The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread


People with posh cars not trusting others and so parking like complete twats.

Ironically making their cars more of a target for damage simply because of their twattish behaviour.
I'm not sure about Keane yet - he seems to go through a period of talking sense, so he becomes credible, and then he randomly blurts some garbage out as soon as something close to his heart pops up.


After Keane bollocking Ireland after the Spain game, Trapattoni didn't know how to say "He hasn't won shit" in English. It's the bit where he says "non ha vinto un cazzo".

YouTube - Trapattoni: ''Keane non ha mai vinto un c...''

People with posh cars not trusting others and so parking like complete twats.

Ironically making their cars more of a target for damage simply because of their twattish behaviour.
This. Pisses me off also. Dont park in normal fucking car parks if your going to do things like that!

Ive seen countless numbers of "Nice" Motors doing exactly the same thing to the point that when I had a really dogshit car I parked as CLOSE to them as possible...... I was expecting a note on my window when I got back but thankfully they obviously realised I was pissed at their parking.
I was expecting a note on my window when I got back but thankfully they obviously realised I was pissed at their parking.
If they park like that they aren't a)going to have the forethought to have any paper in their car to write on and b)I imagine they lack the ability to write anyway. If you are going to buy a Ferrari, why buy that one? - it's awful.:TTTH:
If they park like that they aren't a)going to have the forethought to have any paper in their car to write on and b)I imagine they lack the ability to write anyway. If you are going to buy a Ferrari, why buy that one? - it's awful.:TTTH:
Lol that could have been my response to the dickhead in his Mercedes SLK.... "Hair dressers car.... Cant take you seriously"
Coppercab on YouTube also pisses me off.... He must be a right head the ball to make videos like the ones he has made.
ITV's commentators are shocking.

Mind you BBC aren't faring any better. Plus the co-commentators on both sides go from the damn right annoying to the damn right banal.
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ITV's commentators are shocking.

Mind you BBC aren't faring any better. Plus the co-commentators on both sides go from the damn right annoying to the damn right banal.

We are at a low ebb for commentators at the moment. All the ITV commentators are terrible. Full of bad puns, stereotypes and constant references to English football for the knuckle-dragging Sun reader types.

I don't mind Jonathan Pearce now he's less mental but I still can't get Robot Wars out of my head when I listen to him.

Both BBC and ITV have done a poor job of presenting the tournament. Those waxwork-like models on ITV's intro get on my nerves.

Bring back Motty and Barry Davies - quality commentators in their time.
We are at a low ebb for commentators at the moment.
I don't mind Jonathan Pearce now he's less mental but I still can't get Robot Wars out of my head when I listen to him.

Bring back Motty and Barry Davies - quality commentators in their time.

Jonathan Pierce, as I've said before here - why use 2 words when you can use 2,000. Really irritating. You're not wrong on the general level though - Peter Dreary (sic) on ITV last night with the crass Greek gags. Although I have enjoyed Roy Keane and jamie Carragher - if only we could lose Adrian Chiles.
Facing three points and £60 for speeding.

Serves me right for just keeping distance to the guy in front rather than watching the speedo but still, pissed off.
Bring back Motty and Barry Davies - quality commentators in their time.
Motty of old from the days of solo commentators, agreed. His commentary of France v Portugal in 1984 was exceptionally good!

But the Motty of recent times, a definite no-no, he's become a self-parody of himself, particularly whenever he got paired with Mark Lawrenson and his awful clichés and attempts at jokes. Not to forget his jingoism whenever England were playing.

Barry Davies on the other hand, a definite yes, and could teach the modern day commentators a thing or two. I think he still commentates on other sports now and again, but sadly missing from football because the Beeb were so bolshy. He might have come across as being a bit "schoolmasterly", like berating Italy for their attempt to play catenaccio when holding a 1-0 lead to South Korea in World Cup 2002 (and losing), but he knew when to keep schtum and let the action on the pitch do the talking. He was also rather eloquent with language, which some modern day commentators, especially Peter Drury, think they're good at, but just aren't.

Shame he could never pronounce "Solskjær" properly though! :P
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Motty of old from the days of solo commentators, agreed. His commentary of France v Portugal in 1984 was exceptionally good!

But the Motty of recent times, a definite no-no, he's become a self-parody of himself, particularly whenever he got paired with Mark Lawrenson and his awful clichés and attempts at jokes. Not to forget his jingoism whenever England were playing.

Barry Davies on the other hand, a definite yes, and could teach the modern day commentators a thing or two. I think he still commentates on other sports now and again, but sadly missing from football because the Beeb were so bolshy. He might have come across as being a bit "schoolmasterly", like berating Italy for their attempt to play catenaccio when holding a 1-0 lead to South Korea in World Cup 2002 (and losing), but he knew when to keep schtum and let the action on the pitch do the talking. He was also rather eloquent with language, which some modern day commentators, especially Peter Drury, think they're good at, but just aren't.

Shame he could never pronounce "Solskjær" properly though! :P

"...and Italy are going out because they WILL NOT LEARN!" Classic Davies, I really miss him. I loved his commentary style and his intelligence. My favourite commentator of all time.

Fucking great on Actua Soccer too! :APPLAUD:

I agree about Motty, great in his day but towards the end of his career he went a bit mental/senile. Being paired with Lawrenson probably helped the deterioration along. Always admired his enthusiasm and knowledge of the game though.

Who will be the next great English commentator? I suppose Martin Tyler is the best we've got these days.
Also hate that type of 'woman' prowling the streets,

When I asked what he would rather listen to, he said Nicki Minaj.

The two could go hand in hand......An utter horror.

It's sad to see that when their is such a huge choice of music available to listen to that kids just listen to the trash that gets pumped out on MTV or 4Music.

None of whom can sing, write a lyric or play an instrument. Style if you can call it that over substance.

Reality TV, so called talent shows, the huge numbers of celebrities, hypocrites like Jimmy Carr, Bono, Brangelina and company who lecture everyone on poverty and the environment for example, (c)rap, the appalling standard of written and spoken English and the general dumbing down in this country.

Also people who cannot control what they drink and eat and are placing enormous burdens on the NHS and emergency services.
The two could go hand in hand......An utter horror.

It's sad to see that when their is such a huge choice of music available to listen to that kids just listen to the trash that gets pumped out on MTV or 4Music.

None of whom can sing, write a lyric or play an instrument. Style if you can call it that over substance.

Reality TV, so called talent shows, the huge numbers of celebrities, hypocrites like Jimmy Carr, Bono, Brangelina and company who lecture everyone on poverty and the environment for example, (c)rap, the appalling standard of written and spoken English and the general dumbing down in this country.

Also people who cannot control what they drink and eat and are placing enormous burdens on the NHS and emergency services.

Completely agree!
I'm watching the Jeremy Kyle show, and it's like a breeding ground for the embarrassing tools that are dragging the country down.
For English skills I've seen people on here who have learnt English as a second (or possibly third) language who type better than some of the people in our education system.

On the music front an artist who (at first) made a lot of sense to me was Hyro Da Hero, in one of his songs "Conversation With Hip-Hop" which he slates artists for being fake and stuff, and it was good unfortunately some of his other songs seem hypocritical to the point he makes, maybe I just misunderstood him in those songs I'd like to hope so, he could be a revolution.
The mindless promotion of popular culture values being promoted in the chart music is appalling, a pure mix of some mindless chap with a pen and the idiotic belief that the lyrics make sense it's no wonder out nation which once was a place to be proud of is becoming a pure embarrassment, I'm a 17 year old who has had to grow up with the 'tag' placed on my shoulders of being a member of this generation of delinquents, I like to think I'm a reasonably pleasant person to be around, well I say that I have my problems worsened by my next subject of hate.

I hate bullies, simple as that, I was bullied through school for various things and it made me hate myself, I was picked on for being different and for going against the socially accepted behaviours.
People don't embrace change and difference, I see in my local society everyday a fear of difference and it pisses me of to see, every body I know feels pressured to conform to what everyone shapes you to be, ern of they hate it. Because it they don't they'll be singled out and pushed out of social circles.

Linked back to music, yeah music saved my life genuinely, there's a song which I love by The King Blues called "What If Punk Never Happened" and the whole song touched me into seeing that we as the people of this world are the change we want to see in this world, and the last verse of that song (I urge you to listen) changed how I saw my entire life, instead of hating myself I embraced change.
I love "weird" people, if there's someone who is different to me I want to know them, because they offer another perspective another life story and another personality to meet and see, so I know even though I'm different I am the same as another.

I'm not sure how much of this makes sense, I'm on my phone, but my key point is that: the promotion of replication of anothers personality into conforming to society is pathetic. Difference is what will see this generation saved, and while we fear difference the world will fall into place.
IRB (rugby union) world rankings. And you thought FIFA's ranking system in football was bad!

Also, Mark Lawrenson (again). Shocking commentary last night, loved it when Diamanti put the winning penalty away, not so much for the fact E*****d get knocked out as a result, but to make Lawro eating his words for his "reject" comment!
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I hate bullies, simple as that, I was bullied through school for various things and it made me hate myself, I was picked on for being different and for going against the socially accepted behaviours.
People don't embrace change and difference, I see in my local society everyday a fear of difference and it pisses me of to see, every body I know feels pressured to conform to what everyone shapes you to be, ern of they hate it. Because it they don't they'll be singled out and pushed out of social circles.
I feel you man! I was picked on all through school as well like. Had days where I would walk outta school part way through the day because of ass holes giving me a hard time.
I feel you man! I was picked on all through school as well like. Had days where I would walk outta school part way through the day because of ass holes giving me a hard time.

Leaving school, everything I could do.. I busted my hand once cause it got so ba I had a choice between hitting a bully or hitting a wall, the difference between me and them is that I couldn't deliberately inflict suffering on another.. At least not at that time, they got so bad it turned me into a mindfucking, violent prick..

Bullying changed me from a happy out going kid, who liked to be self confident and do things like Drama etc.. To a introverted self conscious lad, who would avoid the social life just so there was to no fresh shit for them to put me through..

It's one of those things though, I've found that when they find something to try and taunt you with, take that thing empathise it and make them hate you for what you are, not like you for what they want you to be!

I'd give my right hand to be able to tell kids everything, get the message out that you are what you are, love it.. Don't be what they want.
Cause even though kids think they're being what they want, there's always someone else pushing them towards a certain thing.. The word 'NO' means nothing.
Leaving school, everything I could do.. I busted my hand once cause it got so ba I had a choice between hitting a bully or hitting a wall, the difference between me and them is that I couldn't deliberately inflict suffering on another.. At least not at that time, they got so bad it turned me into a mindfucking, violent prick..

Bullying changed me from a happy out going kid, who liked to be self confident and do things like Drama etc.. To a introverted self conscious lad, who would avoid the social life just so there was to no fresh shit for them to put me through..

It's one of those things though, I've found that when they find something to try and taunt you with, take that thing empathise it and make them hate you for what you are, not like you for what they want you to be!

I'd give my right hand to be able to tell kids everything, get the message out that you are what you are, love it.. Don't be what they want.
Cause even though kids think they're being what they want, there's always someone else pushing them towards a certain thing.. The word 'NO' means nothing.
You sound very much like me mate. Thats exactly how I went through school. I choose to beat the shit out of a door rather than a bully who headbutted me on the nose once.

I also jump kicked a prick who was abusing me and because my PE Teacher saw me do it guess who got suspended for the rest of that year with a few weeks left?

The school knew all about what was happening to me but did fuck all about it like. I turned violent and started hating myself.

1 Day and im really not sure when that was I decided "You know what? Fuck it. If someone starts picking on me ill just stand my ground and keep telling them I dont want to know and im not interested in their bullshit". From then on I never looked back.
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