grabbing joke, and I bet I know where all the fucking extra money will go, we'll see none of it put to any good use like NHS or anything like that.
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Disgusting. Way to go, UK. If we want to drink ourselves stupid every weekend why should we have that took away?! Nobody's got any money these days, we [as in me and Will] like to drink when we get chance when we have a night away from our little lad but if this goes ahead we won't be bale to half as much as we're skint!! Whats daft is that they are moaning about more people going into hospital cause of being pissed, don't they realize that there is tonnes and tonnes of people around these days compared to so many years ago? And if not that then probably because they're drinking because of the shit way this place is these days? God, so stupid.

Joke, another money grabbing joke, and I bet I know where all the fucking extra money will go, we'll see none of it put to any good use like NHS or anything like that.

Just do what I did when beer became so expensive. Take drugs! A lot more people will because it's a cheaper night out.
Just do what I did when beer became so expensive. Take drugs! A lot more people will because it's a cheaper night out.

I'd never take drugs again, been there done that bought the t-shirt before I was pregnant, pointless and more risky than beer. But a good point there, more people are going to be taking drugs now... Great.
Man alive, just nuked my leftover pizza from yesterday for lunch and burnt the top of my mouth.
The pizza was hot but not too hot, the ketchup I'd put on the other day was quite hot too but not too much, but the salad cream I'd put on the day before, F' me it was hot enough to weld metal... :SHOCK:
Man alive, just nuked my leftover pizza from yesterday for lunch and burnt the top of my mouth.
The pizza was hot but not too hot, the ketchup I'd put on the other day was quite hot too but not too much, but the salad cream I'd put on the day before, F' me it was hot enough to weld metal... :SHOCK:

Mixing Salad Cream and Tomato sauce makes a nice a dip or dressing

I first saw it on Step Brothers :LOL:
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