The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Adrian Chiles for the third fucking time!!!! :CURSE:

ITV football has been very poor for a long time now, first it was Tyldesley and "that night in Barcelona", followed by his pathetic "Pokémon" remark when Anelka came on as a sub for Real Madrid, then the downhill slope got steeper when they won the Premier League highlights and made a hashish of it with Andy Townsend's Tactics Truck, then a succession of production cock-ups and then the coup de grâce being the miserable get fronting the coverage.

They should bring back regionalised coverage like the good old days, pre-Big Match Live, wouldn't be so biased when E**land (internationals) or Man United (club level) are playing for starters!
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ITV coverage is beaten only by Channel 5, my god.. Every three seconds, here is a super slow replay of a player shouting a word out loud, and here's another super slow replay showing a player doing this.. An now a super slow replay of a rear in the crowd! And then slow zoom into Alex Fergusons face!
Just fuck off, it's a football game.. By the time they've shown all their replays, they need to show another one to see the bit they covered with their fucking replays!

Then again; ITV has also started showing random cuts of players doing random shit, oh the interesting bollojs they have these days.

Edit- predictive text said Rear in the crowd, not me.. It would be more interesting of it zoomed into a good rear, instead it's just another overweight football fan!
Channel 5 is awful full stop.

Any channel that has Big Brother in their list of TV shows deserves the tag of "awful". Their football coverage is shocking, was even worse when John Barnes presented with his terrible wooden delivery.
Aren't the matches filmed and edited by Polish/Ukrainian TV? It's not ITV nor BBC cameramen filming the games, rather all TV stations around the world are given the same feed from the local TV networks.

It's the same with F1. The host country's TV station films the race and those pictures are used by all TV stations.
I think for big tournaments the broadcasting companies send over their own filming equipment and cameramen. I could be wrong though...
Driving home about ten minutes ago and remembered something which made me think of the Top Gear episode where they take a Lambo, Porsche and Aston to the best driving roads in the Alps.

Get home, stick Dave on and the exact episode is on...

This always bloody happens, makes me think I'm pyschc.
Since everyone's said about the millions of replays during the matches I'm starting to notice it more and more and it's now pissing me off too :LOL:. They shouldn't show any replays at all while the ball is in play, let alone pointless ones.
Its a central feed imo, over here in NL they are showing loads of replays and pointless facial closeups showing "passion" aswell. I think I have just seen the 2nd czech goal about 6 times now...

I remember in one of the previous tournaments they had a right c!nt for director. At one point the ball went out for a goalkick and they started a montage of pointless replays, by the time they got back to the match a corner was being taken at the other end of the pitch!
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Remember United-Milan 3-2? When Kaka scored the 2nd goal? The whole world missed it because they had some dumb replay going on. When the replay ended, it was just Milan players celebrating!!!!!!
The fact that this is seen as attractive in this country.

She probably shags everything in sight on a night out as well.


Eww what a munter! Seen so many "girls" like that out in Swansea after kicking out time, with the fake tan and 70% flesh showing, which is very unsightly if they're a size 14 or over!

And another one for the piss me off list...... Robbie Savage, gog wanker!
The fact that this is seen as attractive in this country.

She probably shags everything in sight on a night out as well.


Wouldnt touch it with someone else's Barge Pole mate.

I dont see that as attractive I see that for the minging filthy bitch that she is.
Also hate that type of 'woman' prowling the streets, I'd rather see a nicely dressed transvestite (no I'm not gay; and no I'm not slating that lifestyle) than that kind of indecent Female.

Another thing that pisses me off, people who ask questions then answer it themselves. And people who ask questions which you can't possibly know the answer to and get pissed off when you don't answer it.
It does my head in! Being treated like a retard despite them not knowing the answer either, or being caught out by a ridiculous question like "oh what was their name, you know the guy I saw earlier" - how the hello I possibly know?! I wasn't there! Or having 3 seconds of your life wasted by a guy asking a non-rhetorical question just to produce the answer themselves, why thefuck bother asking if you know, also when they do it to be smug like "do I know the answer? Yes I do." it's just like, "good tell us, then fuck off. Smug prick"

Another thing, people who slate "screamo" music as being crap even though they've never heard it.
Had this genuine discussion with a boy on the bus today about music, as he asked me to turn my iPod down, he asked what I was listening to "cause it sounded awful" he said it in a well mannered way so I replied, Blessthefall, now e had never heard of them prior to this conversation but still established that they must be a shit band, screaming and crying about slitting heir wrists and stuff. When I asked what he would rather listen to, he said Nicki Minaj. Now my first thought was, wow this kid clearly doesn't know a talented artist when he hears it, however keen to hear his explanation of how she constitutes decent music in comparison he stated that the lyrics make more sense, which pissed me off. Now I'm not one to get into "my music, your music debates" but it's wretched to hear someone first slate what they don't know, and then claim tat they must be lyrically inferior. I argued the point that there's meaning behind the songs sang, he said there can't be, it's just attention seeking emo crap.
I don't know how many of you listen to similar music to me, but when stripped to lyrics alone Screamo and Chart music ate essentially the same thing, the fact people associate the Rock scene with stereotypical emo traits is completely unfounded, and to try and argue that chart music is lyrically much better can't be valid because it's all the same point, put across in a different way.
I appreciate that the way screamo is portrayed is to some unbearable I can understand, I hate the style of music Lil Wayne puts across, but there is genuine meaning behind his songs, you can feel he means it so I can bear it.
But when people dismiss screamo as shit based entirely on a stereotype irks me, dot knock what you haven't tried and especially don't try and rate Nicki Minaj (who for the record, is an artist with no obvious talent except the use of autotune) as superior on a lyrical front with out trying it first. Rant, finished.
Nicki Minaj is annoying as hell.

The Sun for their jingoism, and having the cheek to circulate their propaganda fish rag in Wales. You only won one group match, it'll all end in tears!

Also, Backspace. What an annoying get. Little wonder I don't post any Pro Evo edited kits online and keep them to myself. Please make **insert team here** with **insert colour here** shorts in every thread.
On a Euro 2012 theme, I don't like these monochrome kits that some of the national teams wear these days. Portugal playing in all red, France in all blue, England in all white, Holland in all orange, etc, etc....

Portugal should wear green shorts, France should wear white shorts and red socks, England should wear navy shorts, Holland should wear black or white shorts.

Let's have some tradition please? Nike seem to be the worst offenders.
On a Euro 2012 theme, I don't like these monochrome kits that some of the national teams wear these days.
Totally agree with you there, its annoying as hell.

Another one to add to your list is Czech Republic, they seem to wear all red instead of red-white-blue carried over from the former Czechoslovakia. Didn't UEFA and FIFA both state this monokitbollox was because of television? Now I'm not being funny but I never had a problem distinguishing teams in traditional kits on old 625-line fuzzy cathode ray tube television sets, so why enforce the block colours now on almost crystal clear 1080p HD pictures?

I know my club and country wear one colour kits but its still annoying. Soon we will see Brazil wear all yellow in their home World Cup, because FIFA told them to. They've already made the away kit all blue. Now that would be an utter travesty.
Totally agree with you there, its annoying as hell.

Another one to add to your list is Czech Republic, they seem to wear all red instead of red-white-blue carried over from the former Czechoslovakia. Didn't UEFA and FIFA both state this monokitbollox was because of television? Now I'm not being funny but I never had a problem distinguishing teams in traditional kits on old 625-line fuzzy cathode ray tube television sets, so why enforce the block colours now on almost crystal clear 1080p HD pictures?

I know my club and country wear one colour kits but its still annoying. Soon we will see Brazil wear all yellow in their home World Cup, because FIFA told them to. They've already made the away kit all blue. Now that would be an utter travesty.

Forgot about the Czechs. I've always loved their kits with the white shorts and blue socks.

Your beloved Ukraine play in all yellow too.

I remember reading about the reasons behind the one-colour kits in the 'new kits' thread and the TV situation sounds familiar. I'm not sure how that works though when other teams are playing in their tradition colours e.g. Germany with their black shorts, Italy with their white shorts, Sweden playing in blue and yellow, etc....

Anyway, I don't agree with it. Germany would just look weird in all white. Brazil in all yellow (I'd like to think) will never happen. Holland in all orange and France in all blue look terrible even if the kits themselves are good.

I think Italy have a very nice kit this Euro - one of the nicest imo.

Agreed! Best kit at the Euros. I love the subtle retro details and it's great to see them playing in white shorts again. I can't stand seeing Italy in all blue.
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