The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread


This is a happy ferret, I couldn't find a picture of a mad ferret

People who give anything more than 100%

"I'll go out there and give 110%" <- course you will, mate. You're the exception to the rule that percentages stop at one hundred.
When you wake up on a monday and think it's sunday for a few seconds - or worse when you wake up about an hour before you have to wake up and then can't sleep because you're constantly expecting the alarm to blast out at any second.
The second one is definately a pain. I ALWAYS wake up at 5am regardless, does my head in.

I also need a pair of thick curtains. I have blinds up at the moment (landlord fitted them before we moved in) and never got around to changing them. I'm sure if I put curtains up that I'd sleep better. As it is, I reckon I wake up around 5-10 times a night.
Same here Dags, Im always waking up during the night, the worst is when I wake up at 3/4am feeling totally rested and ready to go. Obviously I don't get up till 7 but then I feel knackerd :( Happens quite a few times a week.
People like Will Ferrell and Kevin Garnett jumping on the Chelsea bandwagon.

Being completely bored on a day off work. When you're in work, you want to go home. When you have a day off, you get completely bored.

My dogs eyes getting "sleep" and green ... slime shit around and in them. It's hard enough trying to get it from around his eyes but he gets it on/over his eyeballs and it's a nightmare to get it off. He's a pretty hefty bull mastiff as well, so keeping him pinned down while I try to clean his eyes isn't easy either.

Being skint.
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Oh and Jade Goody has cancer or something? Am I an evil bastard for not being gutted by that news one tiny bit... or maybe even a little happy that the fat talentless pig faced racist shit is on her way out?

Does anyone else has a list of people that if they died you'd actually be happy about seeing their stupid fucking annoying faces gone or am i just a miserable bastard?

In the papers yesterday they were saying how she's recovering at home.
No she wasn't. We saw her and her twat boyfriend at the Bluewater cinema, and they (him, mainly) acted like prats all the way through the film...
People on eBay who list something and then go on holiday for a fucking month.

I should legally be able to break into his house and take what I've paid for, and do a big curry-fueled diarrhoea shit on his favourite chair as well.
The girlfriends parents went to America 2 years ago and asked if we wanted anything bringing back - the long story short was they invited the whole family (that's the GF's other sister, her fella and 2 kids and her brother, wife and kid) on a fully paid for holiday to Florida - But they forgot to invite me and the GF (their daughter) and then told us after they had booked the tickets that they could have sworn they had asked us and we said no.

Which never happened because we didn't find out about the holiday until after they booked the tickets and it was when we overheard her sister talking about passports and her niece told us she was going on holiday and nanny was paying for it.

So chalk that up as a TTPMO but my point is...

I said as id never been to America could they bring back some real American chocolate bars and sweets like you see on tv. Stuff like Swizzlebars and Ubernuts and rainbowsbuffles or whatever they have. Not bars of chocolate like a dairy milk but something like a snickers or mars where its still a choccy bar but you know ... it;s not just chocolate ... you all understand right?

2 weeks later they come back with a small bag of Disney brand chocolate with little snack sized bars inside and 1 small bar of Hershey's chocolate. :CONFUSE:


Then a few months ago a woman the GF works with was going to Las Vegas for a week and the misses said if she gave her the money would she get some chocolate for me and she explained the story of her mum/dad.

1 week later she hands her a bag of snack sized hershey's chocolate for me.
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Funny story though :LOL:

When I was 15, my parents arranged for us to go to Bulgaria for a week. They said I could either go with them or have £100 instead.

Stupid arse me chose the money :brick:

I did get drunk drinking lots of Hooch though :lmao:
Arranging to book coach tickets to watch AFC Liverpool in Blackpool ... only to find out my girlfriends brothers wedding is on the same day.

As is the Merseyside Derby.

She thinks the wedding is 3pm, and the derby is 12:45pm so I SHOULD be okay watching it in a pub/bar in Nottingham beforehand tho ...
Having my company car delayed!!! FFS, I signed the fucking papers 2 months ago and a week later I get my petrol card without my car. "Not to worry Mr Vetrugno, the car will be here in a week."
I don't know how long your weeks are, you fucking dogfaced cunt, but I should have had it for 7 weeks now you retarded, washed up, second-hand twat!!!!!!!

Edit: Yes, its a big deal cuz I have to drive 250 km a day starting next week!
Having my company car delayed!!! FFS, I signed the fucking papers 2 months ago and a week later I get my petrol card without my car. "Not to worry Mr Vetrugno, the car will be here in a week."
I don't know how long your weeks are, you fucking dogfaced cunt, but I should have had it for 7 weeks now you retarded, washed up, second-hand twat!!!!!!!

Edit: Yes, its a big deal cuz I have to drive 250 km a day starting next week!


Superb insults!

I had to wait around two months for my car as well. Had to do a 1 1/2 hr journey using two buses and a train, then walk, whereas now it's a 20 min drive :))
Having my company car delayed!!! FFS, I signed the fucking papers 2 months ago and a week later I get my petrol card without my car. "Not to worry Mr Vetrugno, the car will be here in a week."
I don't know how long your weeks are, you fucking dogfaced cunt, but I should have had it for 7 weeks now you retarded, washed up, second-hand twat!!!!!!!

Edit: Yes, its a big deal cuz I have to drive 250 km a day starting next week!
Haha what are you doing FreMM, drug courier...
I book my own company car, the last but one I had was written off whilst being delivered. The recovery vehicle turned up at my house at 10 at night, as that was the only address they had been given by the knob who wrote it off, he just arranged for somebody to pick him up and left the car by the side of the road. I thought the guy was delivering it until i came out to see it. I had to ring the garage and tell them what had happened and pick the wreck up off my driveway, they didn't even know... ;))
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