The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Architects, just been on the phone with a client who's so called architect told him an RSJ for the job he wants would cost around £6-700 to fit, yeah if it's a chocolate one, the flaming RSJ alone will be about £900 minimum...
What from Dags...?

I imagine it was from the salt & pepper chicken wings from the local chippy. Usually pretty good but I guess these didn't go down too well.

Visiting the toilet at least once an hour, as well has having to get up at 5am to throw up. Not good.
My GF losing her job on the 2nd day back to work.

Unlucky mate :((

Always look on the bright side though. You will be the only bread winner, so whenever she wants anything, you can say 'only if you do this or that'. It works great for sexual favours aswell.

Holio GF 'Can I get a packet of mints'

Holio 'Only if you do xxx, then I will think about it'


Small print: just like to note that I have never done, nor will do what is suggested above. ;))

Edit: just realised that you can get xxx xtra strong mints :LOL: What a coincidence?
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:THINK: I sorted both of mine no prob's and TBH their delivery and prices have always been fantastic...

If you click on the register page, or the login page cause they both work.

You try and input something into one of the boxes for registering, and it redirects itself to the home page or some reason.
If you click on the register page, or the login page cause they both work.

You try and input something into one of the boxes for registering, and it redirects itself to the home page or some reason.
Weird... I have never had any problems with them... :BLINK:
Hmm I just went in and went straight to the summary page as usual, must be a register glitch...
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1up being sold to UGO, and now we may lose some great podcasts...........

My week really is going from bad to worse.
Wow what a shit day. 2 things really pissed me off today.

1. Getting absolutely shafted on my annual bonus at work. Its rating based and I got a plain bog standard rating despite having a good year and progressing well (they even said this in the review) and other people have been given much better ones for doing not a lot more or even less. I didn't sign the paper and said I wanted to think before I did so I'm gonna have to ask the manager if we can talk about it which is a pain in the fucking arse. As if motivating yourself for a shitty job wasn't hard enough with out crap like this happening. Arseholes.

2. A woman at work is a Man United season ticket holder, and her friend isn't going to the Chelsea match on Sunday, so she has a spare ticket.

Rather than give or sell it to one of the many United fans at work who don't get to go to OT very often or even to someone who just likes football she decides she'll ask the camp as fuck Polish guy to go with her, despite the fact he hasn't got the slightest interest in football and they're not even paticularly good friends because she thinks 'he'll enjoy the experience'.

What a fucking waste, no wonder United fans are called plastics and the atmosphere at OT is shite at times.
Fuckin hell mate :((. At least you had a pay review though, my company has suspended all ours until June at the earliest :CURSE:.
Ahh that's crap mate. Is your company suffering with the credit crunch etc then?

It wasn't a pay review, every year you have a review to talk about how you've done and everything like that and you get told what bonus rating you've achieved which every year up to now I've done fine with but this year I don't know what I've done to deserve this! I know it sounds melodramatic and maybe arrogant but it's true.

You've got a standard 3 rating which is basically doing no more than you are expected to, then better than that is 3P, then 3T and the 2P, 2T, 1P, 1T and you're talking a difference of about £10k between a 3 and a 1T and I got a 3 despite getting a promotion, loads of good feedback and appraisal etc, it just doesn't make sense. I'm fucking fuming.

I got a new laptop today as well which I've been waiting to get for ages and would normally be over the moon but I haven't even opened it yet.:CURSE::CURSE::CURSE::CURSE:
People who laugh at adverts in the cinema that have been on TV for ages. They sometimes show Carling Black label ads., and some fucker laughs. Do you laugh every time you twat?
People who laugh at adverts in the cinema that have been on TV for ages. They sometimes show Carling Black label ads., and some fucker laughs. Do you laugh every time you twat?
People in cinemas full stop forget Dolby surround all you hear are people coughing their guts up, bunches of girls giggling at anything and people stuffing their faces with candy that must be wrapped in brown paper covered in tin foil. It drives me nuts...
People in cinemas full stop forget Dolby surround all you hear are people coughing their guts up, bunches of girls giggling at anything and people stuffing their faces with candy that must be wrapped in brown paper covered in tin foil. It drives me nuts...

My biggest gripe about cinemas. Can't they just provide bags/wrapping that doesn't make so much noise?
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