The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

The Parisian subway, called "RER".

Line A is one of the most crowded line in the World. You can't breath, it stinks, it's 40°C in winter, your stucked with people sweatting, no double-decker train when you need them, trains are cancelled for no reason, full after the 2 first stops.

tuta s that the one that has the Gare du Nord, on it. We just missed the so called riot there last year, we went through about twenty minutes before it kicked off..
Well we've only moved in 3 or 4 months ago so they might have done this before that for years and never had a complaint so if they got one now they'd probably assume it was us.

To the left of us there are 2 homes with elderly ladies living in them... to the right it goes ['nob heads'] ['Never seen anyone enter of leave this house!'] ['nob heads mates'] ['nob heads mates']

Behind our homes is a big open car park style area with some homes just to the left slightly who i guess could be kept awake as they stand in the back yard shouting.

In front is a field of grass and trees and bushes and beyond that is more houses facing us - but they're too far to be affected by the noise.

The streets usually deadly quiet - we've had no problems with any noise at all until very recently where it seems next door are addicted to getting hammered at the weekend.

They stopped the noise last night at about 1am as it started raining and this morning when we looked outside and saw it had been pissing it down even more we thought we might get a day off today - but an hour ago a group came knocking on their front door with beer cans in their hands and the old 'oi oiiii! 'ole ole ole ole!' chants.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was a random friday or saturday... a birthday party or whatever... but it's become EVERY WEEKEND... EVERY CHANCE THEY GET... AND ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT LONG

The shameful thing though is they're not even young! I'd say they're all easily in their late late 30s.

Oh and of course it's horrific that they have a 2 yr old girl and they still think it's fine to get hammered all day and stay awake until 2-3am and keep her awake, and when we heard her last sunday at around 2:30am shouting from the upstairs window to her mum in the back yard that she was tired - he mum turned back and told her to 'Fuck off i'm having fun'

Get onto the council and the law, things have changed regarding crap like that, have a word with your other neighbors and get them to complain too, make video recordings for evidence... The fact they have young kids helps you too ...
Yeah, if you think asking them will cause trouble then go straight to the council. They'll probably ask you to keep a written diary of all the times they make noise before they actually do anything I think, which is a bit of a pain.
Just go over with a baseball bat and smash their heads in - The fucking selfish bastards!!!
Fucking Big Brother non-celebrities.

That Ziggy person from one of the previous ones was at the hotel where we had our college leavers do last night, and all the idiots were crowding around him and getting pictures, pathetic.

I'm like "so what do you do? who are you?"
Yeah, can't stand these faux-celebs.

Oh and of course it's horrific that they have a 2 yr old girl and they still think it's fine to get hammered all day and stay awake until 2-3am and keep her awake, and when we heard her last sunday at around 2:30am shouting from the upstairs window to her mum in the back yard that she was tired - he mum turned back and told her to 'Fuck off i'm having fun'

Thats shocking, call childprotection while you're at it!
God i can't stand BB, I watched a bit of an episode from the first series I think and the first Celeb one... Damn, that's hamster TV at it's worst.
The second worst thing ever to happen to humanity... Celebrity culture..
Pepole that never give a funk.

No matter what you do or what you've done for them, they don't ever give a freaking funk about anything.
The current run of Sky + adverts with Ross Fucking Kemp and Michael Fucking Parkinson telling us how great it is
That Advert for drink driving with the Annoying Bar man that plays lots of different roles - I have to turn the TV off I get so Angry.

You can tell he is a smug bastard in real life - He probably goes around saying 'Yeah - I'm that guy in that advert that goes into many roles in quick succesion. It's really hard to do - but it came natural to me'

Fuck off and Die you annoying Twat!!!!!
That Advert for drink driving with the Annoying Bar man that plays lots of different roles - I have to turn the TV off I get so Angry.
I really like that advert, the guy is talented! I wish I could do that.

"Well that's just great, no license no job, now what??"

"Banning" swearing in discussion forums or any online areas where people chat, that fucking pisses me off.

Yeah because you can't possibly swear anywhere else on the forums can you?!
It also pisses me off when you have a whinge about something in a thread specifically set up to have a whinge about something, then someone comes along and tries to undermine your right and freedom to whinge by trying to validate the thing thing you actually wanted to whinge about in the first place, especially when that person is a potty mouth themself who was demoted for calling Platini a "French Cunt" :)
fricken door to door salesmen, I've been doing a report for the last couple of days from home and looking after my other half who's recouping from an op' and I have had at least two a day. I don't want plastic fecking fascias or a stone driveway, and if I did, what right minded person would by one of a bloke on the doorstep in a bad jumper with a fag hanging out of his gob... Gotta get some big ass gates at the end of the drive way.
We've never had that, apart from flyers saying "do you need any trees cutting or bushes trimming?" Around here we get phone calls at least once a week though (always when you're having your tea) from some wanker, my mum has been taken in by a few guys saying they're from BT and asking for the address. We've rang all the helplines under the sun to get removed from all these lists but it never stops. So in the end we all got caller ID, if we don't know the number we don't answer it, they can leave a message if it's important.
JB have you heard of this?

Works quite well. I know a few people who signed up who were hassled by sales calls, and they don't get them anymore.
I haven't signed up yet as we moved house with a new number at Christmas, though will do as soon as it starts...
Why not just get an answer machine and screen your calls?

"Hi this is Jack's house, we're currently in at the moment eating our dinner or watching big brother, if you're trying to sell something fuck off, if you're a family member or friend and want to borrow some money fuck off, for all other enquiries please leave a message".
I'm gonna kill myself if I have to work at Next any longer.

Not that the jobs bad, the people are bad, or anything like that, they're all fine.

But I'm the only one who has a discount card in my family (after my sister quit) so with mum and sister loving Next clothes, I have to get dragged over to the bloody shop, which takes ages, just so they can get £2 off jeans or something like that.


/whiny teenager rant.
Dickweeds on Call Of Duty 4, who as soon as it comes up as a map they don't like in the lobby, they're screaming "SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP IT SKIP IT" down the micear in mind you can't mute in lobbies... So when people don't skip it, they are whining about how shit the map is every time they get killed. IF THEY HATE IT SO MUCH, WHY DON'T THEY LEAVE OR JUST LEFT WHEN WE WERE IN THE LOBBY?!?! Thank fuck for the mute function during gameplay.
Buses with one person on in their own damn lane while 3000 chumps in cars are filtered into one lane and a half mile jam, not daring to do over 30 for fear of being criminalised, paying for everything from the Health service to private schools for MP's kids.
Through taxes that should go to building and maintaining our roads, let alone the billions scooped off at petrol pumps. People may hate motorists and traffic in this country, but I tell you what without chumps like me this country would be on it's knees..
Damn this was an I hate busses and bus lane rant to start off...
The 20-30 minutes of fucking adverts before a film at the cinema
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