The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Fucking disgraceful, she should know better for a start. I'm starting to hate this country

Earlier a guy at work said that on Christian O'Connell's radio show this morning he's was taking the piss. Something along the lines of how she isn't a looker, but to make it worse he's banged a ginge!

Might have to see if he has a podcast...

The thing about that that really narks is that we're going to be paying for them to have a house and all other 'perks' now...
I'm sorry but the resembalance is uncanny


How fucking disturbing!

And how the hell can a kid, who has clearly not started puberty yet, have the 'tools' for making babies?!? :CONFUSE:
It's actually sickening seeing the photos and thinking that they are that babies parents, physically sickening.
“I didn’t think about how we would afford it. I don’t really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10.”


Seriously, someone lend me a lot of money so I can get the hell out of this place... I dread our son ending up like this. I'll try my damn best to not let him become like many kids are these days. Disgrace. Any parent trying to defend themselves who pretty much let their kids do what they want is talking absolute drivel.
Are social services kicking the shit out of his and her parents then or are the doing that annoying thing of helping them loads now?
Oh and Jade Goody has cancer or something? Am I an evil bastard for not being gutted by that news one tiny bit... or maybe even a little happy that the fat talentless pig faced racist shit is on her way out?

Does anyone else has a list of people that if they died you'd actually be happy about seeing their stupid fucking annoying faces gone or am i just a miserable bastard?

She's been given the news that she'll be dead within a few months, so you'll get your wish soon.

27 year old mother of two, no age at all, she may be a "minger" and all that but I find it hard not to feel sad for her and her family.
I feel sad for her kids and that but I couldn't give a toss about her. Good riddance.

Same here, fucking disgrace making money out of cancer as if you'd do that really, fucking publicity stunt I bet, it'll turn out to be. Either way she's still a cunt.
Same here, fucking disgrace making money out of cancer as if you'd do that really, fucking publicity stunt I bet, it'll turn out to be. Either way she's still a cunt.

Oh come on she ain't that bad. What's she actually done wrong other than the fact she's just a stupid girl who gets money thrown at her because the real idiots in this country pay to read stories in the shitty magazines and 'news'papers.

She's only as 'racist' as the majority of the UK, which is more ignorance than anything else.

She's been told she's going to die in her mid-twenties and her two young lads will grow up without a mum so if the Sun or Hello want to pay her £x,000 then she's bound to take it so they have something and she can leave them a good a life as possible.

She hasn't hurt anyone, she's just a bit of a tit. I dont get how you can feel so angry towards her?
What prince harry did was much worse than what Jade did.

Seems like the super wealthy and the super not so wealthy's can be as stupid and ignorant as eachother.

I doubt you would get people saying these things about harry. At least Jade made all her own money. While Harry pisses all of his up on 50 pound cocktails with all of his mates on the tax payer.

I said it once and I will say it again. After having seen family die of cancer - I would never wish it on my worst enemy.

Hopefully her kids do not get too fucked up over it and come out well rounded people and learn from their mums mistakes and use the money left to them wisely.
What a vile bitch you are.
Thanks, I love you too. :)

I'm with Rad, it's not just because she's been racist, the fact she's using her illness to make money is disgusting. There's tonnes of celebrities out there who have had cancer and ya don't see them rushing to the papers every 5 minutes selling stories about it for millions. And then because of that, she gets all these "miracle drugs" that normal people could have but no they don't get them offered do they... Stupid, piss take.
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