The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

You're right as well that's the sad thing, everything you've said is spot on. I remember when I lost my job ages ago before I was pregnant and I went there every other day and it was just awful, full of bums, chavs smoking fags, and immigrants who couldn't speak English. I feel sorry for anyone who has to get there.

what makes it worse is that if the company i work for has a bad quater - i may be in there signing on :| OR if my client goes bankcrupt

I hope we meet target

Im considering leaving the country if that happens - i mean, its not like these fairly easy office jobs are plentiful is it :[
Its like a hospital, only worse - you feel like time stands still and you're just waiting to die. You can look from one side of the room to the other and feel physically sick by the people you see in there - do they wash? when was the last time they took a shower or brushed their teeth? Can they speak properly?! Fuck no - stupid fucking illiterate scum (not the ones that are actually trying to find work or or have a valid reason for being there - other then - 'im lazy, so give me money')

I had to go to the Job Centre, so i could be able to pay a small fee for my BTEC course, otherwise i had to pay the normal fee, which would be £700 or something...but i won't go into all that.

I have to agree with you about the people in the Job Centre. Some of them are a bit dodgy. I remember seing some teenagers there just messing about and being happy to claim free money from the goverment lol!

The Job Centre is a embarrasing place to be in. It's just too awkard being in there.
Man it makes me forget about my PS3 gripe in here guys, I feel for you Sarah, they system does not work for the average law abiding citizen, I was hoping that would change with the so called crunch. And DS, just do it, if you can get abroad go for it, if I didn't have the ties I'd be off like a shot...
whatever happened to '9 to 5'?!

Where did that go??

Now its in early stay late, work weekends, do work from home.

Blackberry, laptop, remote access. aaaaagh!!

Do you remember what it was like to relax?
People are getting laid off- not getting employed, get out if you can DS!! This country is a joke. I can't believe you still haven't got your PS3 back Nick, I'd die of boredom without mine so I'd get it back like a flash!!

They called back, I had a right go at them as well, after doing so they said my money shall be in tomorrow and it will be paid every week as usual. Didn't even say sorry, the cheek. What do they expect me to do, go without food? Cheeky bastards.
Man it makes me forget about my PS3 gripe in here guys, I feel for you Sarah, they system does not work for the average law abiding citizen, I was hoping that would change with the so called crunch. And DS, just do it, if you can get abroad go for it, if I didn't have the ties I'd be off like a shot...

im SO badly considering (only if i lose my job and cant get another one or interviews to hold out hope of one) moving abroad until the job market picks up. I'm saving up and putting away roughly £500 a month. By October i will have 10k and that (i hope) would last me a couple of years in an economy like Argentina. Where i can rent a lovely apartment in a nice part of the city, enjoy the sun, relax, see a bit of a country that has always fasinated me
People are getting laid off- not getting employed, get out if you can DS!! This country is a joke. I can't believe you still haven't got your PS3 back Nick, I'd die of boredom without mine so I'd get it back like a flash!!

They called back, I had a right go at them as well, after doing so they said my money shall be in tomorrow and it will be paid every week as usual. Didn't even say sorry, the cheek. What do they expect me to do, go without food? Cheeky bastards.

They dont care - i think thats what it boils down to...They just dont care.

Im saving up, i really am. This country is on the rocks.

Now that they've started printing money - the only way is down. Inflation is going to go through the roof and will worsen the recession.
The effects of printing money will last for years. I cant see us getting back on track until at least 2012.
I have just found out my jig saw has been loaned out too, apparently ages ago to the next door neighbour of my other half's mum's friend.
I tell you I'm getting cheesed off here, apparently I hardly ever use it. Well yes I'm not a friggin joiner!!, I only use the bog every so often why not give that away too... :RANT:
I have just found out my jig saw has been loaned out too, apparently ages ago to the next door neighbour of my other half's mum's friend.
I tell you I'm getting cheesed off here, apparently I hardly ever use it. Well yes I'm not a friggin joiner!!, I only use the bog every so often why not give that away too... :RANT:


I'd be having serious words with the missus here, it's just not on.
She sounds fine, she just needs a good slap. She must give good blowjobs for you to put up with her giving all your stuff away.
She sounds fine, she just needs a good slap. She must give good blowjobs for you to put up with her giving all your stuff away.


Totally agree with everything thats being said about the Job Centre and being unemployed in this thread. They don't actually do anything to help you get back into work. All you do is go in there once a fortnight with a list of jobs you have applied for and they sign it and let you go. I can tell you over the phone what I have applied for, why make me waste petrol visiting the fucking place?!
When I took a break from employment in the UK a couple of years ago, I considered taking up the benefits but I just didn't want them having my information and all the hassle just for a few measly quid. Mind you, I was living at the family home so didn't need it as badly as Yana.

Oh, the Labour Party for things that piss me off. Haven't got a fucking clue. Since 1997.
Would have been a lot worse with Tory's in charge...
Damn, is that the only comeback?:CONF:

The fact is the Tories spent the 80's very painfully for all us cleaning up the utter mess of the 70's Labour. largely by tightening belts, raising vat etc. At least there was some semblance of sense about their policies, and I am no Conservative (Tory is a misnomer if you know your history) supporter.

Admittedly, the Conservatives ran out of steam after about 12 years and it dragged on too long. Still, the economy was in great shape, there was money in the bank - all squandered by Labour's aimless "policies" - no direction - just throwing good money after bad like an immature kid. Oh, and the roads are shite - but you're probably too young to remember them as they were unfortunately.

Cameron ain't my fave though!
Not being able to find my crappy mobile phone and not knowing if it's been thrown out by mistake or been nicked by the gas bloke who serviced the boiler. Hmmmm.

It was given to me so i'm not out of pocket and it was falling apart but I hate just not knowing.
Not being able to find my crappy mobile phone and not knowing if it's been thrown out by mistake or been nicked by the gas bloke who serviced the boiler. Hmmmm.

It was given to me so i'm not out of pocket and it was falling apart but I hate just not knowing.

Have you tried ringing it?
Yeah but I'm guessing it's dead as it's not connecting. It would be dead by now anyway as the crappy battery only lasts a day or 2. The last time I know I used it was Thursday which was the day before boiler man came. I'm guessing the little ones has thrown it into the bin or she's done something like dumped it into the Mcdonald's bag when she's seen us putting the rubbish in there and she's tried to help.
Not being able to find my crappy mobile phone and not knowing if it's been thrown out by mistake or been nicked by the gas bloke who serviced the boiler. Hmmmm.

It was given to me so i'm not out of pocket and it was falling apart but I hate just not knowing.

Damn I hate that, with my work it was like losing an arm when mine got run over, but at least I knew it was dead, have you had it blocked or is it a PAYG...
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