The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Just to make it clear for everybody :ROLL:
Acutally Mr Branyik I was talking about a work colleague. We had a disagreement about an issue with a Server which got rather heated and we didnt speak for a few days. He still ignores me now when I try and speak, I say good morning to him and he just blanks me.

I didnt realise you thought you were doing it too :DANCE:
People who are walking out of a shop with their newly bought goods and then decide to stop in the exit to put the bags down and check on something.


The woman who did it to me nearly got a big boot up her fat arse. And if her stopping hadn't pissed me off, the look she gave me when i asked her to move (Well i said 'Excuse me can I get out?') - it was as if it told her just how fat her arse was!

Stupid bitch... when she looked round huffing to herself and then picke the bags up with loads of effort as if to say 'fine ... ill move... are you happy!' - i wasn't in the mood to take her shit so I just walked past her glaring looks and said to the GF that 'i hate selfish fat shits who stand in the fucking doorways like they own the shop''

I'll probably get stabbed the next time she sees me, that's if she can catch me.
People who are walking out of a shop with their newly bought goods and then decide to stop in the exit to put the bags down and check on something.


The woman who did it to me nearly got a big boot up her fat arse. And if her stopping hadn't pissed me off, the look she gave me when i asked her to move (Well i said 'Excuse me can I get out?') - it was as if it told her just how fat her arse was!

Stupid bitch... when she looked round huffing to herself and then picke the bags up with loads of effort as if to say 'fine ... ill move... are you happy!' - i wasn't in the mood to take her shit so I just walked past her glaring looks and said to the GF that 'i hate selfish fat shits who stand in the fucking doorways like they own the shop''

I'll probably get stabbed the next time she sees me, that's if she can catch me.

She probably has a whole Arsenal of weapons under her flab - be careful.
Are they an American gang - similar to the Pringle Bloods?


Oh, and on the subject of fat people...

Fat chunks who walk through a shopping centre wobbling along while eating some chocolate-dripping bit of food. You can't walk passed them because a) they're so fat, b) they wobble automatically to the side that you want to go to as if by magic c) they're too busy eating to notice how slow they're walking.

Fat people in general. They always moan about wanting to lose weight yet have no shame in walking through town stuffing their face with food.
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When you constantly have to deal with them, you know why they piss everyone off.
what about those fatties who halfway around ASDA decide to open bags of crisps and a can of coke and walk around munching. they do my head in.
Some poor lad knocked on my door last night crying, he'd just been mugged by two fuck tards with a bread knife.

I phoned the cop's and his folks but the thing that pissed me off is why are there still little fuckers walking around with knifes and i was in the middle of a cut scene on MGS4 and missed it. I was well pissed off.
Some poor lad knocked on my door last night crying, he'd just been mugged by two fuck tards with a bread knife.

I phoned the cop's and his folks but the thing that pissed me off is why are there still little fuckers walking around with knifes and i was in the middle of a cut scene on MGS4 and missed it. I was well pissed off.

Jay trying to make excuses for having young boys knocking on his door and going into his house ...
Some poor lad knocked on my door last night crying, he'd just been mugged by two fuck tards with a bread knife.

I phoned the cop's and his folks but the thing that pissed me off is why are there still little fuckers walking around with knifes and i was in the middle of a cut scene on MGS4 and missed it. I was well pissed off.

Should've pressed start and paused it.
Police doing 68 on motorways causing tailbacks of people overtaking at 70.5 MPH, I was sat in traffic thinking there had been a prang, only to find two numties in a patrol car... What really pissed me off was two Min's after getting passed them, they took off doing over ninety with no blues!!
Some poor lad knocked on my door last night crying, he'd just been mugged by two fuck tards with a bread knife.

I phoned the cop's and his folks but the thing that pissed me off is why are there still little fuckers walking around with knifes and i was in the middle of a cut scene on MGS4 and missed it. I was well pissed off.

He's just been round with some flowers for the Mrs and a card, he didn't get me bloody anything. It just shows there not all little fucking pricks.
I made a last minute decision to buy Top Spin 3 (I know, prob mainly due to Wimbledon :blush:)so stopped at the nearest one on my way back from running an errand and find that it's £10 dearer in store than buying from their website.
I know they've done it for years, which is why I rarely buy from the shop, but it's still annoying.
I'm also after Rock Band, but at their price they can :censor: off!
Rollover adverts. Oh how I'd love to get hold of the bloke who invented these.

If I've got MSN on the screen and I suddenly decide I need to click the Start button, I usually pass over one of these new rollover adverts they've stuck to the bottom of the window. Hence the Indiana Jones theme starts blaring out of the speakers and scares the crap out of me, and as you try clicking the in-graphic "close" button - which never works - it opens the ad in a full-screen window and then you've got the song playing twice at once.

Really getting on my knockers now.
The Parisian subway, called "RER".

Line A is one of the most crowded line in the World. You can't breath, it stinks, it's 40°C in winter, your stucked with people sweatting, no double-decker train when you need them, trains are cancelled for no reason, full after the 2 first stops.

There is more and more people using the line and it's unbearable.
This is a joke and it's scandalous !

Luckily in 2 days, I'll use line D and it's WORST !!!!!
2 train/hours, more people, and in time of strike don't expect to go to work. YOU CAN'T !!!
People that shout and scream in the street at 11pm at night, without a care in the world for people who might actually be trying to sleep.

Some people really have no respect.
Do you live 2 doors down from me Dags?

My neighbours are doing that right now.

For the last month and a half they've had late night parties - friday nights they'll start at about 7pm finish at 2am ish and saturdays and sundays they'll start drinking and having a BBQ at about 2pm and drink and shout and blaze music out until about 3am.

It's becoming a frigging joke - they know we have a 8 month old here and they themselves have a little girl who must be no older than 3.

Can't really go round complaining as they look like they're the type to tell me to slag off and throw a bottle at me and then put our windows through. The way they speak to their 2/3 year old daughter and the way ive heard them speak to each other doesn't fill me with confidence they'd even take notice of me if i did say anything.

So do i phone the council to complain and then run the risk of them clearly knowing we complained and the same happens?

They're not even a young couple!
How busy is your street Radiation? We've got neighbours who are similar to yours but there's about 10-12 houses who are affected by the noise so if anyone went to the council they'd never be able to work out who it was.
How busy is your street Radiation? We've got neighbours who are similar to yours but there's about 10-12 houses who are affected by the noise so if anyone went to the council they'd never be able to work out who it was.

Well we've only moved in 3 or 4 months ago so they might have done this before that for years and never had a complaint so if they got one now they'd probably assume it was us.

To the left of us there are 2 homes with elderly ladies living in them... to the right it goes ['nob heads'] ['Never seen anyone enter of leave this house!'] ['nob heads mates'] ['nob heads mates']

Behind our homes is a big open car park style area with some homes just to the left slightly who i guess could be kept awake as they stand in the back yard shouting.

In front is a field of grass and trees and bushes and beyond that is more houses facing us - but they're too far to be affected by the noise.

The streets usually deadly quiet - we've had no problems with any noise at all until very recently where it seems next door are addicted to getting hammered at the weekend.

They stopped the noise last night at about 1am as it started raining and this morning when we looked outside and saw it had been pissing it down even more we thought we might get a day off today - but an hour ago a group came knocking on their front door with beer cans in their hands and the old 'oi oiiii! 'ole ole ole ole!' chants.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was a random friday or saturday... a birthday party or whatever... but it's become EVERY WEEKEND... EVERY CHANCE THEY GET... AND ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT LONG

The shameful thing though is they're not even young! I'd say they're all easily in their late late 30s.

Oh and of course it's horrific that they have a 2 yr old girl and they still think it's fine to get hammered all day and stay awake until 2-3am and keep her awake, and when we heard her last sunday at around 2:30am shouting from the upstairs window to her mum in the back yard that she was tired - he mum turned back and told her to 'Fuck off i'm having fun'
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