The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Swiftly changing topic then ...

I've got all these top films to watch but everytime I think I'll watch one, I spot 24 sitting there and end up watching that instead :(

5 more episodes left of Season 5 ... but then there's Season 6 and Season 7 has just started :(
Don't do it. It'll consume your life. Or at least all of the time you intend to spend watching movies.
Yeah, Lost is good, though I have been really curious to watch 24 recently fro the beginning.

Anyway- Topic Title - really stupid stuff like this...

Coronation Street bosses have been criticised for the decision to cover up a brass cross at a church's altar during the ITV soap's latest screen wedding for 'fear of causing offence'.

Filming of Molly (Vicky Binns) and Tyrone's (Alan Halsall) traditional English nuptials took place at St Mary's Church in Nether Alderley, Cheshire last month and the metal religious symbol was reportedly pushed behind a candelabra and artificial flowers by production staff.

Writing in his parish's magazine, The Rev James Milnes said: "How can people think it offensive to see a cross in a church, in the same way as you would normally see the Koran in a mosque or the Torah in a synagogue? That is the emblem of this faith.

"This has a resonance around the country. It plays into who we are as a nation because I do not think we have a clear idea as English people. We do not really know where we are going."

He added: "There is constant attrition to our way of life. You can't say this or you can't say that for fear of offending. Who can we possibly be offending?"

The 29-year-old vicar claimed that he was asked by Corrie staff to remove the brass cross during filming because 'they did not want to offend anyone' when the scenes aired.

Milnes went on: "The result was an obscuring of the offending article - the cross. Without the Cross there would be no Church. Our saviour opened wide his arms for us on the Cross and yet in 2008-09 the Church is compliant in obscuring it. They wanted to film a wedding in a quintessentially English church and then empty it of the very thing that makes it a church. I want us to say that obscuring the cross is a disgrace."

A Weatherfield spokesperson said: "We are looking into how and why this happened. As the Rev Milnes rightly says, we chose the church because the characters wanted a traditional religious church wedding. Covering up the cross was an error and we apologise for any upset."

It's truly disgusting and just when you think this country can't get any sillier it does, but it's sadly a sign of the times. Imagine the outrage if they'd have done that in a mosque or synagogue? Even if it is just something on a soap it's not the point... I just don't get this country. :(
You're so lucky, I wish I could afford to emigrate. But yet again, thanks to this country being so stupidly taxing and overpricing, I can't.
Exams/revising, what a load of shit :MAD:.

And, probably the thing that's pissing me off most of all at the moment, learning things that are and always will be completely of no use to me (or 99.99% of people in the country) just for the sake of answering questions in an exam on it! It totally defeats the object of education in my opinion, I always thought you go to school so that you will be a more productive worker when you leave, that seems not to be the case with what i'm learning at the moment in most of my biology/physics/maths lessons.
Exams/revising, what a load of shit :MAD:.

And, probably the thing that's pissing me off most of all at the moment, learning things that are and always will be completely of no use to me (or 99.99% of people in the country) just for the sake of answering questions in an exam on it! It totally defeats the object of education in my opinion, I always thought you go to school so that you will be a more productive worker when you leave, that seems not to be the case with what i'm learning at the moment in most of my biology/physics/maths lessons.

You go to school to learn how to fear and take orders. You learn to be cheerful and fit in.
I think these people are far to pissed off with life to enjoy it according to the post counts :LOL:

Nick Cave 272
Chris Bauer 189
Tim7 146
Radiation 139
jaygrim 135
DagsJT 121
Yana 118
Jumbo_ 108
Fuck me. Anyone who's posted more than Dags may as well just hang themselves now :((.


Got to say I'm surprised I hadn't posted in here more :LOL:

I must be mellowing out as I get older ;)

Nick clearly has issues though ...
I am fed up of very small 660cc cars blocking the outside lane at 40mph when I'm on my way to work in the morning - added to that they are driving at the same speed as the inside lane. Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!
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