The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Charlotte Church. Does she really think she's funny enough to have a comedy talk show? Either way, I hope someone at Channel 4 corrects her soon. Get off the telly you stupid bint.

I couldn't agree more mate, I can't believe they gave her a second series, the first one was shocking, I haven't even bothered to watch the new one because it made me so angry. I want to punch her stupid smug face.
i can't be bothered to read through 31 pages to find out, but has anyone mentioned 'americans'?

*stands back waiting for csaunders*
Charlotte Church. Does she really think she's funny enough to have a comedy talk show? Either way, I hope someone at Channel 4 corrects her soon. Get off the telly you stupid bint.

She is gorgeous though :LOVE:
People who wear sunglasses indoors

Same as people wearing caps indoors.

And people who wear shorts ... but then wear a jumper or a hoodie because they're cold. Yes, you're so cold that you have nothing covering your legs :ROLL:

The Premier Inn advert with Lenny Henry. These people who authorise adverts for their companies, do they honestly think the adverts are funny? I wonder if they actually laugh, or even smile, when they see the adverts? "HAHA! That's BRILLIANT! Small time ... the BILL!" :ROLL:
that 'it's-not-called-wheat-it's-called-oat-abix' advert completely pisses me off! just saw it again tonight during big brother...
Same as people wearing caps indoors.

And people who wear shorts ... but then wear a jumper or a hoodie because they're cold. Yes, you're so cold that you have nothing covering your legs :ROLL:

The Premier Inn advert with Lenny Henry. These people who authorise adverts for their companies, do they honestly think the adverts are funny? I wonder if they actually laugh, or even smile, when they see the adverts? "HAHA! That's BRILLIANT! Small time ... the BILL!" :ROLL:

:LOL: So true. There are so many bad adverts out there trying to be funny which just aren't. But they do it so you remember them. Everyone knows Halifax because of those "annoying ads with the singing twats". Its annoying but it works
Same as people wearing caps indoors.

And people who wear shorts ... but then wear a jumper or a hoodie because they're cold. Yes, you're so cold that you have nothing covering your legs :ROLL:

The Premier Inn advert with Lenny Henry. These people who authorise adverts for their companies, do they honestly think the adverts are funny? I wonder if they actually laugh, or even smile, when they see the adverts? "HAHA! That's BRILLIANT! Small time ... the BILL!" :ROLL:

I actually do that! It's great to keep an hot/cold balance! ;))

that 'it's-not-called-wheat-it's-called-oat-abix' advert completely pisses me off! just saw it again tonight during big brother...

OK, here's something I really hate!!! Big Brother. It goes beyond pissing me off. It goes beyond all kinds of rage!!! There is no word to describe it...AAAAHHHH! ffs!!
I don't bother with any clothes, all I need is to save on my full-body shaving gel and comb the growth to cover any gaps

I do that in winter too :LOL:

..and I do, shorts are comfortable!

Something else that annoys me... Those yogurts with little fruity bits in. They're disgusting. It makes me gag every time I try to eat one and accidentally get a bit when I try to scoop round them. Feels like a giant hard bogie in a pool of snot in my mouth.
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I can't stand yoghurts, they all taste sickly to me. Give me a Flake choc mousse anyday.

My neighbours (posted about them before) are REALLY doing my tits in right now, I'd love to attach the whole lot of them to a hot air balloon, wait for it to hover over a volcano and remotely detonate the fucker. Rude, arrogant gits who believe "british whites wouldn't understand respect", apparently when they invite neighbours to a barbecue at theirs once a year, turning them down for whatever reason means a lack of respect, it makes me want to prepare a neon-lit mace-ridden placard for whenever they ask me saying "fuck you clown shoes", then they might, maybe, possibly get the message that I'm a slight bit annoyed at the constant watching us in the garden, rubbish thrown over the fence to our side by their 2, 5, and 8 year old kids who are left outside all day unsupervised until 11pm, and finally Daddy Nobhead who is just a modern day version of Lord Fauntle-fucking-roy.

The end. Oh, I'm not liking the weather at the moment, constant rain whenever I want to finish mowing the lawn, it's only done at one side at the moment and looks like Christopher Reeve's lawn before he took a break halfway to go horse-riding.
I love the French set Yog's...
proxi you really don't like you neighbours do you, come on admit it... :LOL:

My top two neighbours are real Jone's types, one gets a new 4x4 the other gets a slightly bigger new 4x4...
I would rather have your neighbors Nick, trust me. I mean what the fuck... Our type wouldn't understand respect?! Not only is that extremely racist, it's hypocritical and stupid for the following reasons....

A.) They say they respect people around them, yet they clearly never respect us. When we are out in our garden and they're out too, they sit and STARE AT US almost constantly, the dad with daggers, plus we have their kids staring at us for no apparent reason and shouting crap at us in their language, which I also find ignorent.

B.) Also regarding garden stuff, when I've been in our toddlers bedroom which looks out to the garden, I've noticed their youngest throwing bits of rubbish into our garden from their own, and another time I noticed their other kid who is about 8 years old trying to climb into my garden, and there was nothing of theirs in my garden. Yah, good upbringing of your kids there. Note that they let their kids play out in the garden and don't even watch them and sometimes til like 10-11 at night, even if they start crying they're left to do whatever, when there is also loads of crap in their garden like dirty decorating equipment such as brushes etc that's been there for what looks like months...

C.) If "our type" don't understand respect, why have you moved into our country? If they don't like the way we act surely they could go back to bloody Nigeria or where-ever they are from and leave us in peace.

Anyway, I thought I'd get that out too, cause it drives me mad living next to these, if I had the money I'd migrate us to Greece tomorrow.
I love the French set Yog's...
proxi you really don't like you neighbours do you, come on admit it... :LOL:

My top two neighbours are real Jone's types, one gets a new 4x4 the other gets a slightly bigger new 4x4...
Heh, sounds like you have your own soap opera there man. No, my neighbours have slightly dipped under the likeable radar I'm afraid mucka.

I now detest Sky's customer service even more (yes, it's possible) than I did yesterday, or any previous date in time. A week ago I asked for an upgrade from 8mb speed to 16mb, so I called back today wondering why it hasn't been activated within their "72 hours" promise. I want the 16mb package even though I receive only 8-9mb speed download. I upload a lot when on the net so need the upload speed that comes with the 16mb download group. It's only a fiver extra a month. Anyway

Jovial as always (!), I get through finally, and it's some woman with an accent I cannot understand. She's more bothered about asking me if she can call me William, than finding out when I get a speed boost. Then after 15 minutes of her saying "I'm just checking the computer here" over and over, she says I need to contact Customer Service. "Can I be put straight through then please?", I say, with the nark ever so slightly on. "No", she replies. Hmm!! Thanks for such an amazing call you as yet unidentified piece of excrement found just outside Amy Winehouses trumper. :))

So I call CS up. Get through to a sound Scottish chap, even more jovial than me, which by this point was near impossible, I was close to hallelujahing it up with the local church choir. He sorts the problem out. Top banana. But I still think haggis is scary.

My mistake however, was to ask just at the end, "Could you tell me what is the actual max speed line I can recieve, where I'm located, due to my distance from the exchange etc..". This was to make sure I was only able to get 8-9mb still. He puts me through to technical support, and low and behold, it sounds like the same woman I was talking to earlier! "Can I call you William, sir?", she says, as I create a voodoo doll of her with one hand, imagining her appearance... Five minutes later, she gets to the right wavelength and realises what I'm asking. Then out comes the pearler.

"So William, you can only receive a maximum of 5.5mb in your area. I'm just checking your speed now, and it appears you're receiving 8.1mb at this current time."

Right. So how the fuck does that work then?

"If you are having problems with your 8.1mg speed and would like to upgrade to 5.5mg, or sort out any other problems, you can call Technical Support at any time or visit the website for guidance".

Heh, sounds like you have your own soap opera there man. No, my neighbours have slightly dipped under the likeable radar I'm afraid mucka.

I now detest Sky's customer service even more (yes, it's possible) than I did yesterday, or any previous date in time. A week ago I asked for an upgrade from 8mb speed to 16mb, so I called back today wondering why it hasn't been activated within their "72 hours" promise. I want the 16mb package even though I receive only 8-9mb speed download. I upload a lot when on the net so need the upload speed that comes with the 16mb download group. It's only a fiver extra a month. Anyway

Jovial as always (!), I get through finally, and it's some woman with an accent I cannot understand. She's more bothered about asking me if she can call me William, than finding out when I get a speed boost. Then after 15 minutes of her saying "I'm just checking the computer here" over and over, she says I need to contact Customer Service. "Can I be put straight through then please?", I say, with the nark ever so slightly on. "No", she replies. Hmm!! Thanks for such an amazing call you as yet unidentified piece of excrement found just outside Amy Winehouses trumper. :))

So I call CS up. Get through to a sound Scottish chap, even more jovial than me, which by this point was near impossible, I was close to hallelujahing it up with the local church choir. He sorts the problem out. Top banana. But I still think haggis is scary.

My mistake however, was to ask just at the end, "Could you tell me what is the actual max speed line I can recieve, where I'm located, due to my distance from the exchange etc..". This was to make sure I was only able to get 8-9mb still. He puts me through to technical support, and low and behold, it sounds like the same woman I was talking to earlier! "Can I call you William, sir?", she says, as I create a voodoo doll of her with one hand, imagining her appearance... Five minutes later, she gets to the right wavelength and realises what I'm asking. Then out comes the pearler.

"So William, you can only receive a maximum of 5.5mb in your area. I'm just checking your speed now, and it appears you're receiving 8.1mb at this current time."

Right. So how the fuck does that work then?

"If you are having problems with your 8.1mg speed and would like to upgrade to 5.5mg, or sort out any other problems, you can call Technical Support at any time or visit the website for guidance".


:lmao: I fell out with sky years ago when they insisted on charging me for films when I had not had a dish fitted yet, they then did it three more times after I had it fitted... our relationship lasted two months... :SHAKE:
I would rather have your neighbors Nick, trust me. I mean what the fuck... Our type wouldn't understand respect?! Not only is that extremely racist, it's hypocritical and stupid for the following reasons.....

So would I by the sounds of it ;))

Anyway, I thought I'd get that out too, cause it drives me mad living next to these, if I had the money I'd migrate us to Greece tomorrow.

Can't fault you there there are one or two islands I would love to call home... :TU:
The M25 Variable Speed limit section (J10-16ish)

What cunt woke up one day and thought, "Hmm, I know, we'll get the slow moving M25, and then make it even slower by changing the speed limit between every junction for a 6 junction stretch! :w00t:"

Reinstalling Windows XP and PC Linux OS, only to find out that I made wrong the choices when creating partitions, making impossible to access my biggest partition from my Linux distro.

I've just spent this morning doing it all over again! :||
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