The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

So it would seem we now have a law firm representing us and I just sent all the documentation over.

The great thing about being such a huge fucking geek as I am is that my digital footprint is huge, I have the SMS', Emails, call logs, Skype conversations about everything so I sat and wrote out a 4,000 word chronological diary of all events that took place from us buying the apartment in 2010 to contacting the lawyer yesterday :)
When the whole 'not having a job' thing finally catches up with you because you want things that you can't afford.

Then actually trying to find something and remembering we're in a recession and there isn't anything out there.
I must be really lucky then because when I left school, I found a job the following month which I held down for 12 months before heading off to uni, decided to find my feet here for the first term and having just got back to Sheffield last week I now have a job here.

Plenty of my mates are in the same situation as you though, my advice would be to just work anywhere you can even if it's minimum wage - gets a bit of money in you can always look for another, better job in the meantime as you are more employable when you're already in work.

Another tip would be to put a cheeky request in with people you know - when I finished school I got a job because someone I knew from the gym was a manager somewhere and I just asked them if there was any chance of them putting a word in for me... Next thing I know I've got an interview and a recommendation from current management, strong position to be in when it comes to getting a job.
The job I just got this week was from having one of my flatmates chat to the manager where he works, I applied online and got a phone call the following day to arrange a group interview, the day after that I got another call saying I was successful and arranged an induction.

The 2/3 weeks when I was unemployed (not a student either) and had to sign on at the jobcentre were horrible - I had nothing of note on my CV except my A-Levels/GCSEs, and had no replies off of anywhere I handed them out (except the automated "it will be kept on record" bullshit) and any online applications were just a waste of time and got me no responses either.
traffic jams like. bloody highways agency put out a few cones and it brings the traffic to a standstill for no obvious reason
Too many fuckin peas in a Pot Noodle..... seriously I must have had 15 or so of them in the Curry one I had last night! thats pure bullshit that its like!!
Not a bad idea like. The other thing that pisses me off about them things is sometimes that put too much powder in and other times they dont. Sometimes you perfectly put water in up to the fill line and it tastes like shit and watery and other times its a crunchy powdery mess like!
ITV's coverage of football has been shocking for god knows how long. The decline seemed to start with a certain tactics truck and snowballed ever since, especially with that miserable pug faced Yam Yam presenting it.
Hell yeah like, even their so called "ITV HD" looks shockin in my view mate.

I often think many of the HD channels don't look as sharp as they used to. Perhaps it's simply the fact that I've had Sky HD since 2008 and the novelty has worn off or it's just become the new norm. I've read a lot of discussion about this on AVForums and many think the quality has been turned down a bit on some HD channels.
Bandwidth issue Jamez? probably mate

Yes that's it. I think as more and more HD channels have come online the quality has dropped a little.

A bit of a curve-ball but the one HD channel that still looks really impressive to me is the Japanese news channel NHK World HD (Sky channel 508 I think). Shame I never watch it. :))
Your eyes get used to it after a while.

Not seeing HD for a while and then suddenly watching it works well.

We've got HD downstairs on the TV in the front room, I rarely get to watch it. Parents went away this weekend so I got to witness just how good HD looks all over again.

That said, I remember seeing them trialling BBC HD for the World Cup in 06 and it looked bloody incredible. Combination of seeing it for the first time and it being the only HD channel around was mindblowing.
Annoys me too mate. we also have idiots who park in stupid places down my road and sometimes its really hard to get out without damaging a car in some way like. When I say damage I mean my own wheels against curbs trying to squeeze out!
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