The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

mail scams! who the fuck is dumb enough to fall for this shit!? escreveu:
> Dear Friend,
> I have a transaction of 19.5 million us$ that I will like to share with you,Please if you are interested email me in the following email address:
> Liu Yan.

my reply

get lost shit face

google usually does a good job of getting rid of spam, but it usually can't do a damn thing against these things.
I can't believe you just turned down $9.75million mate! :SHOCK:

(This is a joke reply, by the way, I'm not actually a retard ;)).)
Walking into Game and a smelly little grubby student walks up to you and says "Can I help you sir?"

"Yes you can start by having a wash you greasy little bell end"
Picking up a cup to drink from which sticks to a rather weighty metal coaster with sharp corners, and then as you swig from the cup, the coaster pops off and smacks you right between the legs.

In the words of Dr. Nick Riviera, "oh no, blood!"
Man United Fans

That stupid twat that does the youghut advert before the London Tonight Weather Report.

People who brag about being drunk, or being drunk the night before. I mean WTF, you want a medal? Any Fucker can drink themselves into a state of twatishness.
you know what, i dont know why but i saw your name as the last post and i thought i bet hes put Fifa

I would deffo do her.
mmmh.. Me too. Probably.

Anyway, getting defeated with a loss time goal because a f*cking defender just can't do what he is meant to do.. It happened twice in the last 2 weeks, and it's going to happen also tonight I guess.

Funk, I've saved the last 3 penalties I got against, but I'd have preferred to concede them instead of the goals we conceded in the last two weeks. This is frustrating.
People who think they are great and oh so much better than you because they have "designer clothes" on.
Check-out staff in supermarkets who pack your bags without permission and put soft things like bananas at the bottom, with tins and heavy stuff on top, so they're all bruised and squashed when you get home. They also stuff the bags as full as they can meaning everything spills out in the boot of the car when you're driving home.

And you have to thank them after they've so helpfully packed your back, too! Like I couldn't manage to pack my own fucking bag.

And all soaps for that matter. Everyone cheats on everyone, it's sex sex sex.

Where's mine?! :((

Nothing like real life. Makes you feel like you're totally past it. Thoroughly depressing.
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Check-out staff in supermarkets who pack your bags without permission and put soft things like bananas at the bottom, with tins and heavy stuff on top, so they're all bruised and squashed when you get home. They also stuff the bags as full as they can meaning everything spills out in the boot of the car when you're driving home.

And you have to thank them after they've so helpfully packed your back, too! Like I couldn't manage to pack my own fucking bag.

you try working in a supermarket for 9 hours a day, its makes you do mad things so fuck off


All those who think Blatter is a cock, raise your hands...

I still like FIFA, what's happening?!

I sort of hate being jobless but like it because I don't want our son being shoved into a nursery for £300 a week.
People that over apologize are really getting on my nerves at the moment. They say sorry for the smallest thing and even sometimes for nothing at all!

I walked past someone the other day at work and I had to SLIGHTLY move out of their way, I just heard this "Im sorry"


lol! Calm down!
Phone-in quizzes.

"Which of these is the capital of England? Is it:

A) London
B) The letter E
C) Justin Timberlake's right testicle sautéd and lightly sprinkled with black pepper and served with lima beans"
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