The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Can't say I've paid much attention to Eurovision over the years. I remember that mad Finnish lot winning it, and a couple of transgender artists (maybe, can't be arsed Googling) which makes me quite happy as it proves us Europeans are a pretty liberal bunch. And I also remember the Poland entry from 2014. Now that is worth Googling if you get the time.

It's funny how something so frivolous is steeped in politics, though.
Fun fact ,EBU ( European broadcasting union) didn't want to kick Russia out this year ,until 9 of the broadcasting countries said they wouldn't broadcast it or participate this year.
Fun fact ,EBU ( European broadcasting union) didn't want to kick Russia out this year ,until 9 of the broadcasting countries said they wouldn't broadcast it or participate this year.
As for them, they're a FIFA/UEFA-esque organization... I recall some years ago.......FIX: still happening.....Australia participating in the contest!!! :P
No certain problem with Australia, being outside Europe, but it is the greediness, which is annoying..
As for them, they're a FIFA/UEFA-esque organization... I recall some years ago.......FIX: still happening.....Australia participating in the contest!!! :P
No certain problem with Australia, being outside Europe, but it is the greediness, which is annoying..
Dont get that either ,everything has gone tits up since east European countries and Australia has been allowed in.
Brilliant player ,but his presence and (lack of) personality just rubs me the wrong way , I'd still hate him even if he'd play for my team.
Good fit with him and city though.
Chelsea in their away kit against Liverpool will never feel right to me, saying that, yellow is a lucky charm as far as FA Cup finals are concerned (as in the case of Arsenal and Southampton) and Chelsea wore it when they beat Saints 6-0, as well as nearly beating Real Madrid, so I can't really blame them for wearing it, if they feel inspired by the (almost) positive results in the kit since the spring
Can you even begin to imagine dropping your kid off at elementary school for the day and then find out they've been shot dead. How the fuck do you deal with that? :(

Still the politicians will no doubt send their thoughts and prayers, so that'll be ok then. Move along to the next one.
Im absolutely fuming after the last shooting.
The arguments they have are beyond ridiculous. And their ideas to "solve" the problem are equally scary and laughable.
As a father of a girl that's same age as those kids Im shaking even thinking about it.
Kids having Active Shooter Drills at school?? Lines drawn on the classroom floor that indicate where is the best place in the classroom to be out of shooters line of sight?? Jesus fucking christ!!

And here's a tweet I saw of some ex military woman. Still dont know if she was being sarcastic or not, but this is her idea
Im absolutely fuming after the last shooting.
The arguments they have are beyond ridiculous. And their ideas to "solve" the problem are equally scary and laughable.
As a father of a girl that's same age as those kids Im shaking even thinking about it.
Kids having Active Shooter Drills at school?? Lines drawn on the classroom floor that indicate where is the best place in the classroom to be out of shooters line of sight?? Jesus fucking christ!!

And here's a tweet I saw of some ex military woman. Still dont know if she was being sarcastic or not, but this is her idea

Surely, surely, that is parody. But it says a lot about the situation that we're questioning it at all.

I know that States has a very different relationship with guns, historically, than we do in the UK, but I always think of Dunblane and what it did here. A completely appropriate response. Take the single most effective step to make sure this doesn't happen again and throttle gun ownership.

That Texas governor's press conference pissed me clean off. Grief bingo: God, thoughts and prayers, don't politicise the issue, God, mental health services, God. His job was to go out and deflect. Plain and simple.
Same story as the last big school massacre (Sandy Hook) nothing was done then ,nothing is going to get fixed now either.
Guess you all saw Steve Kerr's (golden state warriors) reaction to this?
And he explained it so even the thickest person would understand why there's nothing being done.
The way football fans get treated, and the way fans of other teams react.

I've seen one rehashed clip of 'Liverpool fans' (not a scarf or shirt in sight) jumping over the gates, against dozens of clips showing them being mistreated by police/security.

Liverpool fans have a reputation, and this has played out on social media. Plenty of aggressively unsympathetic posts from fans of other teams. Can only presume they don't actually go to games, and witness just how badly football fans are handled. I'd stick up for any set of fans when they're coming up against the police.

I think it's particularly difficult for British fans abroad. Now, both British people and football fans are routinely awful in foreign countries. But police are very quick to tar everyone with the same brush. I've seen it first hand with Aberdeen and Scotland. Only exception is Germany, where the police were great. Even at home, the aggression might not be the same but the sentiment is: treat them like shit.
As long as rival supporters gets one over (in this case Liverpool) a rival team ,focus/safety and shitty treatment from Uefa/french police can be swept under the rug.
Instead of actually stand united ,could be your turn next time.

Tribalism and toxicity is so fucking depressing in football.
The French can't organize football events, there was some weird shit going on in their last Euros as well, for example.
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