The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Selection packs of biscuits, the kind you get at your grans, my other half had a bunch of her mates round and they had a pack, so I naturally swiped a jammy dodger and a couple of others... They all tasted the same, whats the point in that?
ADSL lines in Wales, and Tiscali. Combine the two for devestating effect.

Also, other people's beds.
Cunts in Mercedes who think they own the fucking M25 and drive like wankers :MAD:.

Don't get me started on them. You're going in the right hand lane and they come right up your arse trying to get you to switch lanes so they can go 200mph. Wankers
Exactly what happened earlier to me mate :LOL:. I was in the fast lane, actually overtaking a car, and the Mercedes cunt was behind me flashing his lights at me, when I was perfectly clearly overtaking a car for fucks sake! Fucking bunch of dullards they are.
Same thing happened to me on the M62 coming home, I'm in the right hand lane taking over a car and someone in either a BMW or a Merc is right on my cars ass harrassing me.

Oh, and this fucking baby in the street that's been crying constantly for over ten minutes.

Edit: Now someone else has just shouted down the road to "shut your fucking kid up!" ... cheers :TU:
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Same thing happened to me on the M62 coming home, I'm in the right hand lane taking over a car and someone in either a BMW or a Merc is right on my cars ass harrassing me.

Oh, and this fucking baby in the street that's been crying constantly for over ten minutes.

Edit: Now someone else has just shouted down the road to "shut your fucking kid up!" ... cheers :TU:

How loud is the baby?!!! :SHOCK:
My gay internet!! It's constantly cutting out, can't figure out what it is. I'm struggling to play games online at the minute, and what makes it worse is that it's only cutting off on consoles most of the time! At least be cutting off on the laptop too, you tits, to even it out so I don't feel like you're bullying my online gaming sessions. Meh.
Shirts with sleeves too short, trainers that all look the same whole feckin stores full of them!,and tossers wearing socks and sandals... So ends the fashion gripe...

Nick Cave, Evo-Webs very own Trinny/Susannah
Charlotte Church. Does she really think she's funny enough to have a comedy talk show? Either way, I hope someone at Channel 4 corrects her soon. Get off the telly you stupid bint.
The little twat on the Lotto adverts at the top of Evo Web. What a smug cunt. "Who's next?", he fucking will be if I find my shotgun.
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