The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

As soon as they react like that - the Judge should pull them back and give them another few years on top. Thats what should happen.

Or the whole court room have permission to kick the living shit out of them there and then without any fear of arrest.

Or the family are given tax payers money to pay for a big huge gimp, to go into each of their cells atleast 3 times a week and abuse them till kingdom come - then I bet they won't be laughing anymore.

Fucking horrible bastards!!!!
Five fucking years?! That's nothing!! An eye for an eye, if you take a life, and it's 100% proved that you DID it, you should have yours took too. Like child abusers, they should be abused in the exact same way then banged up for life, I'm telling you it would make more of a bloody impact than 5 years in jail... Disgusting.
Simple solution really. It costs a grand a week to house these scumbags and the British tax payer pays it. Instead, send them to somewhere like Nigeria and pay the Nigerian government £200 a week to keep them doing hard labour in a salt mine. That way, we save money and help a country out at the same time. Fuck human rights, they don't deserve them.
Simple solution really. It costs a grand a week to house these scumbags and the British tax payer pays it. Instead, send them to somewhere like Nigeria and pay the Nigerian government £200 a week to keep them doing hard labour in a salt mine. That way, we save money and help a country out at the same time. Fuck human rights, they don't deserve them.
Agree. Or send them to a prison here in Japan. They'd certainly fucking know about it then.
Bolton town centre! I've not been there for years since I moved away from Bolton to Liverpool uni. Has it become a shit hole since every thing's started closing?
Mike Riley 1
Rob Styles 1

Mike Riley's arms should be gaffa-taped to his sides to stop hime reaching for his pocket.

Having Barry Horne on the commentary feed for the game - great, a bluenose.

All the anti-LFC brigade.

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