The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

I've seen it a few times, I've seen it happen to my nephew when he was younger but then his family moved away from a bad area so it sorted itself out.

I'm seeing it again now though with someone who I have a very high opinion of but last night, they were a complete :censor:, and they're nearly the same age as me. They were completely different from their normal self because someone else was there. I was just really gutted about it because I wasn't expecting them to be like that, ever.

That's all you're getting. ;)

Oh I get you now

I had a mate like that, One day its just you and him and hes the nicest guy ever, Then later at school when hes with his "group" hes a complete cockend and your left thinking WTF!

This reminds me of a scrubs episode
Oh yeah, I know the one you mean - that's exactly what it's like. When you're a kid it's nothing out of the ordinary but when it's grown men and women... It's a kick in the guts.
People who say one thing and do another. Like slag someone off for ages and have a huge grudge with them for ages and the next second you look they are kissing their ass and praising them. Can't stand it, fed up of people like that. :brick:
I've seen it a few times, I've seen it happen to my nephew when he was younger but then his family moved away from a bad area so it sorted itself out.

I'm seeing it again now though with someone who I have a very high opinion of but last night, they were a complete :censor:, and they're nearly the same age as me. They were completely different from their normal self because someone else was there. I was just really gutted about it because I wasn't expecting them to be like that, ever.

That's all you're getting. ;)

It's the old man again isn't it?
The dentists.

Got to go there at 4pm tomorrow, I don't want to go to bed because I don't want to wake up and prepare myself for it.

Interesting Chris Bauer fact #95,601: my sister has a lifelong fear of dentists. She didn't see one until she was in her early-mid 40s, and she hasn't been back since either. I don't fucking blame her.
I hate dentists as well, when I was young I had a brace and had to have it tightened every week. It was the false teeth style plate brace not the tiny squares on every tooth style. The part that had to be tightened was a circular part on the front that he would twist and it would tighten but over time this part rubbed against one of my teeth and he ended up having to give me a filling which was great fun. From what I remember something about the enamel.

While i was sat waiting for the injection to kick in the receptionist came up and was talking about going clubbing to the assistant and the dentist said to her he just had to sort me out it would be another 10-15 minutes. She said 'Oh not him again... he's been here every week for ages! That dick head should learn how to brush his teeth properly'

Then there was silence and then the door to the dentists room close.

Being young (I think I must have been about 12 or 13) it completely crushed me because up until then I hadn't had any fillings or work done, well he did pull 2 teeth to make room for fangs that had come through but they were healthy teeth. Being that young as well I was far too afraid to say anything so I just sat there and then walked in, had the filling and then walked out. As it was my last appointment for a while the next time i got called to go there it was just for a check-up months later. I was walking towards the door and I spotted the cow who slagged me off was still working there and I just stopped turned around and walked back home telling my mum they said everything was fine.

The dentist was also a bit of a nob as well - he used to tut and sigh a lot and you'd hear him whispering to his assistant about your teeth so you'd end up paranoid wondering what they were saying.
I had a wisdom tooth out there years and years later... when I was about 20 and i honestly though he was going to brake my front teeth. He was using them to level his tools off to yank my wisdom tooth out. Then when he made a complete cock up of it and broke half of the wisdom tooth off and fecked my gum up so I had blood pouring down my chin he just carried on ignoring my white T-shirt being covered in blood tutting and sighing to himself.

No wonder everyone called him The Butcher
I'm scared of dentists. I always try to delay check ups, but its necessary, since I don't want to lose my teeth. I've got a bloody appointment tomorrow, I've got a cavity :(

When I was a kid they had to remove 4 teeth so that I could get braces. To be fair, my teeth look alright now.
I'm not even pressing play... In-fact I'm going right now to brush my teeth for three hours to try and trick him into thinking they're all ship-shape.
It's about a girl who has teeth in her vagina, and she uses the teeth for revenge :sick:

Oh my god. I bet that is hilarious!! I can't believe someone would actually make that, I mean really what the chuff?! I bet it's worth a download just for the comedy value. :lol:
Oh my god. I bet that is hilarious!! I can't believe someone would actually make that, I mean really what the chuff?! I bet it's worth a download just for the comedy value. :lol:

I used to have a tooth on the end of my penis over the hole. But it stopped any liquid coming out after a while.

So I had to have an operation - but they said it would cost too much to completely remove it, so they just put a hinge on it so it opens outwards when urinating etc. The best way to describe it is like a catflap.

It was all fine - but they didn't treat the hinge with anything - so it is really rusty now and I can't get the operation done on the NHS now - so I need to save up and go privately to change the hinge :ROLL:

I might just save up the extra and get it removed - but I will miss the little goofy son of a gun.
They should take tissue out of your nose and put it in your japs eye so you can sniff up when you done
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