The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

The one I use it excellent, no pops and VERY little crackle.

Veho something-or-other.

Is that the puppy...

Taxi drivers in London :MAD:. The fucking cunts think they own the road just because they drive round on it all day. This one taxi driver today, was clearly in the wrong lane, and then had to almost cut me up to turn off, but I was having none of it and put my foot down, so he had to brake sharply as I went through. He had the fuckin nerve to pip his horn at me! So I stuck my arm out of the window and called him a wanker.

Taxi drivers in London :MAD:. The fucking cunts think they own the road just because they drive round on it all day. This one taxi driver today, was clearly in the wrong lane, and then had to almost cut me up to turn off, but I was having none of it and put my foot down, so he had to brake sharply as I went through. He had the fuckin nerve to pip his horn at me! So I stuck my arm out of the window and called him a wanker.

Bet you think your all big now

well your not!
Bet you think your all big now

well your not!
It certainly made me feel better :)). As if anyone cuts me up I don't usually do anything. But fear the revenge! I am now going to go mental at anyone driving like a tosser.
"Too drunk to remember" my arse. Can't even admit their own guilt. Glad I'm not there right now.....
Dickheads, should get more than four years, and they'll probably only end up doing 2 out of them 4. Can't say I'm surprised though because this place only gets worse and worse with it's justice system, the coppers should be more like they are in America, carrying guns around and stuff and less and less things like this would happen. Reason 34745435 why I hate the UK. Sigh.
This is problem we are to leniant with it all there should be much tougher laws on alot of things especially knife crime etc needs to be more detterant.

Problem is it takes so long to implement because got to go through government policys blah blah it should be fast tracked.

But that video above its typical britain these kids wont fight one on one because there cowards only fight in gangs. Not to mention parents dont give crap where they are also high on drugs and booze but thats no excuse for actions.
the ppl who did the fraud where the husband was supposed to be dead when he wasnt got 6 years

these thugs could of killed the lad and they only get 9 years between 6 of them or something

half that and there out
fed up of random nutters ruining normal peoples lives....

guy gets on a bus in canada stabs the person hes sitting next to 40 times and cuts his head off.....what the fuck is all that about
Much like the cunt who invented Virtuamondo... go eat my shit cockend.
"Cockend", haha I love it when my scrotum lodgers rub off on you. No, I mean words, WORDS.

Virtumonde was a bellboy, but I do believe he is now in the past, much like Stewart Lubbock..

Not stable enough, lately I was getting fluctuations in my connection (from 1mb to 54mb) that would mean the net would stop working. So I installed the utility that came with usb dongle and it fucked up the connection. Tried all kinds of settings but till about an hour ago it would always hang at acquiring network adress. I started the new settings yesterday. Anyway, did a format, because it was time to do a new one anyway and installed everything (still going) and tried the new network again. Same problem.

In the end I found out I had originally misread the WPA(password) key when setting up the network earlier this year. I had to change the last digit from a 5 (which is "correct") to the 6 I typed when setting up the bloody thing........grrrr.

It better stay good now and not start fluctuating again otherwise I will be really pissed off!
Old fucking dickheads who drive their fucking motorized wheelchairs on the road! The next one I see doing it I'm gonna fucking honk my horn and hope he has a fuckin heart attack!
If ever I see you approaching me in a car Nick, I'll wait there even if the man isn't lit green, wait for him to change to green and then do this....


Maybe I'll make it across before you're allowed to drive, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll end up a squashed snail with a shattered shell...
The phrase "standing up to be counted" .... what the :censor: is that all about? What a rubbish and meaningless saying!
Smug tossers on adverts.

I keep seeing an advert for a hand wash gel with some moron on a train with a sink and then the smug woman who seems to be all sorts of ads these days gives her the 'I'm better than you' look and pulls her gel out and cleans her hands.

Then you have the KFC advert with the fire breathing guy and that spikey haired lad comes over to him with the 'yeah, you think that's hot... try this because I'm better than you.'

Complete turn off for me those ads... although KFC turns me off anyway as they're a set of dirty useless bastards in Widnes.

Me and the GF bought zinger meals a year or so ago and they come in their own box. I took her box out of the bag and then reached in for mine and as she opened hers she found the zinger burger had no lid! - I then opened mine and mine had no lid on.

Confused i looked in the bag and both lids with mayo and all sorts were sitting at the bottom. Now we saw the woman put the food into the boxes, close them and lift the boxes and put them into the brown paper bag so they must have thrown the lids in before that. Which really really messed with my head because why on earth would anyone do that?

I ended up walking in, pissed off and going over to the drive in part by the tills and asking the bitch "Why the fuck did you throw the lids into the bag separately you dozy fucker?" To which i got a blank stare and a manager coming over to ask me what was wrong.

What did they do when you spoke to the manager?

The guys in my office have gone to McDonalds and Burger King and came back with wrong orders and burgers with no lids (or "crowns" to use the proper term).
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