The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

The smell of my dog after he has been at a Kennel for 2 weeks. Also when he comes back from the kennel he isnt himself:((
My uncle did that with their cat once, he went to pick it up after their holiday and came back with the wrong cat, they had had a flood at the cattery and mixed a few cats up, best thing was it was the wrong breed, colour and sex... it wasn't until the kids got home and found the cat would not come out from under a bed the next day they realised..:-pp
How did your uncle miss that?
Let's just say he'd rather not have a cat... He always claimed he never looked at it, it was already in their basket ready for collection, what is more likely is he had no Idea what the cat looked like... ;)) The best bit is the centre were annoyed at them because they had the cat two days before bringing it back... :LOL:
My uncle did that with their cat once, he went to pick it up after their holiday and came back with the wrong cat, they had had a flood at the cattery and mixed a few cats up, best thing was it was the wrong breed, colour and sex... it wasn't until the kids got home and found the cat would not come out from under a bed the next day they realised..:-pp

Thats nothing my uncle went to pick his cat up and came back with a dog, the silly bugger.
Looking for a job in the Summer but by the time you get one College/uni start again so its pointless
Should've started sooner then sonny!!

The man in the bowtie off the alien videos posted in the other thread. He's just asking for a punch.
Lóreal adverts:

Now we have a dutch supermodel, saying your worth it in english being dubbed by some bird back to dutch!

Pisses me off it does!
I refuse to buy anything that uses dubbed adverts - even the ones that are American and they dub English voices over the top. As if we're going to hear an American accent and think 'im not buying that until i hear an English man/woman/child recommend it!'

If they're cheaping out on their adverts then they probably cheap out elsewhere with their products so screw 'em
I refuse to buy anything that uses dubbed adverts - even the ones that are American and they dub English voices over the top. As if we're going to hear an American accent and think 'im not buying that until i hear an English man/woman/child recommend it!'

If they're cheaping out on their adverts then they probably cheap out elsewhere with their products so screw 'em
Surely though, "Soul Control" is still worth a buy, regardless
Being called a racist because black women don't do it for me!

People who tell you a joke and then without taking a breath after delivering the punchline they start to explain to you why it's funny as you're smiling or laughing.

I swear the next person to do that gets their head rammed up their own arse with commentary from me explaining why i'm finding it funny.
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Old people. Driving out of the cinema car park and dawdling along behind this old couple who are walking alongside the backs of the cars while I'm driving behind them ... then they suddenly decide to randomly step into the road without looking!

I beeped at them and they walked to my window and had a go at me for not respecting pedestrians, to which I asked them why they didn't even bother to check the road before they stepped into it :censor:

Then I get to a roundabout, no traffic to my right so I enter the roundabout, whereby a car comes steaming through from my left (1st exit) and I nearly ploughed into the side of her! Beeped her and she just kept staring straight ahead, clearly in a daze. Fucking idiots shouldn't be allowed to drive, I could've easily went into her and raised hell as she was blatantly in the wrong, tons of witnesses as well. Jeez :censor:
I was going the same way as well, I was stuck behind her in traffic and could see her in her rearview mirror and she just looked completely dozy.

Oh, and also had another guy step out on my on the way to the Asda after that too.

I swear the hot weather brings out the idiots.
To be honest through work I do a great deal of miles and I see this sort of thing all the time, people just don't concentrate behind the wheel... If you count up the number of times you nave to avoid crashing due to idiots you'd think twice about getting in your car...
Flying ants. (especially as they cant fly)

Plague of these around here now, they seem to have come from nowhere. There's so many of them you can see them in the air, like dust in the light, ready to fly straight into your eyes for the hell of it. Can't have the windows open or the room will be crawling with the fuckers.

And as I'm typing this the old woman next door has just come to answer her front door and fell flat on her face. Good, I hate the bitch. I just heard "oooh Mavis!" *SMACK* Good job the windows are shut or she'd hear me laughing my tits off - thank you flying ants.
To be honest through work I do a great deal of miles and I see this sort of thing all the time, people just don't concentrate behind the wheel... If you count up the number of times you nave to avoid crashing due to idiots you'd think twice about getting in your car...

Same story everyday........
A man aged 74 was driving down the motorway when his mobile started to ring. Whe he answered it, his wife sternly warned, 'It just said on the news that there's a man driving the wrong way down your section of the m4!'
'One of them?' he replied. 'There's hundreds of them!!!'
Old people should have to retake their driving tests when they get to a certain age. Their mind isn't as quick as it used to be, their vision is worse and their reactions are worse. They're a hazard.
I think everyone should have to retake them every X years to make sure they're safe and haven't picked up any stupid habits... for free of course. Especially those people who fail their tests a million times and then pass because they had to do a 3 point turn (which they can just about manage) instead of parallel park (which they can't do and always smash into the parked cars)
Got something to add to the list...

People who park in disabled or mum/baby spaces who don't need them.

Last week we were parking in the car park in the mum/baby section and as we were pulling the pram up to the drivers side a car came flying into the space next to us... slammed on it's brakes and out jumped some 12 yr old pond life!

And a few days ago we were getting out in the car and a couple pulled up next to us and they both got out and walked off without a kid... confused i assumed maybe they're the kind of disabled that doesn't show... like they have an ingrown toenail and technically can get themselves classed and disabled.

But it turned out the woman was pregnant! so they thought they were ok parking in the mum/baby spaces and she was a mum!

The stupid selfish fat bitch
I think everyone should have to retake them every X years to make sure they're safe and haven't picked up any stupid habits... for free of course. Especially those people who fail their tests a million times and then pass because they had to do a 3 point turn (which they can just about manage) instead of parallel park (which they can't do and always smash into the parked cars)

Not sure on the regular re test, but you should have to do it every 3-5 years once you are 70 for sure. And the test should be way harder and have a compulsory
5-10hr Motorway driving section after you pass, also you should have a year probation under P plates and any fine or bump requires a re-take... Let's face it there are thousands of people passing their test who can't and should not be driving...
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