The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Having a bollock the size of a tennis ball after getting yet another infection and it feeling like ive been kicked in em every time i move an inch.
Dogs are fail compared to cats, you actually have to bother with them.

And when you do, you end up with fifteen litres of saliva all over you, and your house absolutely stinks.

Your supposed to "bother" with pets

Dogs are a man's best friend, Cats are just useless and do nothing but play with string and think is the best thing in the world everytime they see it

websites and newspapers saying stuff like "Wenger slams Ferguson' or 'Keane blast teammates'. When you read the story it says something like 'I'm not too happy with it' or 'we could have played a little batter'. That's a blast? fuck off!
Then football365 puts it in their mediawatch as a pisstake only to put the same headline themselves on another day.
websites and newspapers saying stuff like "Wenger slams Ferguson' or 'Keane blast teammates'. When you read the story it says something like 'I'm not too happy with it' or 'we could have played a little batter'. That's a blast? fuck off!
Then football365 puts it in their mediawatch as a pisstake only to put the same headline themselves on another day.
Yep, if that was me I'd sue the buggers for miss representation or liable every time...
ITV Sport and their shit football coverage with their even shitter pundits
Home referees, who just fucking give everything to the home team including a free kick which never was, that they score from, then turn down an obvious penalty for the away team in the last minute.

Fucking pussy cunt twat dick cock face.
You travel 390 odd miles in a day and get fucking shafted by some power happy cunt with a whistle - I wasn't happy (and still aren't).

Oh well, only Bristol next week! I'm trying to swing it with work so that I work in Weymouth on Tuesday afternoon, then can shoot up to Bristol for the match in the evening :DD.
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