The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

People who are on the Mic on XBL talking to there mates in the background

Just take your fucking headset off if you wanna talk to your mates we dont wanna hear it

I once heard some kid on saints row get smacked off his 'mom' for not turning his 360 off and going shopping with her - it was awesome.

He was spawn camping the entire game, kept shouting 'this is soooo fucking cooooool' and then team killing us, stealing the cars and getting the money/points.

Then we heard his mom shout at him and he said back 'awww mom i'm right in the middle of something' and then we all heard her scream 'turn that fucking thing off and get in the car' ... then he started mumbling and then we heard 'what did i just tell YYYOOOOOUUUU CRACK CRACK (sound of headphones being bashed around and someone bursting into tears)

[Insert Gamertag] has quit the game

And i agree about the rip of ok go advert - and then you have that sugar poofs ad that rips off the might boosh -

and then you have that paramount comedy ad with the clown

And the Sa Cla pesto ad

Which both rip off Lasse Gjertsen
People who are on the Mic on XBL talking to there mates in the background

Just take your fucking headset off if you wanna talk to your mates we dont wanna hear it

You are joking right?!

You are the worst for it, having a conversation on your phone while we all sitting there listening :LOL: how about put it on mute! ;))
People who are on the Mic on XBL talking to there mates in the background

Just take your fucking headset off if you wanna talk to your mates we dont wanna hear it
Those who live in glass houses... :LOL:
Not Guilty

i get phones call in the middle of a battle so have no time to mute :))
I once heard some kid on saints row get smacked off his 'mom' for not turning his 360 off and going shopping with her - it was awesome.

He was spawn camping the entire game, kept shouting 'this is soooo fucking cooooool' and then team killing us, stealing the cars and getting the money/points.

Then we heard his mom shout at him and he said back 'awww mom i'm right in the middle of something' and then we all heard her scream 'turn that fucking thing off and get in the car' ... then he started mumbling and then we heard 'what did i just tell YYYOOOOOUUUU CRACK CRACK (sound of headphones being bashed around and someone bursting into tears)

[Insert Gamertag] has quit the game

Pure fuckin' gold.

Today people that cheat on COD4 piss me off. I had one of the worst games ever last night, I was so pissed off I could have thrown the PS3 controller at the TV. This particular person was without a doubt cheating, getting one shot kills at the time on EVERYONE on our team and hardly getting killed. I think in one game he ended up with over 40 kills and one death. He was impossible to kill he was immune to bullets practically, I think the one time he died was because he jumped down a silo on the Countdown map.

I wish I could remember his PSN. Fucking. Piss. Taking. Fucker.
His MSN name is "star goalkeeper :D" or something like that, so I'm presuming he's swapped Jan Molby for Bruce Grobbelaar...
This week I have mostly been pissed off with poor cup holders in cars and coin holders in cars too for that matter, why do they put them in, wtf uses them?... and parents screaming at their kids in public, threatening them with violence, ie I'll give you something to cry about... the sooner you have to be vetted, intelligence and means tested to have kids the better... a kid is for life not a career...
I got a coffee from a service station and burned fuck out of my hand getting it out of the machine.It was one of those big paper cups i had to put my hand under the cold tap because it was red raw, anyway got onto the motorway doing top speed and decided on a sip only for the cup to give in and red hot coffe to poor all over my bollocks. How i didn't crash i still don't know.
I got a coffee from a service station and burned fuck out of my hand getting it out of the machine.It was one of those big paper cups i had to put my hand under the cold tap because it was red raw, anyway got onto the motorway doing top speed and decided on a sip only for the cup to give in and red hot coffe to poor all over my bollocks. How i didn't crash i still don't know.

If it's a self dispenser, always, always get two cups one inside the other. I feel the pain bud I had to go to hospital with a scalded crotch..:blush:
Every year, the Year 11 students in our college go down to the local park once theyve finished for good and celebrate by having a massive pissup.

Obviously it attracts your fair share of random knobheads, but because everyone is getting pissed, theres a very decent atmosphere, and all the people you think are knobheads end up hugging you and saying youre a legend.

Well, again this happened this year, and a mate of mine dropped some people off their so they could go. Whilst he did this, he got jumped by a bunch of twats and they've robbed off with his car, and whilst robbing off with his car, they've also hit a bunch of people apparently.

Why bother living if you're gonna do something like that?
Every year, the Year 11 students in our college go down to the local park once theyve finished for good and celebrate by having a massive pissup.

Obviously it attracts your fair share of random knobheads, but because everyone is getting pissed, theres a very decent atmosphere, and all the people you think are knobheads end up hugging you and saying youre a legend.

Well, again this happened this year, and a mate of mine dropped some people off their so they could go. Whilst he did this, he got jumped by a bunch of twats and they've robbed off with his car, and whilst robbing off with his car, they've also hit a bunch of people apparently.

Why bother living if you're gonna do something like that?

HAHA In my last day at school my year all went to the park for a massive fight, but somebody tipped off the teachers and they called the police, didnt stop us though :DD there was soo many of us!
They stole his car and ran people over!


My misses nephew got the shit kicked out of him yesterday by two smackheads. They asked him for money as he was walking home, then asked for his phone and before he could say anything one of them pulled and knife and they jump him - they even pulled his t shirt off him, pulled his shoes off him and jumped on his head until he blacked out.

when he came to one of the lads had ran and the other was re dressing him saying how sorry he was.

I can't believe even after the big story of that bloke who was kicked to death there are still morons out there who are basically fighting for fun and doing this.
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Adverts like this:

Get Sky TV today for just £16*!


* Excluding connection charge and installation charge, £16 per month for two channels (Sky One and QVC Two), for more channels you're looking at £24 per month, with movies £30 per month and with sports as well £40 per month. If you have a decent TV and you want a high-definition box then we'll need a higher connection charge, a higher installation charge, £300 for the HD box plus £50 a month for the HD channels, £10 on top of that for HD movies and HD sports. Subject to a rise within the next 12 months which we won't tell you about until we've got you signing the contract. Please note you will need a phone-line plugged into the box all day so we can monitor exactly what you're doing, if you take the phone-line out there's a fine of £100 and the free previews of the naughty channels at midnight will be disabled; don't deny that you watch them, we know you do, we have your viewing habits logged and we're selling them to the highest bidder so that the advertisers can shit "more relevant" adverts down your eyesockets. Subject to even more terms and conditions, but if you've read this far, then fucking hell, you've got great eyesight, because this shit is printed on a bus-stop advert with the tiniest font possible, but of course all we want you to see is "Sky TV for just £16" and Ross Kemp's fat ugly face, he does something to the housewives apparently and the men all feel some kind of a bond with him because he's well 'ard. For more information see

And also, adverts for the stupid.

Nintendo Wii now £199!


TV, DVD player, stereo, speakers, table, remotes, pamphlet and geeky-ass haircut not included
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SKY can FUCK OFF. With their shit internet, adverts everywhere (EG. on their channels every ad break has at least two advertising how great they are) crap customer service. Everytime I've called for the internet I get put through to some Asian who doesn't know a word of English. It's like being on the 3 phone network again.
I'm with Sky for broadband, TV and phone and have had no problems at all. Internet's been very reliable and fast too :TU:.
What is fucking wrong with this country? Why do people keep getting stabbed? I could really fucking cry sometimes :CRY:.
What is fucking wrong with this country? Why do people keep getting stabbed? I could really fucking cry sometimes :CRY:.

I know its so bad, Cant believe it was my cousin that got stabbed on the GTA night at gamestation :((
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