The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

We do JB, but all you do is hint and tease me. You never reveal the real weirdness.
When I know you better doll. ;)

Re: Thread Title. Imaginary feelings.

Yesterday I had a sandwich and I noticed the sauce was nearly dripping out of it. Twice I felt it drop onto my leg but twice I was just imagining it.

And a few weeks ago I felt a spider on my leg while I was on Evo-Web. I did a whole full-on schizo freak out, only to find out there was nothing there.

(This might only be me)
I do that. I usually feel the spider on my arm!

Another one is feeling your phone go off, so you get it out of your pocket and.. nothing. Great feeling. Or not.
And I often feel them on my feet! When in bed usually, and I jump up around a foot off the bed.
That's right, big boy.

Oh, the "other, other side", I'm with you now mate. Ahem. Well it's down to Yana wearing the trousers, and me wearing the shoe prints on my forehead.
With a name like Yana I'm presuming she's special-ops trained and she's appeared in several FPS games.
Completely shit sporting occassions that get ridiculously over-hyped coverage on the days leading up to the event - eg. Grand National, Boat Race. A bunch of dwarves on horses running around in a field... so f*king what?
I know what you mean winston. I especially get annoyed when people who have no interest whatsoever in whatever sport it is suddenly take a deep interest and don't fucking shut up about it. i.e. Wimbledon, if England get to a World Cup, the Grand National etc.

It's women mainly, they're often not into sport at all and tell you to shut up when you talk about it, then suddenly its the Grand National and for a whole fucking week it's all they fucking talk about. SHUT UP!
Heavy rain when it brings rocks down the street where I live.

Fire departement thankfully already here to prevent that from happening again. But if the heavy rain comes back it will be a long night. :\
Heavy rain when it brings rocks down the street where I live.

Fire departement thankfully already here to prevent that from happening again. But if the heavy rain comes back it will be a long night. :\
Revan Kids with drums... screaming and shouting.... rocks down your street... where the hell do you live.. is it in fact 'Hell'..
Toothbrush/Mouthwash/Toothpaste adverts proper get on my tits. All the people in them are in what seems to be mid orgasm throughout the advert. Crikey, it's just a Toothbrush/Mouthwash/Toothpaste, have you got it shoved up your rectum/vagina?!
God I can relate to that, whenI was on the 3 network their call center was based there. Couldn't tell a fucking word I was saying, it was like living in Bradford again.
lol its bloody awful they cant understand you properly bloody hard to even understand them at times its like pardon pardon lol.
ffs. damned storm!

Floods around the island. Check out the pictures i took with my cell in the morning. my street looked like a river.:anx:
Some dude was dragged by the water and broke is right leg, right shoulder and according to his wife his head doesn't look good.
Some houses got all flooded.
And it seems I got the easy part, there are shopping malls flooded and lots of roads closed because of the water and fallen trees and walls.

This Mazda got hit by a rock under it and make some damage, and the engine probably needs to get cleaned.

The aftermath

that hole wasn't there 2 hours before. :anx:

The Mazda.

I'll upload a couple of vids that I made with my cell later on.

BTW this storm is heading towards Portugal's mainland, and probably Spain aswell.
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Blimey :BLINK:

Did not think you get that extreme weather in Portugal its like typical weather found in UK.

Went to Algarve in Portugal few years ago such a beautiful place lovely weather went on boat cruise aswell with BBQ on board was awesome.
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At least the pavements and streets should be nice and clean with all the litter and dog-shit being washed away.
Finding out that Innocent Smoothies aren't as innocent as they make out.

The missus emailed them regarding their detox range, which according to their website had honey in (which she can't have being vegan). Nothing wrong with that. But they've just emailed back and said "yeah, the detox drinks have honey in - and the normal smoothies have trace amounts of shellac in".

So none of Innocent's smoothies are suitable for vegetarians. Just fruit, just goodness... Bollocks.

I cannot get over that. Surely their advert is illegal then? They don't show you the crushed beetles being added into their drinks.
Finding out that Innocent Smoothies aren't as innocent as they make out.

The missus emailed them regarding their detox range, which according to their website had honey in (which she can't have being vegan). Nothing wrong with that. But they've just emailed back and said "yeah, the detox drinks have honey in - and the normal smoothies have trace amounts of shellac in".

So none of Innocent's smoothies are suitable for vegetarians. Just fruit, just goodness... Bollocks.

I cannot get over that. Surely their advert is illegal then? They don't show you the crushed beetles being added into their drinks.

Big fat bastards... I've had a few of thier Smoothies..:MAD: I'll be emailing them tootsweet....:NONO:
Here you go, this is the email from "Joe" at Innocent.

The first bit is regarding honey in the detox smoothies (she noticed it says on the website, they contain honey, but on the carton there is no mention of it). The guy denied it at first because he couldn't see it on the site, saying "it looks like your eyes are tricking you"...

Joe at Innocent said:

Now I feel stupid (clearly it's me who needs the eye test...). This perplexed me for some time, until I asked a few people in the know, and then all became clear. Basically, our natural detox drink used to be a different recipe altogether (lemon, honey and ginger), but was changed back in October 2006 to the recipe that is available now (pomegranates, blueberries and acai) - which contains no honey whatsoever. However, this all happened back in 2006 - before Brains here had joined the company - so apologies for not being aware of this.

I have just spoken to Ted, the lovely man who sorts out our website, and he will be changing the relevant section of our FAQs page to make it up to date. Thanks so much for being on the ball for us.

Also, just so you know, I'm afraid that as we can't guarantee that our drinks are shellac free, due to the small chance that tiny amounts of shellac do make it into our drinks, we can't class our drinks as being suitable for vegans.

We've spoken to the Vegan Society and talked them through the chances of our fruit having a shellac coating, and the processes we use to keep the peel separate from our drinks. They were going to have a think about it and discuss it at their Vegan Society council meeting.

So, honey or no honey, we can't guarantee our drinks are suitable for vegans.

Sorry for any previous confusion, and for accusing your eyes of being deceptive. I will go and stand in the corner for an hour or so, and reflect on what I did...

All the best,


He doesn't seem to realise that shellac isn't even vegetarian. It's crushed beetle shells for God's sake, so of course it's not vegetarian. Unless you're one of those vegetarians who says "gelatine is alright, I know it's made from cow guts but my sweets have gelatine in and I can't live without them"...

EDIT: I will be getting in touch with Watchdog and Ofcom, I'd suggest you do the same seeing as it's blatant false advertising.
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People that over apologize are really getting on my nerves at the moment. They say sorry for the smallest thing and even sometimes for nothing at all!

I walked past someone the other day at work and I had to SLIGHTLY move out of their way, I just heard this "Im sorry"

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