The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Is that a mic or is she shaving her tash?

Washing Machine repair companies, I've had three guys from the same company and they still have not fixed my washing machine... They sent the wrong part this time... Its a washing machine not a particle generator :censor:
The guy at my work who insists on crapping on the toilet seat. Is he so proud of his stools that he must leave them around for others to view and admire?
The BBC need to stop skimping on headphones and buy a new pair instead of giving her a pair which are taped up ;)
Presumably that's Jacqui Oatley? She's cute. Can't stand her commentating though. Her voice is suitable for a school-girl hockey match or a children's swimming gala, not Premiership football.

The BBC are making a mistake employing her on the basis of equal opportunity "PC" reasons. There's more to commentary than being good at describing what you see, not that she is necessarily even that. The tonal quality of the commentator's voice is critical to capturing the right atmosphere and she will never be able to do that.

We have a problem with BBC TV in Scotland at the moment where we have a few new male commentators and they all have these annoying, thin, high-pitched, boyish voices with no depth and quality. They try their best to enthuse and to engender urgency and excitement, but they just don't have the fundmental tonal quality of voice to achieve it.
1 thing that really pisses me off is the packaging that Xbox 360 Accessories come in.... Its so fucking annoying trying to get into them!

YES! like the vacuum pack plastic, It took me over half an hour to get my VGA cable out, never know where to start. Finished off with teeth marks and everything
Try some of the stuff kids toys come packaged in, Christ. It's so annoying, first there's the super mega from another planet strong sellotape you have to cut off to get inside the box, then those bloody wire things tied around every inch of the toy attached to cardboard that take AGES to untangle, then you have to cut the cardboard off it's attached to. Most. Annoying. Packaging. Ever.
Argh! Why does Andy cockhead Townsend always say "the goals"? Has he got permanent fucking double vision or something?! He said it in the UEFA CL game, and he just said it at HT of the Roma v Utd game - "Rooney coming off there, he's a long way from the goals"

Try some of the stuff kids toys come packaged in, Christ. It's so annoying, first there's the super mega from another planet strong sellotape you have to cut off to get inside the box, then those bloody wire things tied around every inch of the toy attached to cardboard that take AGES to untangle, then you have to cut the cardboard off it's attached to. Most. Annoying. Packaging. Ever.

Yeah kids toy packaging is the worst.

Its when they screw in the toy to the packaging aswell and you have to find a tiny little fucking screw driver to open the thing!!!

Why do they do that - is it to stop people stealing the toy in the shop? It can't be a safety thing - because what is unsafe about being able to get your toy out of the packaging quickly?!

Surely it is safer to get the toy out quickly, before the Kid has a Hernia going mental because he just wants to play with the fucking toy!!
@Steve2 Yep it is fucking shite and annoying at the best of times... My console has got 3 red lights "Can you repeat that sir?" YES MY FUCKING XBOX is screwed!! "Im sorry sir I cannot hear you?" LOOK YOU FUCKING ARSEHOLE MY Elite WHICH IS ONLY 7 MONTHS OLD IS SCREWED "Oh you have a screw missing from your Elite?"

@Mat yep some of it IS over priced I agree there.
@ Bobbybox - Haha, yeah, especially our toddler, he's got the worst temper ever. (He doesn't get it off me, honest. :-pp)

But it is stupid why they screw the things in, I don't get it.
Sorry, I'm not sexist, but that just looks wrong. She shouldn't be there. It's not right. She is not and never will be John Motson.
Who would want to be Motty, apart from having the No.1 slot for commentating on the Beeb? The man's voice does my manbangers in, he's always whining on about how Lawro's japs eye is pointing him right in the face. I want Murray Walker to take over from him, the Penfold-master of F1.

I do recall one time where Motty was funny - in the last World Cup, Germany were playing and the ball deflected off for a throw when the winger wanted to cross it. Just as the ball ricocheted off a defender, my TV speakers nearly blew at the sound of


And I was sat there pissing it with me mate. Anyway, Motty, he's a nob.
People who open their car door and smash your car as you're sat inside and either ignore you and drive away or say 'sorry' and continue on as if nothing happened

Anyone else ever feel like they want to open their own car door then, spin sides ways, lift both feet up and then kick the shit out of your door so it flys open and smashe4s the fk out of their car?

Can you do anything about these useless shits? Like can you force them to pay for the dent/paint damage they've just done?
Biting into a kitkat and finding no bloody biscuit inside, and it nearly breaks your teeth.
That happened to me a few weeks ago, Kit Kat Chunky, was just a block of bloody chocolate. It had been in the fridge as well, I might as well have chewed on a brick.
@Steve2 Yep it is fucking shite and annoying at the best of times... My console has got 3 red lights "Can you repeat that sir?" YES MY FUCKING XBOX is screwed!! "Im sorry sir I cannot hear you?" LOOK YOU FUCKING ARSEHOLE MY Elite WHICH IS ONLY 7 MONTHS OLD IS SCREWED "Oh you have a screw missing from your Elite?"

They could learn a thing or two about Customer Support.

Mine is slightly older, i purchased it in May 06, but i never used it that much, because all the football games where shit, up until Fifa 08.:LOL:

But they won't even take my call's. When i type the serial number into the phone, they go and hang up, after sum shit excuse.

Really starting to piss me off this "RED RING OF DEATH" issue.

Anyone any idea's?

Not really worth buying another, incase this happens again.:(
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They could learn a thing or two about Customer Support.

Mine is slightly older, i purchased it in May 06, but i never used it that much, because all the football games where shit, up until Fifa 08.:LOL:

But they won't even take my call's. When i type the serial number into the phone, they go and hang up, after sum shit excuse.

Really starting to piss me off this "RED RING OF DEATH" issue.

Anyone any idea's?

Not really worth buying another, incase this happens again.:(

They wont even take your call?! Its a call centre, they are paid to take calls!
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