The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Isn't their customer service centre in Pakistan? EVERY time I called when I was with them they couldn't understand me.
Ahh that's crap mate. Is your company suffering with the credit crunch etc then?
No, not really they're just being tight bastards I think! I'm seriously underpaid for the amount of work and job I do too. When the review does come up I'm going to stand my ground. I need at least a 5k pay rise. At least.
Well I went into work this morning and the first thing anyone said to me was 'You know that United ticket, you can have it for free if you want?' so today's not been that bad really! She couldnt get hold of the gay polish fella so it's mine all mine muuuhhahahaha!
Hmm I've just checked all my old lottery tickets, some going back months, I do the main lottery on a monthly thing but when I'm out and about or abroad I always have a go on the Euro.

I bought a couple of tickets for the Euro in Dublin late last year and had them checked at WHSmiths in town a few weeks later, when I was back home and found them in a jacket pocket.
It was late and i was the only person left in the store, I have to add at this point I never check my lottery tickets I just ask them to scan them at the machine when I remember.

Anyway I gave the girl my tickets and she go's "ooohhh these are weird, I've never seen ones like these before!", I explain they are from Dublin and chose to ignore her when she says "where's that then" and just smile.

I ask her if she can check them and give me 3 lucky dips for the next Euro lottery. She duly does my lucky dips and then starts scanning my tickets, the first one she scans and then just looks at the screen, she then scans it several times and then says it wont scan, putting it to one side she then Say's she will try the other one, this one seems to scan fine and she says that it's not a winner,and asks if I would like them back to which I say yes, I would try the other one somewhere else.

Now I apologize for this rambling tale which does come to an end but not a very exciting one, like a masked gunman bursts in demanding money and shoots the said checkout girl for asking if he'd like a bar of galaxy as they are on a half price deal with any purchase or car full of six year old joy riders smash through the window in a stolen Fiat panda with a novelty 'my other car is shit too' bumper sticker.
No, what actually happens is she takes my money and then hands me the change and my tickets...

What the hell you say, I read all that and that's how it ends, you sir are a bounder. :RANT:
But wait, fast forward a few months and I find in the same jacket pocket my lottery tickets but... only one of the Euro tickets from Dublin. Now did miss thick on till two, upon scanning my ticket discover it to be a winner and pull a fast one?
Having only won a few £10's and at most £68 on the lottery I have no idea what sound the machine makes if you win a bigger amount? Is she now sunning her over made up face on some beach on my winnings... :SHOCK:
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Hmm I've just checked all my old lottery tickets, some going back months, I do the main lottery on a monthly thing but when I'm out and about or abroad I always have a go on the Euro.

I bought a couple of tickets for the Euro in Dublin late last year and had them checked at WHSmiths in town a few weeks later, when I was back home and found them in a jacket pocket.
It was late and i was the only person left in the store, I have to add at this point I never check my lottery tickets I just ask them to scan them at the machine when I remember.

Anyway I gave the girl my tickets and she go's "ooohhh these are weird, I've never seen ones like these before!", I explain they are from Dublin and chose to ignore her when she says "where's that then" and just smile.

I ask her if she can check them and give me 3 lucky dips for the next Euro lottery. She duly does my lucky dips and then starts scanning my tickets, the first one she scans and then just looks at the screen, she then scans it several times and then says it wont scan, putting it to one side she then Say's she will try the other one, this one seems to scan fine and she says that it's not a winner,and asks if I would like them back to which I say yes, I would try the other one somewhere else.

Now I apologize for this rambling tale which does come to an end but not a very exciting one, like a masked gunman bursts in demanding money and shoots the said checkout girl for asking if he'd like a bar of galaxy as they are on a half price deal with any purchase or car full of six year old joy riders smash through the window in a stolen Fiat panda with a novelty 'my other car is shit too' bumper sticker.
No, what actually happens is she takes my money and then hands me the change and my tickets...

What the hell you say, I read all that and that's how it ends, you sir are a bounder. :RANT:
But wait, fast forward a few months and I find in the same jacket pocket my lottery tickets but... only one of the Euro tickets from Dublin. Now did miss thick on till two, upon scanning my ticket discover it to be a winner and pull a fast one?
Having only won a few £10's and at most £68 on the lottery I have no idea what sound the machine makes if you win a bigger amount? Is she now sunning her over made up face on some beach on my winnings... :SHOCK:

Why didn't you check to see what she handed you back - especially after she was quite dodgy about scanning the tickets?
Oh and people who use assisted on FIFA are really getting on my fucking nerves lately
You should get her anyway.
things to get...
1. Transit van
2. Chloroform
3. A couple of mates
4. A knotted rope or steel toe capped boots

Just take her to the countryside (if you're in Wrexham, I recommend the hills on the way to Welshpool), strip her and kick fuck out of her. Then just leave her in a pool of her own piss and blood.
I can guarantee she won't do it again.
You should get her anyway.
things to get...
1. Transit van
2. Chloroform
3. A couple of mates
4. A knotted rope or steel toe capped boots

Just take her to the countryside (if you're in Wrexham, I recommend the hills on the way to Welshpool), strip her and kick fuck out of her. Then just leave her in a pool of her own piss and blood.
I can guarantee she won't do it again.

Oi don't bring Wrexham in to this sorded plot...:SHOCK::LOL:
Though if we are in Welshpool I could call in at Shrewsbury for a drink, there used to be a fab pub on Castle Street, what was it's name again... :THINK:
You should get her anyway.
things to get...
1. Transit van
2. Chloroform
3. A couple of mates
4. A knotted rope or steel toe capped boots

Just take her to the countryside (if you're in Wrexham, I recommend the hills on the way to Welshpool), strip her and kick fuck out of her. Then just leave her in a pool of her own piss and blood.
I can guarantee she won't do it again.

It would be logical to all have a go on her while your at it too.
You should get her anyway.
things to get...
1. Transit van
2. Chloroform
3. A couple of mates
4. A knotted rope or steel toe capped boots

Just take her to the countryside (if you're in Wrexham, I recommend the hills on the way to Welshpool), strip her and kick fuck out of her. Then just leave her in a pool of her own piss and blood.
I can guarantee she won't do it again.
Were you having a bad day when you wrote this?
Anyway, for what she did I wouldn't drive further than Shotton.:P
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