The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Useless tossers apparently posted my SSD on Tuesday. It's now Saturday and still hasn't fucking arrived.
Ea Origin, the most fucking useless piece of shit to have been invented by EA. I can't load battlefield 3 up no matter what I try I have re installed it 3 times. Reinstalled origin and nothing still works. The battlelog thing is shite aswell. Why not just let me be able to load up the game as soon as I put it in my drive rather than having to go on some shitty website that barely works along with wank orgin. I have a nice brand new gtx 670, i7 ivy bridge and new motherboard and I can't test the best graphical game out at the moment...
So do you have to install and go through origin to play all EA games, even boxed retail copies? I've had nothing to do with origin, nor EA for a while.

I've not even tried the Fifa demo because of the need to install origin.
Yes, all new games by EA now,origin has to be installed. it doesn't work for battlefield 3 and its extremely frustrating.
:LMAO: You know what, since I heard him saying he is taking over for 3 weeks I haven't listened to another second of it!
:LMAO: You know what, since I heard him saying he is taking over for 3 weeks I haven't listened to another second of it!

It's not worth it Tim, I've listened to last weeks podcasts and he's a complete bell-end. A bit of a Tim Lovejoy Lite.

Jimbo's back on Thursday - hooray!
Life in general! Just been told one of my cousins from up north who I see now and again has committed suicide after losing his job. I don't get it, just don't get it! :(
I'll second that. We've just found out the missus sister has got a very rare type of cancer in her leg and it's spread to her lungs.
I'll second that. We've just found out the missus sister has got a very rare type of cancer in her leg and it's spread to her lungs.
That's absolutely awful mate, terribly sorry to hear about that, it's really bad when someone has to go through that and the prolonged period it can take. It makes me shudder at the thought of it, my thoughts are with her and her family.

Losing my cousin is hitting me hard, and I know this is a difficult thing to say but at least he didn't "suffer" if you get me. Still can't get over it, though whether it was just because of his job loss we'll never know, could have been a multitude of things, I heard his relationship broke up a few weeks prior so could it have been the final straw? Also bad I heard off an old mate today up north who I went to uni with that he got made redundant today, out of the blue, with 75 other people. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. This country sucks!
ITV "analysis" (if you could call it that) of the England game. "It'll have to do". They won 5-0, plenty scored, none let in. So effing patronising. perhaps they should analyse their own team - "need to start again" comes to mind.
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