The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

They are designed to get as many callers as possible which is why you never see a complex maths problem on This Morning
Kids with gamertags such as EXALTED ZERO X.

(That is a real gamertag, of a real kid, who is a friend of my real nephew)
Are the phone-in quizzes as ridiculous as this in Portugal, Revan?

Sometimes. But not always.

things like how many triangles? Might seem easy but it isn't, the image is confusing.

But I was watching once and someone called and said 0!
When there were clearly more than a dozen.

gamertags/nickname isn't the worse!

It's the voice when they are using an headset.

That's why I decided a long time ago to always mute the other players.
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Completely shit sporting occassions that get ridiculously over-hyped coverage on the days leading up to the event - eg. Grand National, Boat Race. A bunch of dwarves on horses running around in a field... so f*king what?

On a similar theme, the London Marathon. Bad enough that it gets hours of TV coverage but Radio 5 Live covers the whole thing, too. Who cares about a huge bunch of nobodies plodding around the streets of London for hours on end? Tedious beyond belief.

Actually, I just heard Kate Lawler on the radio and she's apparently doing it in a bikini so I turned on the TV to see if she could be seen. Alas no, but I did catch a couple of guys in wheelchairs crash into each other and go into a crash barrier. Unfortunately, fisticuffs did not ensue but funny nonetheless.


Oh, just listening to the radio and it seems there's gas leak on the marathon route at Canary Warf. The organisers are panicking as a detour needs to be found and the elite women are only about 20 minutes away from arriving. If they can't find a detour double-quick, there could be some gassings here so it could be worth watching afterall. Too bad I've got to go out and give my Sunday Sermon.
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People who cry when they hear someone singing like Amanda holden loves to do

Go on luv, force those fake tears out

FFS it's only singing! Get over it!
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I know. Sue me. ;)

Every game is great until the faults kick in, and when they get too repetitive you need the next one. If they never fix them (like Pro Evo) then you don't get the game again - or at least I don't. Euro 2008 has fixed the reaction times so I'm grand - I just hope it makes enough of a difference online.
Its division one that has done it for you JB, made me hate it aswell. Its an evil league EVIL!
I've lost my fair share of matches on FIFA today :((. Including one match where I had 4 red cards!

:r1 :r1 :r1 :r1
And you say you're not dirty... :roll:


Seriously, I don't think I've seen four red cards in total since playing FIFA... I hope to God they're fixed in Euro, or at least with a patch.
No, no, I have accepted people call me dirty now so I'm going to give them something to shout about :)).
I've seen loads of red cards playing 5v5.

On the subject of FIFA08 5v5, people who, when controlling the keeper, insist on passing out to the first defender only to have it stolen by an attacker and panic enues. The ball ends up at the keeper and they do the same thing again! And continue doing it throughout the match. Do these cocks never learn? Why did I buy a PS3?
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