The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Look, I don't like cauliflower cheese, that's all, alright? Christ that's the last time I go for a meal with you, you didn't even offer to pay for it you pig.



Banks making PROFITS of over £6 BILLION POUNDS!!!!

How much of that is from those fucking overdraft charges of £35?!

I dread to think. I get £35 charge then £30 on top of that for every payment. If millions of people do that... Jesus.
C'mon banks aren't that bad, they get a lot of bad press. That profit isn't just used to sit there and pay the CEO a load of money, it's used to finance all sorts of shit around the globe to make things tick over.

It's true, the fee's are quite high but you know full well that if you go over your limit then you're gonna get charged, it's no secret so it's just a case of looking after your account better. I've never been charged, I've got my limit and I just make sure I don't go over it, simple as that.

What about gas companies? They make fucking loads of profit and still the public pay more and more each year whilst the companies get it cheaper. People struggle to pay their bills, which they've got no choice over as they have to keep their house warm and cook food... That's shit!

But then our government privatised them so they are businesses now and in a way are entitled to make as much money as they can. If the government controlled it we wouldn't be in this mess.
C'mon banks aren't that bad, they get a lot of bad press. That profit isn't just used to sit there and pay the CEO a load of money, it's used to finance all sorts of shit around the globe to make things tick over.

It's true, the fee's are quite high but you know full well that if you go over your limit then you're gonna get charged, it's no secret so it's just a case of looking after your account better. I've never been charged, I've got my limit and I just make sure I don't go over it, simple as that.

What about gas companies? They make fucking loads of profit and still the public pay more and more each year whilst the companies get it cheaper. People struggle to pay their bills, which they've got no choice over as they have to keep their house warm and cook food... That's shit!

But then our government privatised them so they are businesses now and in a way are entitled to make as much money as they can. If the government controlled it we wouldn't be in this mess.

Banks are bastards!

How can you be given so much money by the government to bail you out - then give your employees hundreds of thousands of pounds as a bonus?!!

They shouldn't be given any bonuses at all.

They are the only place that can fuck up so much - but still get all of the benefits.

That money the government gives to them is our money to help them out - then they give them selves a pat on the back and give themselves huge bonuses?!!

Thats like giving your mate your last £100 pounds as he says he is skint and then finding out he actually had £20 grand in the bank - he just didn't want to touch it.

Its a big kick in the nuts for everybody struggling in this recession - that the banks who are the root of the recession in the first place, are still getting big fat pay cheques and bonuses on top for fucking up big time.

I think the banks should have been helped out and given money as the whole thing could be much worse otherwise - but the whole thing of them getting bonuses is ridiculous!
Man Hawkster that bites, do you still have alot of the white stuff your way, apart from the fields and the odd pavement its all clear on the roads here...

Sorry haven't really checked this for a while

It cleared up pretty much last Friday but you can still slip and skid if you're not careful Whereabout in WY you live Nick?
Banks are bastards!

How can you be given so much money by the government to bail you out - then give your employees hundreds of thousands of pounds as a bonus?!!

They shouldn't be given any bonuses at all.

They are the only place that can fuck up so much - but still get all of the benefits.

That money the government gives to them is our money to help them out - then they give them selves a pat on the back and give themselves huge bonuses?!!

Thats like giving your mate your last £100 pounds as he says he is skint and then finding out he actually had £20 grand in the bank - he just didn't want to touch it.

Its a big kick in the nuts for everybody struggling in this recession - that the banks who are the root of the recession in the first place, are still getting big fat pay cheques and bonuses on top for fucking up big time.

I think the banks should have been helped out and given money as the whole thing could be much worse otherwise - but the whole thing of them getting bonuses is ridiculous!

Yeah but not all the banks have been given money by the government! HSBC definitely hasn't, they are very stable compared to the other high street banks and I dont think Barclays for example got their bailout money from the government.

Also a lot of people who work for banks (I dont mean big wig dickhead city bankers and that lot) will have their annual pay a bit lower than it should be on the pretense that they get an annual bonus based on their performance each year to top it up. It's not a lot, believe me. They've still worked hard all year, it's not their fault the recession is happening, they're all struggling to pay bills etc just like everyone else, just cos they work for a bank does that mean they should be punished for others mistakes and be hit in the pocket?

I see what you're saying but in order for the bank to be their in the first place for people to put their money in they need to be running a sustainable business or it will just crash and everyone will be fucked.

The media is painting a bad picture and putting it in people's minds.
Yeah but not all the banks have been given money by the government! HSBC definitely hasn't, they are very stable compared to the other high street banks and I dont think Barclays for example got their bailout money from the government.

Also a lot of people who work for banks (I dont mean big wig dickhead city bankers and that lot) will have their annual pay a bit lower than it should be on the pretense that they get an annual bonus based on their performance each year to top it up. It's not a lot, believe me. They've still worked hard all year, it's not their fault the recession is happening, they're all struggling to pay bills etc just like everyone else, just cos they work for a bank does that mean they should be punished for others mistakes and be hit in the pocket?

I see what you're saying but in order for the bank to be their in the first place for people to put their money in they need to be running a sustainable business or it will just crash and everyone will be fucked.

The media is painting a bad picture and putting it in people's minds.

The people I am talking about are getting 6 figure bonuses. I am also talking about RBS who got alot of money from the government.

There is a sustainable business - but banks are on another level. They basically have been given the right whether they fuck up or not, to get awarded for it.

I do think that if a business has been bailed out like RBS with hundreds of millions of pounds of tax payers money. Then they should not be able to give individual employees hundreds of thousands in bonuses.

I also put banks in the same breath as Gas/electric and Fuel companies aswell - we are getting ripped off big time.
The people I am talking about are getting 6 figure bonuses. I am also talking about RBS who got alot of money from the government.

There is a sustainable business - but banks are on another level. They basically have been given the right whether they fuck up or not, to get awarded for it.

I do think that if a business has been bailed out like RBS with hundreds of millions of pounds of tax payers money. Then they should not be able to give individual employees hundreds of thousands in bonuses.

I also put banks in the same breath as Gas/electric and Fuel companies aswell - we are getting ripped off big time.

Yeah fair enough, I agree with that. A couple of the banks have really taken the piss but the way the papers go on that their now 'ours' is stupid and counterproductive. At the end of the day we pay a load of taxes in this country anyway and they go towards all sorts of shit we shouldn't be paying for, MPs ridiculously high living expensives for example. No-one's paid extra taxes for the bailouts.

Maybe I'm seeing it a bit onesided, I just think it's not as straight forward as it looks.
Yeah fair enough, I agree with that. A couple of the banks have really taken the piss but the way the papers go on that their now 'ours' is stupid and counterproductive. At the end of the day we pay a load of taxes in this country anyway and they go towards all sorts of shit we shouldn't be paying for, MPs ridiculously high living expensives for example. No-one's paid extra taxes for the bailouts.

Maybe I'm seeing it a bit onesided, I just think it's not as straight forward as it looks.

Don't get me started on MP's expenses!!!

No one has paid extra taxes - but the money that should be spent on other things has been spent on this. So things that we need have been sacrificed.

Also in London (not sure about other places) our Council taxes are going up considerably because of the current situation. There will also be alot of stealth taxes and other payments that will go up because of the situation. So people will end up paying more.

I gaurantee aswell that the people getting the 6 figure sums bonuses are not paying their full amount of tax. People that have the knowledge and earn that amount of money know all of the loop holes, to pay as little tax as possible.

Also I know alot of the big bonuses paid to Bankers are not taxed - so you were right before, when you said people get paid less to settle for the bonus, because it is another way of cheating the system and not paying the tax on what they earn.

You are right though it is not as straight forward as it is being led on the news - but it is still extremely flawed and fucked up and definately in the case of RBS Gordon Brown should step in and say it is not on.
Yeah you're right, I got confused who you were talking about cos you said banks making profit and then said about RBS, but it was Barclays who announced a profit (so IMO their staff are entitled to a bonus) and RBS who are in the shit yet still paying bonuses (I can see why that would make people angry).

My bonus is fucking pathetic and it's taxed too(I didn't know there was a loophole, I thought they had to do it?) so it doesn't just annoy you when you see some high ranking chopper getting a fuck load of dosh in a bonus!
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