The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Pickled Onion are nice in every type of crisp, especially chipsticks ;))

Flamin Hot Monster Munch are the best though :TU:
EA fucking being screwed when all I wanna do is pop online and play 1 match before bed :MAD:.
Last year I bought about five pairs of shorts, I've just had all my clothes drawers out looking for them and can I find a pair? Can I fuck.

Stuff like that drives me mad, I hate my brain.
People that piss on the toilet seat.

People that don't flush the toilet after themselves.

I dont wash my hands after going to the toilet and i make a nice big sandwich after
Not quite a piss me off thing but when you go to a toilet somewhere public and as you sit down the seat is warm
People who say "it's too bloody hot", then when summer's gone they say "God I wish it would warm up a bit".

(That might be a repeat actually, I vaguely remember Matherto saying something similar; but then I have done a lot of hard drugs lately)

I'm allergic to the sun - i break out in a bloody rash if im out too long

Plus i hate it when its hot at night because theres nothing much you can do to cool down other than having a fan going all night

I much prefer colder weather because at least then you can put a jumper on or the heating and get to a nicer temperature

Although its not at the point yet where id say its tooooo hot. its just warm
Yep, if you're cold you can do something about it, if you're hot you're screwed. I once said to my auntie years and years ago, "would you rather burn to death or freeze to death" - what I meant was, it's better to be cold than hot isn't it auntie, but being little it didn't quite come out right...

I quite like this weather we're having at the minute though, the wind stops it from being too much.
I'm allergic to the sun - i break out in a bloody rash if im out too long

Plus i hate it when its hot at night because theres nothing much you can do to cool down other than having a fan going all night

I much prefer colder weather because at least then you can put a jumper on or the heating and get to a nicer temperature

Although its not at the point yet where id say its tooooo hot. its just warm

Last year was disgustingly warm in my bedroom, the windows didn't open properly and I had to have this big fan running. The fan was so loud that I couldn't sleep, but then I couldn't sleep for the heat if the fan wasn't on. Horrible :(
Well it was fucking boiling in the garden today as I mowed away, but thankfully the instant Audience When In The Garden had obviously lost their sixth sense and hearing, and I was out there alone for once, the nosey bastards.

I do love both weathers, hot and cold. It's never too hot for me, although sometimes it is too cold. For example when on holiday in Corfu, temperatures over 140 degrees fahrenheit just made me drink more, a good thing. However about a month ago it was snowing well heavy at 2am and I jumped outside for a jive in the untrodden snow and then realised jeans and t-shirt wasn't enough, and I've been wearing bollock-warmers ever since
The heat has it's drawbacks but I prefer it to the cold.

The hotter it get's the less clothing the girls have. :mrgreen: and that alone is worth it.
You'd sit on a public toilet seat...:BLINK:

Well I put toilet roll on the seat if i HAVE to sit down - but sometimes you can feel the warmth of another mans hairy ass seeping through

The heat has it's drawbacks but I prefer it to the cold.

The hotter it get's the less clothing the girls have. :mrgreen: and that alone is worth it.

Ohhh yeah

it'll be a workout to have sex with those gals... probably look like Mr.Olympia after that
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