The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

As long as rival supporters gets one over (in this case Liverpool) a rival team ,focus/safety and shitty treatment from Uefa/french police can be swept under the rug.
Instead of actually stand united ,could be your turn next time.

Tribalism and toxicity is so fucking depressing in football.

Yeah. It's awesome in the right places. But sometimes the common enemy is greater.
I could spell around in every corner from my appartment!

These crap about a 96 year old lady live in 5 completly different TV stations here in germany.
All dump and corrupt politician.
I heard that in the USA was again a shooting in a hospital. People are so dump and kill themeselfs in wars or like this.

#noguns #noweapons #notowar

A subset of flag-shagging Brits have started calling it the "platty joobs". Which made me vomit.

Though it did lead to this tweet, which I dropped in the girlfriend's family group chat (which made her grandparents counter-vomit):

I can't believe we paid £13m for Andy to be available and he didn't even bother showing up.
The popularity contest that is the internet. I do something, hardly anyone cares (maybe 4-5 likes). Someone else does the same thing, instant 15+ likes. I don't understand it. But ok. I'm sure death will be along soon enough and I wont need to worry about such things 😎
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I'm also pissed off. Because of the weather, climate change and our damn politicians they fucked up it and bring back (befor it completley removed it) cole energy powers plants and nuclear power plants.

I mean I don't know how I will sleep tonight in my appartment. Windows are all open and I have 26°C and something around 80% - 90% air wetness. (or whats called in english "Luftfeuchtigkeit".

Maybe I open up my fridge and sleep in my kitchen... 🥵😬

Like the weather forcast from my mobilphone we will have the "coldest" moment at 6:00 o'clock tomorrow morning with 19°C.
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