The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

The fucking M25. What a shit piece of road. Designed by cunts and used by cunts. Since I've turned onto it my average speed has been about 15mph. It's fucking pathetic. The fact that I am able to be active on Evo Web while I'm crawling round it says it all! Still got another 15 cunting miles of this shit too.

I'm getting the train tomorrow.
The last dear words of Tim before he was overtaken by an ice cream van and then crashed into the back end of a mini doing 12mph
:LOL:. I'm still here! But I'm home now. Turns out some dozy fucker had crashed their car. It was badly mangled and facing the wrong way on the M25. I doubt anyone walked away alive from it.
:LOL:. I'm still here! But I'm home now. Turns out some dozy fucker had crashed their car. It was badly mangled and facing the wrong way on the M25. I doubt anyone walked away alive from it.

That was CW posting about how great the M25 is today on his iphone.
Very good Jay, for you ;))

THe Churchill adverts are really pissing me off and they have been for a while. At first the dog was funny now I just want the fucking animal put down
Traffic Wardens or what ever they are called now, went to get a parking ticket from a machine round the corner from my car and as I was walking back the tosser was putting a ticket on my car. I said I'd only been there about 30 seconds or so and had had to go to a machine round the corner as the one on the road was not working! He claimed I'd been there over five minutes and as he could not see anyone at the said broken machine he ticketed the car.
Needless to say I got someone in the office to send it off with a stern letter of complaint for a refund...

Motorists keep this country afloat in stealth taxes and fines alone...
These 'ad libbed' quiz shows where they get teams of celebs to answer stuff on each other. It pisses me off that they're clearly not ad libbed yet they go out of their way to act like the whole show is.

It's the whole - 'hey guess what i just thought of off the top of my head... this funny joke... aren't i great!'
Doesn't quite piss me off, but it is annoying.

Some American phrases.

1) If I want someone to do something, I'll directly ask them. A popular way of an American asking would be "Why don't" followed by the request. Example "Why don't you you go a have a kick about outside?". Instead of just saying "Do you want to have a kick about outside", they ask why they DON'T want to do it? It makes no sense.

2) If something really doesn't interest me, I really don't care about it. It's so low on my care chart that it's bottom of it, I COULDN'T CARE LESS because I'm so disinterested in it that I couldn't care less about it. But American's say they "could care less". Surely that's saying it's not so bad and they could care less? There are worse things that they could care less about?

3) A teenage thing more than anything, when they put "so" before everything. It's caught on over here and this one does piss me off. "I soooooooo want to go to the footy tonight!" .... why not just "I'd really like to go to the footy tonight!" like it used to be for us British? And why did the American teenagers start using "sooooo" so much? I guess it's the same as them saying "dude", it's "cool" speech or something?
Like, dags why dont you stop know!

Although what annoys me are all these teenagers that end all sentences with a question mark tone. Even when they arent asking anything, my gf's younger sister talks like that aswell, sounds so f#$king stupid.
Sheff Utd fans have also provided zero help with their data, but at least their club is easier to find info on, hell even Grimsby Town fans helped me out loads with their data!
Placebo, you should create a thread asking for help with teams, I'm sure there's fans here who'd offer help.
Accrington Stanley fans piss me off (all 243 of them) cos they won't help me make their data accurate for Fifa09 and the deadline is looming!

Ok now I have to take that back as someone on an Accrington Stanley forum just helped me out!

Hehe, I played with them in MM in 08. They were really crap.........

LOL well they'll be better in Fifa09, got Jamie Clarke on loan from Blackburn who's got pace and they're about to sign a 6ft 6" forward who's pretty quick, both of them should do really well in League2

If you need any help with Ipswich I'm your man.:))

They're not one of my assigned teams but if I see any problems with them I'll let you know. Assuming you get Fifa09 if there's any feedback you want to give about the team I can certainly pass it on for you :)

Placebo, you should create a thread asking for help with teams, I'm sure there's fans here who'd offer help.

Well TBH I thought that would be taking the piss somewhat, considering I get a small annual stipend for doing this plus a free copy of Fifa09 ;)
Fat people who claim they only have a normal diet and it's all down to their genes or glands. Well I have news for you, 2 full English breakfasts and half a loaf of bread and butter and a packet or two of hobnobs before lunch is only a normal diet for four builders...
Placebo, I think fans of smaller clubs would be happier giving you information in exchange for an accurate representation of their team though :TU:
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