The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Taking your spare car key because you can't find your others.

Going to work half an hour away, for a whole ten minutes, which is a pointless excercise.

Driving back on the M6 and then the East Lancs whilst being cut up by every dickhead on the road,

And then returning home to only just discover your spare key doesn't have a fucking house key on it and you're stranded because there's noone in the damn house!
Taking your spare car key because you can't find your others.

Going to work half an hour away, for a whole ten minutes, which is a pointless excercise.

Driving back on the M6 and then the East Lancs whilst being cut up by every dickhead on the road,

And then returning home to only just discover your spare key doesn't have a fucking house key on it and you're stranded because there's noone in the damn house!
Bummer, if you have a sliding patio door, I broke in through ours with a hand trowel in about 15 seconds, with no damage at all...
The police are catching up with you quicker each time now, time is running out ;)

he will have to get his fake moustache out soon - buy (Or rent) a Tiger and let him spray his scent across the road while you are moving. then the cops won't be able to sniff you out ;))

EDIT: Unless you smell like a Tiger?
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The fact that I can't get up when my alarm first goes off in the mornings. Always snooze for about an hour :brick:.
The fact that I can't get up when my alarm first goes off in the mornings. Always snooze for about an hour :brick:.

Amen to that brother!

I always do that - my alarm clock is my phone though - so after 30mins or so it won't let you snooze! So many times I have been late to work because of that!!
I'm not compatible with alarms. I have to sleep fully clothed and I have to get the missus to drag me out of bed, if it's that important. I'm incapable of getting up for anything important.
Fully clothed...:BLINK:
T shirt and that's it for me, no matter where I am sleeping. I have bumped into ex and current partners parents on landings while going for late night pees which has caused a few raised eyebrows, I once had a close encounter with a sister, but that's another tale... ;))
Fully clothed...:BLINK:
T shirt and that's it for me, no matter where I am sleeping. I have bumped into ex and current partners parents on landings while going for late night pees which has caused a few raised eyebrows, I once had a close encounter with a sister, but that's another tale... ;))

Fully clothed...:BLINK:
T shirt and that's it for me, no matter where I am sleeping. I have bumped into ex and current partners parents on landings while going for late night pees which has caused a few raised eyebrows, I once had a close encounter with a sister, but that's another tale... ;))
*Evo-Web gather at the 'Things That Piss Me Off' thread*
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