The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

He gave me a refund and asked for my address - i gave him the girlfriends parents address and a few days later we got an apology and some freebies which were passed onto the rest of the family as i didn't fancy going there again.

While i was in the store he asked me what the problem was so i showed him the bag - i had put the 2 box meals back in the bag - he looked in as if to say 'what's the problem' but then i pointed to the lids that had clearly been taken OFF the burgers and thrown in separate - he didn't seem to know what to say so i said 'what kind of idiot purposely does that? and if that's how they act then god knows what crap they've done to the food while cooking it!'

He just kinda nodded his head and gave the girl a look and then went into the till while asking me to write my address down for him. The stupid bitch on the drive through just stood next to him watching this all with a blank look on her face and never once apologized.
The phrase "standing up to be counted" .... what the :censor: is that all about? What a rubbish and meaningless saying!

Cause it aint

Stand up and be counted means show some bottle and get stuck in instead of shying away and doing fuck all
I know what it means when people say it, but standing up and being counted? What has that got to do with getting stuck into something?
I know what it means when people say it, but standing up and being counted? What has that got to do with getting stuck into something?

Reminds me of that phrase "step up to the plate" commonly used in baseball but recently it certainly has appeared more than I'd like in the British football media - what the :censor: has it got to do with football?
The stupid bitch on the drive through just stood next to him watching this all with a blank look on her face and never once apologized.

There is a reason why they work there in the first brain activity.
Trams at times piss me off. I waited 20 minutes in the rain for the right tram yesterday, it arrives, is slightly full, but room for 20 more people easily. 4 people in front of me board the tram, then the driver makes the doors start to close. The last of the four hurry on and I decide not to risk breaking my shopping in the big doors. I press button to open doors and the driver fucks off, tram flies down the hill. Waited another 25 minutes, and I didn't even see any locals fighting outside the nearby Wetherspoons.
Wanting something you can't/shouldn't have when you know you can have it if you want to, and it'd be good too ... :((
My job, a lot of the time.

EVERY day my manager sits at his desk moaning about the SAME things, huffing and puffing and muttering away, then repeating it out loud to get us to hear it. Deal with it for fucks sake!

Just got in and got told I have to drive to somewhere I haven't got a clue where it is and move servers to another site. I bloody hate moving servers! Yesterday one of the other engineers said he'd do it, but this morning my team leader said he's not now and I have to do it. Why can't he do it?! One of the other engineers was apparantly going to do it but he's got too many calls I'm told, ten. Yet I've got seven including another job to move a 2-man-lift printer but my jobs don't come into the bloody equation it seems.

So fuck it, I'm not rushing anything today. If he expects me to drive around Warrington all morning, and then come back and do the rest of the jobs (which would take all day by themselves) then he's clearly mistaken and he's in for a surprise.

Looks like I booked three days off next week in good time, I've already been getting fed up with working here so I booked those days off. Today has reaffirmed my thoughts, I'm getting bored, annoyed and fed up working here. Only problem is I've been here JUST under a year, which isn't long really, but sod it, I'm still going to look out for another job.


Edit: I've just realised something. A new guy started a few months ago and all the other engineers call this guy our bosses favourite and the golden boy. This would be the second job I can remember that he was meant to do (he got the call yesterday, no idea why he didn't do it) and he's managed to get out of a shitty job "somehow". Not that I'm suggesting co-ordinators giving calls out and our TL not liking the golden boy to not have crap jobs so he takes them off him ... noooooooooooo that wouldn't happen ...
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Shit mate, you need to get out of there sharpish...

Oh and ask your boss why the Golden boy keeps wriggling out of jobs...if you get a shitty answer then that should just affirm what you already think, that you need to get the hell out of there. I don't think the fact that you have been there less than 12 months should come into is too short to be miserable at work everyday.
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That was the point of my post, Sarah. I'm keeping it mysterious ;))

I might have been slightly tipsy last night when I typed that though ...
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