The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

CW, you should post the game back to him with a cover letter stating that it was in perfect condition when you posted it and you know this because you have played through the whole game and completed it. Say the game is his property so you have sent it back and are not willing to give him any kind of refund.

Wat de man sed:COOL:
Just spent 3 hours in the driving centre renewing my licence. I had to sit through a lecture in Japanese for an hour and then a cheesy video for another 30 minutes. A lot of messing about, including an hour drive there and back.
Funny thing though, on the way out there was a woman in front and she pulled straight out in front of a truck. There is a lane marked out to get into the traffic and she cut right across it. About a km further down the road, some prat on his mobile didn't see the curve in the road and went over a high kerb and totally fucked the side of his car.
This road goes nowhere except the driving centre so they've probably just watched the same safe driving lecture and video as me.
Just spent 3 hours in the driving centre renewing my licence. .......
This road goes nowhere except the driving centre so they've probably just watched the same safe driving lecture and video as me.

One word to say - inaka!!!("the countryside"for everyone else) Mind you, I got mine done just outside Nagoya and had the same crap as you. Still, at least it wasn't like the first time when I waited pretty much the whole working day - taking the piss doesn't come into it. Still, the driving is terrible here and they just don't seem to have heard of hands-free kits. FFS bluetooth has only recently arrived here!
Yeah, first time took me all day too, but at least the video was in English. I was knackered as well as I got up at 4.30 to watch the match then went straight there. The only thing that kept me awake during the lecture was this cute girl with a short skirt and loads of make-up.
The only thing that kept me awake during the lecture was this cute girl with a short skirt and loads of make-up.
That should be in the things that are great thread! Know all about the early/late footy games - same for me tonight/tomorrow.
Someone said a game I sold them had massive scratches on and they wanted a refund. They didn't get one, it was fine when it was sent.
Do you do your test on laid out track rather than the public roads still...

I didn't have to take one.
There are lots of learners on the road near my house though so I'm not sure if you do it on a track still.
I've got business classes at a company near my house and the bastards are always in the way. On the narrow roads, they always let absolutely everyone through so it can take 20 minutes to go 3km.
Got a reply from ebay nobhead this morning

Hi Chris

I can assure you that my son has tried to play the game on the day it arrived on a couple of occasions and then the next day in his friends console to see if the freezing was still occurring. My son informed me that it freezed the first time he used it and every time since, he is also very careful with his XBox games as he is fully aware they will not operate if they become scratched

kind regards

My reply

I played the game through to the end without any problems at all and have all of the achievements to prove it. Had there been any issue with the game prior to me selling it I would have noticed.
They do game repairs at Gamestation and they will be able to remove that scratch for a small fee

I wonder what he will reply with now
DJ Doc has sent me ANOTHER 360 friend request. You'd think he'd take the hint after being refused a number of times before.
DJ Doc has sent me ANOTHER 360 friend request. You'd think he'd take the hint after being refused a number of times before.
Hahaha what a nob. I'd just block him. As if he doesn't get the hint, I reckon he's got an account on here somewhere, people like him don't just disappear...
Being without my Macbook Pro for 7-10 days.

Adding to that, spilling milk on it, and having a mate that held onto one side half of it when I tried taking it back off him, thus loosening the hinge for the lid and making it all floppy.

Being too lazy to do anything about it until now. (though luckily my warranty doesn't expire until the 25th of next month)
Hahaha what a nob. I'd just block him. As if he doesn't get the hint, I reckon he's got an account on here somewhere, people like him don't just disappear...

Dave's not all bad.

If we had a no holds barred rants section or something where he could take his frustrations out, I reckon he'd be fine on the general forum.
Bluetooth has only just arrived in Japan!?!?!?!?
Yup! Pretty much never seen until 2008. Absolutely ridiculous. Also Blackberry's have only recently cropped up on the scene. Bizarre for a country that has mobiles with regular telly available. I guess if the Japanese don't make the technology then it is going to have a hard time getting established.
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