The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Not Game's fault per sé, they were given the wrong price and then the next day they were told of the error. Saying that, from what I've read, some managers are correcting it and some aren't bothering - now that is sly.

They've done this apparently with all their new releases on release date. Expect GTA to be the same.
Not Game's fault per sé, they were given the wrong price and then the next day they were told of the error. Saying that, from what I've read, some managers are correcting it and some aren't bothering - now that is sly.

When FIFA 08 and SKATE came out, GameStation had both games at £49.99 in the store when it opened. I walked over to Game and seen they had FIFA 08 for £39.99. Got Game to price-match it but it seems it's a common plan for high-street stores to whack new games for £50 knowing that people will buy it, and keep it at that price as long as they can get away with it.
I saw this disgrace on the music channels the other day.

How the hell can people like that get record deals, it's clear all they are is a bunch of talentless Chavs. I hate the kinda scum like these who live from week to week jobseekers check to jobseekers check, have kids because they can't be bothered using contraception then don't live with their kids mum because then they wouldn't get as many benefits, never work, just drink, smoke and do drugs. Kids are left to wander the streets unsupervised and are always scruffy-but yet the parents always have new super white trainers. I could carry on ranting but anyways... I hate Chavs. They won't need their jobseekers now, because all the fellow Chavs will go buy this crap with their jobseekers money. Why god why. WHY.
Walking into Both Game and Gamestation today and seeing Euro 2008 on sale for 50, yes £50. More than Fifa 08 which has far more features.

Asked how much I'd get off it by trading in a brand new only played once BioShock. £8 off!


£50 is daylight robbery it really is. £50 smackers for a little disc with about 30 teams on it and a handful of stadiums.
Putting a new shirt on and dropping beans down the front of it.

I read somewhere that we're the only place in the world that eats baked beans in tomato sauce, is that true? I could see why.
I saw this disgrace on the music channels the other day.

How the hell can people like that get record deals, it's clear all they are is a bunch of talentless Chavs. I hate the kinda scum like these who live from week to week jobseekers check to jobseekers check, have kids because they can't be bothered using contraception then don't live with their kids mum because then they wouldn't get as many benefits, never work, just drink, smoke and do drugs. Kids are left to wander the streets unsupervised and are always scruffy-but yet the parents always have new super white trainers. I could carry on ranting but anyways... I hate Chavs. They won't need their jobseekers now, because all the fellow Chavs will go buy this crap with their jobseekers money. Why god why. WHY.

Oh my god!!!! :LOL:
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the heat :eh:

Hot winds from northern Africa are making the temperature rise as fuck! :r1
And on top of that, small anoyying flies by the thousands that came with it. :MAD:
Small annoying flies, good one. I hate those bastards.

Midgeys everywhere here when the sun comes out, I hate it.
Revan I tell you man It's a Hell of a place where you live, are there any redeeming features.. :LOL:

I live closer to Africa's mainland than to europe.
So every now and then we have these eastern winds (hot winds) and a few years ago grasshopers almost as big as the palm of my hand.
Oh and a few years ago the government decided to transform a beach to a sand beach using sand from Africa (since it's closer it's cheaper), and some scorpions came with the sand.
Don't worry, they were dead, but it was quite a scare for the folks at the beach.

We may be the first stop by the four horsemen but I still like this place. :-pp
A few things have pissed me off this weekend.

Emma Bunton
I can't really be bothered going into this one but I will say that she's a fucking waste of space and lucky to have got anywhere with a 'singing' career and to have made so much money.

Balls of Steel
This one has been getting at me for ages really, everytime I watch it I get annoyed. I'm sure if you've seen it you'll agree the pranks are actually quite funny but what really gets me is the way it's presented. It drives me fucking insane. I don't see the need for the horrible wooden conversations between the presenter and the 'prankster' (I cant think what the fuck to call them). It's the same every bloody time. Crap joke, followed by wooden conversation including much arse licking, next comes the actually video of the prank and then more shitty wooden jokes and 'banter'.

They could fit in twice as much of the stuff thats funny if they binned all that crap, really winds me up. It makes what would be a very funny programme seriously tedious to watch.

And whats the point in the audience 'voting' for a winner each week? They get an intendedly crap trophy and we get to watch 5 minutes of piss poor television when we could be laughing at something else.

Ugh, somebody kill her please.
Can you imagine? It would be Princess Diana all over again.


We'd never hear the end of it and her albums would sell ten times more than they do now, she'd be on the music channels night and day. Be careful what you wish for.
On the topic of Amy Crackhouse (what the hell does she wear on her head?)

I raise you Pete Fucking Doherty and his 'breaking news' coverage. I couldn't give a shit if he keeps getting arrested for posession.
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