The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Sarah, she will have been offered the money for the stories by the magazines and papers, she wouldn't have actively gone to them and said give me cash I'm a cancer whore. Like I said before, she's not having a good time with the money or doing it purely for self gain, she's going to die so she's taking what's thrown at her to give her kids a better life when she's gone. In her situation most people would do the same.

If there wasn't this stupid celebrity culture then she would have disappeared back into obscurity 5 years ago but because there is, time and time again she's had offers to do things like TV shows etc because people lap it up, she seems to attract attention and it sells. If you were vaguely famous cos you went on a TV show and someone says 'Hey we can do this TV show for you? How does £30k sound?" you're hardly gonna say "Nah, you're alright, think I'll go back to my council house and my shitty 9-5 job.". You'd seize the oppurtunity and do it.

I really don't get how you can feel so angry towards someone who is basically just a bit of a numpty. She's not vindictive, she's not going round hurting anyone. Compare her to Karen Matthews, or Gary Glitter, or even that Chris Brown fella who's beating his missus, they're all far worse and yet people seem to have this burning hatred for Jade flippin' Goody and people can't even feel sorry for her or kids when she's dying of cancer!

Baffles me.
What prince harry did was much worse than what Jade did.

Seems like the super wealthy and the super not so wealthy's can be as stupid and ignorant as eachother.

I doubt you would get people saying these things about harry. At least Jade made all her own money. While Harry pisses all of his up on 50 pound cocktails with all of his mates on the tax payer.

I said it once and I will say it again. After having seen family die of cancer - I would never wish it on my worst enemy.

Hopefully her kids do not get too fucked up over it and come out well rounded people and learn from their mums mistakes and use the money left to them wisely.
100% agree.

Bobby for PM.
I really don't get how you can feel so angry towards someone who is basically just a bit of a numpty. She's not vindictive, she's not going round hurting anyone. Compare her to Karen Matthews, or Gary Glitter, or even that Chris Brown fella who's beating his missus, they're all far worse and yet people seem to have this burning hatred for Jade flippin' Goody and people can't even feel sorry for her or kids when she's dying of cancer!

Baffles me.

Who has been saying they don't feel sorry for her kids and family?

Of course those other names deserve to be mentioned if you're talking about shitty people. But no one is going to start posting 'oh you know what, this bloke round mine shouts all night and he's pissing me off... incidentally for the record here is my current updated list of people who piss me off'. I can't stand Jade, she gets cancer and then suddenly I'm supposed to like her? Or supposed to suddenly change how I feel about her?

Why should I suddenly like her more because she's dying?

I hate people who flip back and forth like that. They'll bitch about someone and then when they die they're the first to rush over to the grieving family to say what a great person they were and how they'll really miss them. Some lad in my school who was a complete shit and who threatened a teacher with a knife (this was like in 96 before knifes became common) ended up getting into a fight and getting stabbed. The headmaster was on tv the next day say what a great pupil he was and how he was so kind, such a great help in the church (it was a churchy type school) and blah blah. He was a little shit who tried to stab someone else but they got there first and suddenly he's portrayed as the victim. I'm not saying Jade did something really bad to someone and then bad happened to her, it's just an example of how when shit happens to someone everyone suddenly forgets about how crappy they are and leaps on the sympathy bandwagon to avoid looking heartless.
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You have to admit for someone with very little education (or so it seems) she has played her media hand very well, I imagine she is now just making what she can to leave to her kids...

On the little kid having a baby thing, some other kid has come forward claiming to be the dad, so now they are having a paternity test. Jeremy Kyle here they come.
No doubt the lad who has come forward is her toy boy... :P
Man it just shows how all this gets to the average person on the street and just shows how our form of government does not represent or act in the way the majority of the people would like... Revolution my friends, Revolution, we need a fundamental change in power...
Well to take the focus off Jade for a while..

Why do some people park their bloody trolleys across idles in supermarkets? And then when you ask to get past they huff and puff as if you're the problem and you're just asking them to move it to be an arse.

Those selfish shits piss me off.
Well to take the focus off Jade for a while..

Why do some people park their bloody trolleys across idles in supermarkets? And then when you ask to get past they huff and puff as if you're the problem and you're just asking them to move it to be an arse.

Those selfish shits piss me off.
I just whizz their trolley down the aisle, or do a swap with mine and park it a few aisles away, or better still grab expensive crap and stick it in there... :JAY:
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I don't like Jade goody but she isn't racist

Its just some jumped up P.C people getting on another bandwagon. Just like this whole ridiculous Golly Wog and ST Georges Day thing

Soon we will be slaughtered for singing our own "racist" national anthem at footy
Hopefully her kids do not get too fucked up over it and come out well rounded people and learn from their mums mistakes and use the money left to them wisely.

I would find it extremely hard to believe that her kids will be well rounded when they'll have grown up having money thrown at them.

Doubly hard when their mum is Jade Goody.

I'm with Radiation on this, I feel bad for her kids because I wouldn't wish anyone to have their parents, or other family members to die, especially so young. But I honestly couldn't give a shit about her, and don't feel the slightest bit sorry for her.
I feel sorry for anyone that has it. The wife's father died of it last year. Two years of pain, eating through a tube and having no energy before he finally went. A fuckin' great man just wasting away and it was really difficult to watch.
Its in the paper today that the Girl who has a baby with the 13 year old was sleeping with up to 8 other young lads at the time she got pregnant, so i doubt its even his baby now

What a little slag, the parents on both sides are twats as well, one put up a sign saying "Horny as Hell" in the window because all of this escapade is really funny aint it
Jeremy Kyle show much? Wouldn't surprise me if they go on there for a DNA test. I'll lol.

And @ Goody thing, I feel sorry for kids and family, no children should have their parent die when they're so young.
I would find it extremely hard to believe that her kids will be well rounded when they'll have grown up having money thrown at them.

Doubly hard when their mum is Jade Goody.

I'm with Radiation on this, I feel bad for her kids because I wouldn't wish anyone to have their parents, or other family members to die, especially so young. But I honestly couldn't give a shit about her, and don't feel the slightest bit sorry for her.

Just because they have lots of money available to them - doesn't mean it will be thrown at them.

Also the money might make them go to a decent school and their education might be quite good.

I think its sad that she is dying of cancer - but I am not crying my eyes out because of it. She is nothing to me. But people having such a hatred towards her is ridiculous and they need to put things into perspective.

I think people feel more offended that she is stupid and made so much money from it - its jealousy in a way. I think that is the route of everybody's hatred towards her. They think 'I'm quite an educated person, I have not said anything that could be concieved of racism on done anything bad in my life- but I am not wealthy......its not fair!'

I also find it hard to believe that anybody that has seen somebody die from it - does not find some compassion for a person going through it.....especially when they haven't done anything bad to you, or really anything that bad in general.
I wouldn't say I'm jealous that she's made money from being stupid. It's annoying that she has so many fans and gets loads of money and praise, had her own tv shows, perfume etc. While hard working decent folk like fire fighters and nurses and so on get little to nothing. It sets a bad example to the kids of today.

If you get kids looking at how hard working people struggle and then look at Jade and think 'well she went into big brother and is minted' they'll obviously choose the easy route. Kids want to be rich and famous, Jade shows them 'no matter how fick you are you can be rich and famous like me too iniit, nah where's me key-bab and oh hang onto this for a second my minge is itchy'

Just look at how many teenage girls get pregnant and have come from a shitty family that are on the dole and live in a house that the council pay for. Actually look at that 14 or 15 yr old girl who shagged that 12 yr old and then look at the family she's from. They see that their family are getting everything handed to them and so they follow.

Then there are the young girls who have had Jordan as a role model and have gone into glamour modelling. They usually have them on an episode of Jeremy Kyle or Trisha and do things like ask their parents what they think and the girls always say 'It ain't got nuffin to do wiv dem as it Trsh-Ah... It my life N eye can do wut eye want wiv it.' They're always covered in bruises and talk about how their new boy friend doesn't beat them like the last one did. Sure there are success stories and a few people who make it big but then they just end up inspiring the next generation of losers to follow in their footsteps.

But that's more that I'm annoyed with the general public than Jade herself. The morons who have no lives of their own so have to half live it through a semi famous celebrity. "What's that? Heat magazines top 20 tips for good breakfast by Victoria Beckham?, well i must buy that because it's posh spice!" Then they dress like the magazines have told them to because some random woman with more money than sense has started wearing red and green and therefore everyone now has to wear red and green or you're SO passed it.


Also just for the record - I've seen 5 family members die from cancer. It seems people are throwing that in as a 'well clearly you haven't because you wouldn't think the way you do otherwise'
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I wouldn't say I'm jealous that she's made money from being stupid. It's annoying that she has so many fans and gets loads of money and praise, had her own tv shows, perfume etc. While hard working decent folk like fire fighters and nurses and so on get little to nothing. It sets a bad example to the kids of today.

If you get kids looking at how hard working people struggle and then look at Jade and think 'well she went into big brother and is minted' they'll obviously choose the easy route. Kids want to be rich and famous, Jade shows them 'no matter how fick you are you can be rich and famous like me too iniit, nah where's me key-bab and oh hang onto this for a second my minge is intchy'

Just look at how many teenage girls get pregnant and have come from a shitty family that are on the dole and live in a house that the council pay for. Actually look at that 14 or 15 yr old girl who shagged that 12 yr old and then look at the family she's from. They see that their family are getting everything handed to them and so they follow.

Then there are the young girls who have had Jordan as a role model and have gone into glamour modelling. They usually have them on an episode of Jeremy Kyle or Trisha and do things like ask their parents what they think and the guys always say 'It ain't got nuffin to do wiv dem as it Trsh-Ah... It my life N eye can do wut eye want wiv it.' They're always covered in bruises and talk about how their new boy friend doesn't beat them like the last one did. Sure there are success stories and a few people who make it big but then they just end up inspiring the next generation of losers to follow in their footsteps.

But that's more that I'm annoyed with the general public than Jade herself. The morons who have no lives of their own so have to half live it through a semi famous celebrity. "What's that? Heat magazines top 20 tips for good breakfast by Victoria Beckham?, well i must buy that because it's posh spice!" Then they dress like the magazines have told them to because some random woman with more money than sense has started wearing red and green and therefore everyone now has to wear red and green or you're SO passed it.


Also just for the record - I've seen 5 family members die from cancer. It seems people are throwing that in as a 'well clearly you haven't because you wouldn't think the way you do otherwise'

I wasn't throwing it like that - I am just deeply shocked that if people have seen Cancer kill someone, they can not feel some sympathy for someone suffering from it.

Jade didn't get pregnant at a young age etc

I think it is a mass generalisation to group all of these people like that.

People like to call other people morons for liking certain things. If people like to read those magazines then whats the problem! you don't have to read them.

Its the same attitude that people get with watching Big brother - most of the people that say it is rubbish/lowest form of entertainment etc usually have never even watched it. they just refuse to watch it.

Its snobbery at the end of the day.

Just because people are uneducated it doesn't make them a bad person. Just makes them in need of an education.
My nan died of it when I was four. My Grandad has it right now.

Still doesn't change the fact that we'd be better off without people like Jade Goody on this planet.

I think we would be better off if those greedy bankers were not on this planet. I think the really well educated people that abuse and manipulate situations for their own personal gain, are a much bigger problem for society.

I think the major thing that kids have learnt from Jade Goody is that Racism is bad and if you are racist you are in the wrong and will be condemned for it.
Yeah I dont see how the world will be any better or worse without her? That's such a stupid thing to say! They'll just replace her with somebody else and I guess everyone will despise them instead.

I don't get what she's done wrong? She hasn't asked for fame, she's been given it on a plate. And even if she had, it doesn't really affect any of us anyway so what's to hate?

Really baffles me.
I think we would be better off if those greedy bankers were not on this planet. I think the really well educated people that abuse and manipulate situations for their own personal gain, are a much bigger problem for society.

I think the major thing that kids have learnt from Jade Goody is that Racism is bad and if you are racist you are in the wrong and will be condemned for it.

Yeah I dont see how the world will be any better or worse without her? That's such a stupid thing to say! They'll just replace her with somebody else and I guess everyone will despise them instead.

I don't get what she's done wrong? She hasn't asked for fame, she's been given it on a plate. And even if she had, it doesn't really affect any of us anyway so what's to hate?

Really baffles me.

"I think we would be better off if those greedy bankers were not on this planet. I think the really well educated people that abuse and manipulate situations for their own personal gain, are a much bigger problem for society."

Sure but that's taking a small random point about Jade and saying 'you shouldn't think or say that because there are bigger fish to fry'. We may as well close this entire thread if that's the way we're supposed to think of things. Something trivial pissing you off? Well tough because there are worse things in life.

"She hasn't asked for fame, she's been given it on a plate."

I'm sure one of her reasons for being in the big brother house, the same as most of them was 'to be rich and famous'. Davina always says every years that's that is what they all list as the reason for going in. Some add a few other reasons on there but they all list that one.

"Sarah, she will have been offered the money for the stories by the magazines and papers, she wouldn't have actively gone to them and said give me cash I'm a cancer whore"

Max Clifford said that is exactly what she did do (or asked him to do on her behalf), though she's doing it to raise money for her kids.
She's already earned millions since big Brother so what does she need another penny for now?

I wasn't throwing it like that - I am just deeply shocked that if people have seen Cancer kill someone, they can not feel some sympathy for someone suffering from it.

So if Gary Glitter or say those who tortured Baby P to death get cancer tomorrow we're all supposed to feel sorry for them? I'm not classing Jade and them in the same group of people at all, I'm just saying, if the rule is 'cancer = automatic sympathy' Then where are we supposed to stand on Glitter or people like that?

Hey her dying of cancer is shit and it's not nice. Yes I admit I was harsh saying good riddance, that was uncalled for to be honest. But I'm not going to pretend she's great and forgot everything I've read about her and forgot the opinion I've formed and be a hypocrite jumping on the 'oh poor jade' bandwagon about all of this. If this was 2 years ago and I was calling her names people wouldn't care, they either laugh or say 'actually i like her', but as soon as cancer comes 'oh you can't say anything bad about her'. Poor kids yeah but then with the money and support that family already has it's not as if they need my sympathy over another family who aren't going to be given thousands of pounds of money, who have nothing and are going through cancer right now as well.

I'm annoyed by the Jade cancer thing as well because a friend was saying how sad it was and that she was going to send some money to Jade. When I said 'why? you don't even know her and she's already got millions' she said 'but think of her poor kids'. So I said 'you don't know her kids either and you know there are lots of families out there in the same boat who aren't getting money and help like Jade is, why not help them instead?' All I got was a shrug of the shoulders.
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Sure but that's taking a small random point about Jade and saying 'you shouldn't think or say that because there are bigger fish to fry'. We may as well close this entire thread if that's the way we're supposed to think of things. Something trivial pissing you off? Well tough because there are worse things in life.

I'm just saying - she hasn't done anything wrong?

I'm sure one of her reasons for being in the big brother house, the same as most of them was 'to be rich and famous'. Davina always says every years that's that is what they all list as the reason for going in. Some add a few other reasons on there but they all list that one.

So what? - why does that make them bad people?

Max Clifford said that is exactly what she did do (or asked him to do on her behalf), though she's doing it to raise money for her kids.
She's already earned millions since big Brother so what does she need another penny for now?.

She apparently lost lots of money when all the Shilpa Shetty stuff happened - also why does anybody who makes lots of money carry on making lots of money?.......because they can.

So if Gary Glitter or say those who tortured Baby P to death get cancer tomorrow we're all supposed to feel sorry for them? I'm not classing Jade and them in the same group of people at all, I'm just saying, if the rule is 'cancer = automatic sympathy' Then where are we supposed to stand on Glitter or people like that?.

this is what I am saying - Jade hasn't done anything wrong? - you don't have to change your opinion of her. But you should be able to show a bit of sympathy for someone suffering an illness such as cancer.

People like Gary glitter that have done horrible things - I can understand people not carring and hoping to suffer. As this is what they have done to others. But Jade hasn't done anything wrong?!

Hey her dying of cancer is shit and it's not nice. Yes I admit I was harsh saying good riddance, that was uncalled for to be honest. But I'm not going to pretend she's great and forgot everything I've read about her and forgot the opinion I've formed and be a hypocrite jumping on the 'oh poor jade' bandwagon about all of this. If this was 2 years ago and I was calling her names people wouldn't care, they either laugh or say 'actually i like her', but as soon as cancer comes 'oh you can't say anything bad about her'. Poor kids yeah but then with the money and support that family already has it's not as if they need my sympathy over another family who aren't going to be given thousands of pounds of money, who have nothing and are going through cancer right now as well..

I don't think you have to be like that - you can say 'I really don't like her or anything she stands for, but it's horrible that she has to die in that way'

Why do you have to say you suddenly like her? or that you can't say bad stuff about her?

I'm annoyed by the Jade cancer thing as well because a friend was saying how sad it was and that she was going to send some money to Jade. When I said 'why? you don't even know her and she's already got millions' she said 'but think of her poor kids'. So I said 'you don't know her kids either and you know there are lots of families out there in the same boat who aren't getting money and help like Jade is, why not help them instead?' All I got was a shrug of the shoulders.

That is ridiculous! and I agree. Best thing she can do is send money to a cancer charity.

Also you seem to call people that read all of those magazines and read those stories morons - yet you seem to be the most clued up person on the whole situation? :DD
Haha, I have to hear all about these desperate celebrities from the papers and friends and on Living during the ads. They seem to have ads for heat magazine and all the others every few seconds so all I hear over and over is 'find out who Paris Hilton kissed in heat this week' 'shocking truth about what happened in the big brother house with Dave and Sarah'. They've started appearing on the kids tv channels so my little one will be sat watching spongebob and then the ads come on and half will be toys and half will be directed at stay at home mums so it's cleaning things and 'get some education and get out of the house' things and then 'celeb gossip mags'.

It shouldn't bother me so much that people care about this rubbish but it's a joke these days. Why are drugged up losers like Amy Winehouse getting paid loads of money when there are way more talented people out there who don't do drugs and who aren't showing kids that it's acceptable to do what Winehouse does.

Jade is along the same lines in my eyes. She does nothing, has no real talent and yet has loads of money and fame. Kids see that and think 'why bother with exams and hard work'. The kids where the girlfriend works are EXACTLY like that. Any time they're asked to do work there is always someone who points out that 'celeb A' or 'footballer A' etc.. didn't pass their GCSE's and they're rich so what's the point.

Hearing she's dying is bad for her but its nothing to me. 2 years ago if I'd said 'I can't stand the bitch' no one would have blinked an eye, say that today and you get the 'that's nasty, she is dying!' comeback.
I know this it the vent your spleen thread on the boards and OT has a pretty relaxed stance on near on everything, but let's say we just let the previous posts lie, and be done with it and move on. I really dont think this thread needs to go any further regards the battle lines being drawn up. I would say everyone knows of a person or family member who has had cancer or died from it, it is a cruel disease; it smites rich or famous, poor and unknowns.

Tell ya what pisses me off, people who cant fooking drive right, either people who drift into your lane, or tubes who drive up your fooking tailpipe, arseholes!
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