The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

My point is they often pulled out of Wales matches over the years, especially Giggs with his midweek hamstring, but as soon as someone foisted a Union Jack carrot on them, they jumped at the opportunity. Besides, its common knowledge that many member associations want a unified GB team in FIFA sanctioned competition (Uruguay asked the question years back). Jack Warner was very vocal on the issue, until his downfall. I for one will never support a Great Britain football team, run by the (English) FA from London.

Nowt to do with petty nationalism or hatred, more to do with protection of our right. Besides, how many foreigners get "English" and "British" mixed up thinking they mean the same thing? How many English do? The Sun readers especially!
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Can you blame them though? Neither has, or will, play at an international football tournament and Team GB is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to do so.
I'm with jamezinho on this one. No offence but Wales are never going to make WC 2014 and Bellamy and Giggs will be past it after that, if not before.
Being ill, but looking forward to watching Indiana Jones only to find out it's been cancelled for more Wimbledon.
The recent obsession with all sportspeople to start wearing bloody ridiculous bits of tape everywhere on their bodies!!!
The recent obsession with all sportspeople to start wearing bloody ridiculous bits of tape everywhere on their bodies!!!
Lol innit lad? Ridiculous. I laughed at Mario BrokeTheTelly during the Euro's! It looks stupid.
Those random people that tell you to cheer up just because you don't walk around with a shit-eating grin on your face 24/7. I'm perfectly happy inside, thank you very much. This is my normal face.

Now fuck off.
Yes I did realise it wasn't a fashion accessory, Coopz! It just looks so stupid and hasn't been a problem for the past 40 years!

If they had the knowledge they would have done stuff like this ages ago to prevent injurys

Its all about sports science and shit these days

I'm shit at them.

Gotta wait till after the 20th to find out if I've got a job but I already know I won't have got it because the interview wasn't brilliant.

No idea what I'm gonna do cause noone ever seems to get back to me when I apply for things.
Interviews are all about talking as much bullshit as you can to impress the people at the other side of the table like.

I think ive only ever been interviewed for 1 Job that I didnt get lad. I do research on the company and act all interested when they interview me!

I'm shit at them.

Gotta wait till after the 20th to find out if I've got a job but I already know I won't have got it because the interview wasn't brilliant.

No idea what I'm gonna do cause noone ever seems to get back to me when I apply for things.

God my first interview was a total fuck up, I think I accidental swore at least 20 times.. Still got the job, thankfully the boss person was a friend of my mums (had no idea) and so I got let on as a favour to her :P
I've never been nervous when it comes to job interviews, but I once got rejected for a job a few years ago because I was "too confident" at the interview. Completely absurd, considering the job advertisement asked for a candidate who not just had past experience in the field but was also confident and portrayed a professional image.

So I should have turned up in t-shirt and scruffy jeans and acted clueless then? :CONFUSE:
Are you lot deep in debt or something?

I was a bit shocked at hearing Silva and Ibrahimovic were leaving

Milan is in debt; and apparently Berlusconi doesn't want to be seen to spend out huge amounts of money as Italy is in financial difficulty and so from a political stand point it would look good. Don't know how much of that is true however, perhaps Milanista can fill it in?
I think debt is one of the reasons, but I'm sure there's a lot more. Milan's money comes from Fininvest, which is the holding company. But for €65m, it's hard to say no. Ibrahimovic is one of the top 5 earners in Europe and is 31 - selling him is a HUGE saving for any club. We don't have infinite pockets, so we need to be a viable business.
Despite having no interest at all in it, I got a forklift licence last month.

During the training and testing we were told that we were guaranteed an interview for Jaguar/Land Rover at Halewood.

Rang up today to see what was happening as they hadn't contacted me to be told that they're not interviewing for the foreseeable future.

What's the fucking point in anything, seriously.
You need a license to lift forks now?! really Britain is getting too sheltered, the nanny state is growing! I'm glad I live in the comfort and serenity of don't need a license to lift anything...come to think of it I don't think they have health and safety here and I'm still alive!
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