The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

He's going to kill you.


He was the one who spotted the fixture and gave me a call. He said he's not too fussed, just don't be surprised when he's giving his speech, gets a text and jumps around celebrating :D
Apple (Ipad)

They are seriously taking the p!$$! Apparently in 2011, it's too complicated to create software that will enable you to have a sub-directory in a picture folder.......

But maybe with the Ipad3, and a $300 upgrade they might have added it! F$%king to$$ers! And it's not even mine, it's the Ipad from work.

Was thinking of getting one whilst over in the US, but this just highlights what a complete rip-off any Apple product is! But don't worry, you can browse through hunderds of apps and buy a few.....and still not have the functionality!
People that put their username/real name at the bottom of posts.

Especially if they've used a phrase like 'lol' in the sentence above it.

Looks ridiculous on an informal internet forum and seriously annoys me.
went to get new glasses (stronger ones).. I choose the frames and lens and the cost.... ~$150 :O scandal price....

also got contact lenses for the first time... pretty nice but f**k I got pissed off when putting them on and even more pissed when taking them off... damn bad eyesight :/
Getting a phonecall from the new lawyer of the woman you sold your apartment to being rude, aggressive and bullying and threatening to sue you next week if you don't pay the woman's money back plus interest :(

Have to get our own lawyer now which I'll be doing in the morning, fortunately (well hopefully) our home insurance will cover legal aid so it shouldn't cost us money just time and stress.
The woman who bought our apartment basically has buyer's remorse, guess it suddenly hit her when she got the keys that going up and down three flights of stairs when she's 69-70 years old isn't the best thing, so she found some dodgy lawyer who got some dodgy inspections and they implied the apartment was full of faults that breached the contract and demanded we pay her back her money plus interest etc. etc. we got this in a letter on Friday and were in the process of responding by letter, then suddenly we get a call today from a different lawyer as she'd fired the old one and he was trying to bully me into giving an answer over the phone of yes we will cancel the contract or no we want. So no choice for it now, tomorrow I hire a lawyer (based on a friend's recommendation) and we have to play hardball back.
It's not standard for purchasing an apartment no. She could have done of course but she didn't so it's her tough luck, and the stuff she's complaining about is mostly just stupid things, like the floor in the hallway squeeks (building is from 1943!) or that the paint on the kitchen ceiling is a different shade of white etc. etc.
It's not standard for purchasing an apartment no. She could have done of course but she didn't so it's her tough luck, and the stuff she's complaining about is mostly just stupid things, like the floor in the hallway squeeks (building is from 1943!) or that the paint on the kitchen ceiling is a different shade of white etc. etc.

In that case sold as seen. Do one.
Stupid bitch!

Well with arguments like that she stands no chance, surely? The least she could have done was get a surveyor in to actually list some reasonable issues, ceiling paint, or squeeking floors aren't building issues. Cracked foundations, faulty double glazing, leakes, faulty plumbing, etc etc are ones you should watch out for.

Good luck, and hopefully you can counter sue her for financial damages!
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