The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

That thing annoys me with fifa online - It happened online that many times i gave up playing in non friend games - though why is that the PS3's fault?

You get stupid useless shits like that on all consoles

People who will get sniped somewhere, and then return to that point on the map to get sniped again and again --- great for your easy kills but shit if they're on your team.

Or people who hog weapons and ammo and are useless with them - like the guys who grab the rocket launchers on unreal and end up blowing themselves up rocket jumping or people who grab the super weapons in games and end up using them to kill 1 person instead of saving it for a group

Vehicle hoggers in warhawk - when they hop in a hawk and fly away leaving their teammates behind - then they get killed in the enemy base and return to the spawn moaning that no one helped them and then they repeat this over and over

Team killers and games that don't punish team killers --- COD2 had a great feature which would reflect friendly fire - sure it wasn't realistic but it helped online gaming a hell of a lot - though it would annoy you as you threw a grenade only to have some moron on your team blindly miss it and run by as it explodes killing you.
People who are shit at FIFA 08



That thing annoys me with fifa online - It happened online that many times i gave up playing in non friend games - though why is that the PS3's fault?

You get stupid useless shits like that on all consoles

But most of the Evo-webbers appear to be Xbox360 owners so I'd be able to play with these diamond geezers.

Or people who hog weapons and ammo and are useless with them - like the guys who grab the rocket launchers on unreal and end up blowing themselves up rocket jumping or people who grab the super weapons in games and end up using them to kill 1 person instead of saving it for a group

Vehicle hoggers in warhawk - when they hop in a hawk and fly away leaving their teammates behind - then they get killed in the enemy base and return to the spawn moaning that no one helped them and then they repeat this over and over


I quite like it when playing FIFA08 5v5 and the game is going badly so people start slide-tackling their own team-mates to stop them fucking around with the ball. It ruins the game as a competitive spectacle but often puts a smile on my face as it decends into farcical anarchy.
People who cant make up there OWN mind if to get a game because they read some wank review
Maybe it'll stop the cunt who lives next door to me revving his car all fucking day and all fucking night.
Killing the same person over and over on Rainbow 6, It makes the game so repetitive
Loading screens on anything "this is 2008 for fuck sake" things should load before I've even thought about turning them on, I mean come on.
And Toasters, for Christ sake it's like the dark ages It's slightly burnt bread... Instant instant instant...
Gypos that work on fairgrounds acting like they are important and short changing people

I recently purchased Euro 2008 for the Xbox 360 from your GAME store in Wigan.

When I entered the shop, I was GOB SMACKED to find the price tag £49.99 on the game, when it is only £39.99 on your site.

I was furious, but, as I wanted the game on release day, and had £45 in GAME credit, I paid for it.

I have now found out your stores have LOWERED the price by £10 now , to a more reasonable price.

I would appreicate it if you could re-imburse me of my £10, as I feel like you have robbed me.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing your hastily reply.
Not Game's fault per sé, they were given the wrong price and then the next day they were told of the error. Saying that, from what I've read, some managers are correcting it and some aren't bothering - now that is sly.
Not Game's fault per sé, they were given the wrong price and then the next day they were told of the error. Saying that, from what I've read, some managers are correcting it and some aren't bothering - now that is sly.

What a crock of Shit - I bought it in the Game in Fucking Hastings!!!! I probably will not go back to Hastings again. I doubt they will give me a refund in the Game near me in London?
I took a faulty 360 back with a receipt from GAME in Birmingham, so I don't see why not. All depends on the manager I think, I can imagine some saying "that's fair enough" and some saying "sue us".
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