The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Oh, this thread is still going? AWESOME.

People who say, at the start of literally every other sentence, "the thing with that is". You have no need to say that. The rest of your sentence sees no benefit from it. Just say what you were going to say. In my head, you're just prefacing every sentence with the phrase "I'm a wanker, and".

Also, people who use the word "literally" who have literally no idea what the word "literally" means. Which I'm sure will have been mentioned before, but if I have to hear "I was literally shitting myself" and have to explain why that's not true only to be told that I "don't get it" one more fucking time...
Same as "I'm not being funny, right....."


"at the end of the day....."

I'm guilty of using this parlance occasionally (as well as "basically" and "literally") at the start of a sentence, but not all the bloody time like some people.
Sort it out you two.

Also, people who read what they're reading aloud, for your "enjoyment". You're sitting there, head buried in work, totally unassuming, and then "right, corruption and intimidation characterised Pablo Escobar's dealings with the Colombian system - he had an effective, inescapable policy in dealing with law enforcement and the government, referred to as 'plata o plomo', literally 'silver or lead' and" now I've tuned out. I'm doing work and waiting for him to finish.

Less than two minutes later, "ey, here y'are - rumours abounded that members of the Search Bloc, and also of Colombian and the United States intelligence agencies, in their efforts to find and punish Escobar, either colluded with Los Pepes or moonlighted as both Search Bloc and Los Pepes simultaneously. This coordination was allegedly conducted mainly through the sharing of intelligence in order to allow" SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING ANNOYING BASTARD, HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE ENJOYING THAT BOOK IF YOU STOP EVERY TENTH OF A FUCKING CHAPTER TO READ IT BACK TO ME?! SHUT!! THE!! FUCK!! UP!!

(Everything I've posted today is all about the same guy by the way, but he'll never read this, so fuck him in his ugly stupid face.)
Advertised broadband speeds. They piss me off.

You dont get anywhere near what they say on adverts and they give their excuses as to why
Never heard that one before. Something similar though - people who say "on accident" instead of "by accident". Sorry but you get away with that when you're 8. Not when you're 28. Same applies to the number three being pronounced as "fwee" because it was never corrected. What were your parents doing while you were growing up? Reading The Beano and chewing bricks?
Alan fucking Green.

I love listening to 606 but he is such a miserable cunt it's unreal. Half the time he blames referees when they have to the decision perfectly right too. And if someone disagrees with him, usually with good reason, he'll just fucking cut them off like a child saying it's my ball so we play my rules!
Never heard that one before. Something similar though - people who say "on accident" instead of "by accident". Sorry but you get away with that when you're 8. Not when you're 28. Same applies to the number three being pronounced as "fwee" because it was never corrected. What were your parents doing while you were growing up? Reading The Beano and chewing bricks?

Some people say something like "bine accident" as well which sounds stupid ..might be more of a London thing though?
Alan fucking Green.

I love listening to 606 but he is such a miserable cunt it's unreal. Half the time he blames referees when they have to the decision perfectly right too. And if someone disagrees with him, usually with good reason, he'll just fucking cut them off like a child saying it's my ball so we play my rules!
Ive noticed that as well Tim. Annoying isnt it?

I remember Youre on Sky Sports was similar......
Alan fucking Green.

I love listening to 606 but he is such a miserable cunt it's unreal. Half the time he blames referees when they have to the decision perfectly right too. And if someone disagrees with him, usually with good reason, he'll just fucking cut them off like a child saying it's my ball so we play my rules!


Complete cretin. The people that phone in to 606 are often complete cretins too.
Alan fucking Green.

I love listening to 606 but he is such a miserable cunt it's unreal. Half the time he blames referees when they have to the decision perfectly right too. And if someone disagrees with him, usually with good reason, he'll just fucking cut them off like a child saying it's my ball so we play my rules!
Well said. He's become a parody of himself in recent years!
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