The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

When you can't sleep. I hate the feeling of not being able to sleep and rolling around in bed trying to get comfortable. The heat doesn't help either.
meh, I don't know why, but sometimes when that is happening to me, I panic, and can't breathe. I have to get up, grab a smoke and drink some water before trying again. :\
meh, I don't know why, but sometimes when that is happening to me, I panic, and can't breathe. I have to get up, grab a smoke and drink some water before trying again. :\

Same here. I can breathe alright but I start getting a bit anxious. I have to get up and watch some tv so I can calm down and go back to sleep.
Just got fed up of not being able to get to the top of the stairs without almost hyperventilating, having bad chest pains and waking up every morning bringing shit up from my lungs for ages. Stopped on New Years day this year, just stopped even though I'd had nearly 40 the night before. I was fed up of feeling shit cause of it. Don't get me wrong though it was hard, I still crave sometimes especially when drunk.
i can't be bothered to read through 31 pages to find out, but has anyone mentioned 'americans'?

*stands back waiting for csaunders*

hey some americans piss me off too. but im not that ignorant to generalize on a whole nation because of certain actions of its population, so there you go
I quit smoking on New Years Day about 4 years ago, same as Yana, just stopped there and then. There's no point trying to ween yourself off them, that's a pathetic way of doing it if you ask me.

Just stop and be strong about it, and finding something to replace the habit will make it easier.
I smoked my first fag the other week. I was thinking "they will be disgusting, this will put me off them for life", but I wasn't that keen to try them anyway so I shouldn't have. Well I definitely shouldn't have, because now every time I smell one, I want one. I loved it, I was really shocked.

Still haven't had another one since but I can actually understand smokers now whereas before I just thought "it smells disgusting, tastes disgusting, you're idiots". But I've got no money as it is, and I've seen three people die slowly from cancer so that's enough motivation to stay away from them at the minute.
Just got fed up of not being able to get to the top of the stairs without almost hyperventilating, having bad chest pains and waking up every morning bringing shit up from my lungs for ages. Stopped on New Years day this year, just stopped even though I'd had nearly 40 the night before. I was fed up of feeling shit cause of it. Don't get me wrong though it was hard, I still crave sometimes especially when drunk.
I quit smoking on New Years Day about 4 years ago, same as Yana, just stopped there and then. There's no point trying to ween yourself off them, that's a pathetic way of doing it if you ask me.

Just stop and be strong about it, and finding something to replace the habit will make it easier.

You both did good. I'm gonna try again, but it won't be soon, cause I know I need to motivate myself and right now I don't have that.

I smoked my first fag the other week. I was thinking "they will be disgusting, this will put me off them for life", but I wasn't that keen to try them anyway so I shouldn't have. Well I definitely shouldn't have, because now every time I smell one, I want one. I loved it, I was really shocked.

Still haven't had another one since but I can actually understand smokers now whereas before I just thought "it smells disgusting, tastes disgusting, you're idiots". But I've got no money as it is, and I've seen three people die slowly from cancer so that's enough motivation to stay away from them at the minute.

You shouldn't even start. And If you'r feeling that already then Imagine me, I've been smoking for that last 8 years. :\

Well I'm off, gonna have a smoke before... :-pp
I smoked my first fag the other week. I was thinking "they will be disgusting, this will put me off them for life", but I wasn't that keen to try them anyway so I shouldn't have. Well I definitely shouldn't have, because now every time I smell one, I want one. I loved it, I was really shocked.

Still haven't had another one since but I can actually understand smokers now whereas before I just thought "it smells disgusting, tastes disgusting, you're idiots". But I've got no money as it is, and I've seen three people die slowly from cancer so that's enough motivation to stay away from them at the minute.

What drove you to have a smoke?
I don't know really. Perhaps seeing Luke on Big Brother was an influence, knowing that I must be as ball-achingly boring as him. I don't drink, smoke or anything else (although I've gone one thing over on Luke, I swear, haha).

I get a bit of stick for never getting pissed - I have once or twice but I've never enjoyed it. And I've been quite stressed lately. Usually when I'm stressed I'll have a coffee but it's not having the same effect, so I had a bit of spare cash in my pocket and as I was walking past a shop I thought, why not. I don't try new things.
Ahh so what if you're never pissed, you've got better stuff about you than being drunk. There's loads people out there who don't drink but have other better qualities.
I smoked my first fag the other week. I was thinking "they will be disgusting, this will put me off them for life", but I wasn't that keen to try them anyway so I shouldn't have. Well I definitely shouldn't have, because now every time I smell one, I want one. I loved it, I was really shocked.

Jack you IDIOT!

How did you not cough though if it was your first time? Is the air polution so bad over your end? You did smoke over your lungs didn't you?

Either way, IDIOT! ;)

Yana said:
There's loads people out there who don't drink but have other better qualities.

So drinking is a quality? LMAO
So drinking is a quality? LMAO
When you put away vodka like we do it is... :))

Her reference to qualities there was in terms of being "socially accepted" and holding a reasonable amount of self-esteem. I drink a fair bit but I'm fine with it whether I stop for ages or not. Some folk seem to feel they need to be in a circle to be seen as a particular kind of chap. I ain't one of these. Self-esteem is a weird thing at times, as things like drinking, smoking etc can make some folk feel "normal" or "accepted. God knows why.
That the black woman at the end of this advert doesnt know what to sing so just opens and closes her mouth a few times

"Knock off Nigel ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhhhhhh"


I wonder how they managed to get the all clear for this advert when its clear people named Nigel are going to have a living nightmare
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I suddenly feel hatred towards people who download films because of that advert ... yeah right. What a pointless waste of time that is.
The one I use it excellent, no pops and VERY little crackle.

Veho something-or-other.

This is the pile of poo I have, it's like listening to yew oldie radio, I keep expecting Churchill to interrupt to explain we're at war with Germany...

I had a Belkin one and it was a load of shit too, despite good reviews on Amazon.
Taxi drivers in London :MAD:. The fucking cunts think they own the road just because they drive round on it all day. This one taxi driver today, was clearly in the wrong lane, and then had to almost cut me up to turn off, but I was having none of it and put my foot down, so he had to brake sharply as I went through. He had the fuckin nerve to pip his horn at me! So I stuck my arm out of the window and called him a wanker.
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