The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

I usually do but went with a couple of mates who felt the need to get there early
We have Nick, its called "Astro Turf".

"don't worry mate I'm not trying to sell you anything"...

Hardly ever have sales calls, but find them amusing (probably because I never have them). Would anwser your example with: "Well great, then there is no need for you to speak to me, bye!"
Amy Winehouse.

Sorry, I know she's been mentioned before. But punching a fan's lights out? And getting away with it? What, was the fan standing there with three teeth missing saying "wow, Amy Winehouse punched me, oh my God, I love you Amy, did you see that guys, this is the best day of my life"...?

I used to stick up for her because of her talent but that takes the piss, whether she's got emphysema or not. And you just know when she does a line too much and keels over, the kids (and the media, who have said "wouldn't it be great if she died" every week at some point) will all be saying "she was a beautiful person, what a tragedy, she didn't deserve this" and we'll never escape it.
Amy Winehouse.

Sorry, I know she's been mentioned before. But punching a fan's lights out? And getting away with it? What, was the fan standing there with three teeth missing saying "wow, Amy Winehouse punched me, oh my God, I love you Amy, did you see that guys, this is the best day of my life"...?

I used to stick up for her because of her talent but that takes the piss, whether she's got emphysema or not. And you just know when she does a line too much and keels over, the kids (and the media, who have said "wouldn't it be great if she died" every week at some point) will all be saying "she was a beautiful person, what a tragedy, she didn't deserve this" and we'll never escape it.

Anybody who can have their lights punched out by Amy Winehouse deserves no sympathy, have you seen her!... ;))
Having to resist cooking another ASDA pizza because the first of 3 that arrived with the online shopping order today was spunk-worthy, but I don't wanna have them all at once. Willpower is a cunt.
Man, he must have been really keen on loading up the Everybody Votes channel and enjoying some adrenaline-filled question answering in a totally next-generation way.
Pricks with clip boards in the town at lunch asking questions for charity.

- "Excuse me sir can you spare a couple of minutes to answer some questions?"

- "No, fuck off!"

All they want is your bank details so you can make a small donation a month. I have no problem with giving to charity but give out my bank details to a no-mark in a florescent jacket? Not a chance.
British Rap.

It sounds so Retarded - Usually has some inane lyrics aswell.

'Was sitiing in my Crib playing on the Playstation - Me Mum cooked me dinner then I got my spliff blazin'

So shit!!!! The British Accent just doesn't sound right Rapping aswell sounds so second rate against American Rap.
BBC radio 5 live commentator Alan Green..everytime i hear his voice i wanna rip my arm off & twat myself on the head with the wet end ! :MAD:
People who steal on golden balls - ffs just share the money and be happy with what you get.

Oh and Joey Barton getting away basically with what he did - way to set a good role model FA!

They're trying to justify this by saying Cantona saw what he had done wrong and he turned a new page - but Cantona was provoked by a fan whereas Barton basically beat the shit along with some random girls out of anyone they bumped into.
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This sodding advert. Dont know where they got the photo of me from

People slagging off Seabass for allowing Kick Off goals(Holland v France) and Cutbacks(Turkey v Germany).

It happened in EURO2008. Seabass is a Sear:WORSHIP:

Oh and Mark Lawrenson=CUNT of the HIGEST order
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