The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Yea, but i get to typin my serial number in, and an animated voice says something about the warrenty and hangs up.
People who let their dogs out by themselves last thing at night, because they can't be bothered taking them for a proper walk, and they come and crap in my garden.

Spending 10 minutes before each time I cut the grass going round scooping up other people's dog turds.

I couldn't find the real Howard so i had to use a lookalike. There both annoying twats.
That happened to me a few weeks ago, Kit Kat Chunky, was just a block of bloody chocolate. It had been in the fridge as well, I might as well have chewed on a brick.
LMFAO :lmao:

Seriously though, you lucky cunt! A solid brick of chocolate, that would never happen to me! :DD
You say lucky, everyone says lucky, but when it's been in the fridge you break your teeth on the bastard.

I looked like this afterwards.


(Yeah it turned me Asian as well, don't know how)
Kit-Kat used to be my favourite chocolate biscuit. I used to buy them all the time until a couple of yeears ago when I started to get fingers which were 90% chocolate. It was then that I realised how unpleasant the chocolate was and how crucial the biscuit part was to making them taste nice. I never buy them any more.
People who work in phone shops, or any other electrical store, who know jack Tomlinson about the products they are selling. It's a bugger when you know far more about the product they are trying to sell you.....
When you nearly rip your toenail off on a piece of wood that sticks out the bottom of a chest of drawers for no other reason than to look fancy.

And then when you do it again the next night.
People who work in phone shops, or any other electrical store, who know jack Tomlinson about the products they are selling. It's a bugger when you know far more about the product they are trying to sell you.....

When i was buying my HD tv - the stupid cow in Currys (in Speke) who i unfortunately caught the attention was clueless.

I told her i was just looking at the tv's but i couldn't see what the response time on them was as none of them were labeled.

She said she could help and led me over to some nice looking tvs - she picked up one of the info leaflets and started to read it aloud to me... as if i couldn't have done that myself.... well not read it out loud. Then when she had done she handed me the leaflet to read myself with a smile on her face.

I took it, knowing it didn't have any info other than useless shit to me like the size of the tv and make and the serial number and other bits like 'we offer 5 year extended warranty at an additional charge' --- and then said to her 'this doesn't explain if it's a good tv for gaming... i want to make sure it has a decent response and delay time.

"She then gave me a blank look, and then said that all the tv's have scart leads. But only the more expensive 1080p tv's offer the faster response time"

Useless cow
When you type something five times on MSN and get:

"The following message could not be delivered to all recipients"

Then you alter it by one letter and it goes through fine.
You've got a kid next door hitting a drum in the early hours and you've got some stranger opening and closing your windows, what the hell is going on? Tell them all to fuck the fuck off.
You've got a kid next door hitting a drum in the early hours and you've got some stranger opening and closing your windows, what the hell is going on? Tell them all to fuck the fuck off.

He lives in a mental institute JB - he does tell them to fuck off, but they can't hear his voice through the padded walls.

He also has someone in the room next door that eats his own Poo Poo and chews really loudly :ROLL:
Waking up in the morning to shouts of.....

"How come when I turned the TV on this morning its on channel 912?"

"Why is there a sock on the sofa?"

Dammit, a bunch a kids that their parents don't know or don't care to raise properly.

"You "f*ck, i'm gonna beat you up" is a common phrase heard from their mom. (free translation)

I found out who was opening the windows. It was my mum.

I must have some problem with my ears or sumtin. I get a headache if there is noise, but won't wake up.

I remember when there was heavy construction a few years back around my house. I purposely chose to do everything in the morning in those days.
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I must have some problem with my ears or sumtin. I get a headache if there is noise, but won't wake up. And I end up getting a headache.
I have the same problem with light. I have to have these really horrible thick old curtains to block as much light as possible, but if I forget to shut them at night, or if it's just a really really bright day, I wake up after sunrise with a banging headache. Totally wrecks my sleep pattern.
I've tried a sleep mask but it keeps coming off in the night, I toss and turn like... Well, like a tosser. I wake up and it's under the pillow or down the side of the bed, I don't know what the hell I do all night and I don't want to know either.
I've tried a sleep mask but it keeps coming off in the night, I toss and turn like... Well, like a tosser. I wake up and it's under the pillow or down the side of the bed, I don't know what the hell I do all night and I don't want to know either.

:LOL: May be bad sleep patterns... video your sleep and fast forward it, you'll look like your dancing...:bounce:
i've an umbrella attached to the side of my bed facing the window so no sun problems here :king:
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