The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Something related that pisses me off;

People Who Type Like This With A Capital Letter At The Start Of Every Word.

As far as I'm aware, that isn't correct in any language, and I don't understand why someone would take it upon themselves to make the effort to do it...
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I don't see why people get so upset about grammer etc so much more things to get upset about than that.

As long as you can understand and know what people are saying, then where is the harm?

In Hebrew alot of letters can have different sounds, when you see a word you see what context it is in and then you know what sound that letter makes in that word etc.

So what does it matter if people use there instead of their? you know what they are saying. I should think the only people that should get so upset about things like this, are people that get so confused about it and can't decipher what the person is trying to say? and if that is the case, then they are just as stupid.

It's just a mix up that people do.

On another note though, I have seen the youth of today do a mix of text writing and other crap that is just rubbish, now that is ridiculous!

Anyway each to their own :DD
People Who Are Intolerant For mistakes By Non Native english Speakers And Who Don't Speak Foreign Languages Themselves.
People Who Think Everything Foreign Is Bad And Who Have Never Been Outside The uk (Or eNGLAND).
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Tbh I think the irritation is always directed at the native English Gerd, not the foreigners. Atleast I can only remember grammatical comments directed by English at English.
I don't see why people get so upset about grammer etc so much more things to get upset about than that.

As long as you can understand and know what people are saying, then where is the harm?

In Hebrew alot of letters can have different sounds, when you see a word you see what context it is in and then you know what sound that letter makes in that word etc.

So what does it matter if people use there instead of their? you know what they are saying. I should think the only people that should get so upset about things like this, are people that get so confused about it and can't decipher what the person is trying to say? and if that is the case, then they are just as stupid.

It's just a mix up that people do.

On another note though, I have seen the youth of today do a mix of text writing and other crap that is just rubbish, now that is ridiculous!

Anyway each to their own :DD
The point about the meaning remaining understandable is irrelevant - using such poor grammar and spelling just makes you look like a dumb, uneducated ass IMO.

If you composed your CV with such mistakes included, it would most likely be binned at first glance... Newspapers don't print articles full of such errors etc.

I don't expect everyone to have a masterful use of vocabulary, know how to use punctuation perfectly, not make typos etc. but the very basics of the language that are taught in primary school should be the least that's expected from every English-speaker.

People Who Are Intolerant For mistakes By Non Native english Speakers And Who Don't Speak Foreign Languages Themselves.
People Who Think Everything Foreign Is Bad And Who Have Never Been Outside The uk (Or eNGLAND).
I have no problem if it's non-native English speakers making the mistakes, in fact in my first post on this topic I said;

It pisses me off when English-speaking people screw up so badly with spelling and grammar.

Saying that, there's a lot of non-native English speakers here who are great at posting in English, better than most people from the UK! (drekkard and Gab for example)
I don't get it either

As long as i can read it i don't care if it has bad grammar and when reading i don't think it makes people look stupid either

I guess i just don't care :LOL:
I find it a bit more difficult to read posts that aren't properly structured, take a look at this one for example;

That's basically a whole paragraph with no capitalisation (except for "AI") or punctuation.
This from someone living in Sheffield with the username "johnking" - I'm 99% certain that means he's a native English-speaker, so what is the excuse?

It's not easier to type like that, so the only reason to do it is if you really don't grasp the language, which to me shows a severe lack of intellect not to be able to write competently in your native language.

Obviously non-natives and people with mental disabilities are excused.
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But that is because your brain is trained to read the word as whole and not letter by letter, the other thing is because the writter can't write (redundant, I know) correctly. It can be avoided completely.
I also find kind of annoying those people who can't write correctly (I don't mind a spell mistake, or typo, or anything like that), I find rubbish those people who write as there are neither grammar nor punctuation!
It takes the same time to spell correctly and to make HUGE mistakes, but one choice is better than the other one, one choice makes you more cult, the other one just takes you down...
Virgin media spamming my phoneline. Really annoying, ringing me up to see if i am in debt with the usual pre recorded bollocks.

FFS! if i was in debt do they think i would be hanging around the house on my hands and knee's praying for the phone to ring for some pre recorded message to save me.
You can alway's tell its spam because it alway's seems to be silent before the message kicks in.

Which reminds me, one time i picked up the phone and i was greeted with silence, so i said to my missus "OH here we f**king go again what boring shit is this?" Anyway the message still didnt kick in, so i just put the phone down.
A few second's later the phone ring's again this time its my old mum who says "what was all that about?" in a pissed off way.
So i am thinking WTF! then realised she had phoned and she could hear me but not the other way around.:EMB: FU Virgin media.:RANT:
The misuse of the words 'to' and 'too' pisses me off, too.:))

I'm similar to Rob in that I can be a bit of a grammar pedant, but I don't like to call out other people about it. Even when writing text messages I always try to use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Take pride in your language, that's my view.

Poorly written posts with no paragraphs, commas or full stops, and littered with spelling mistakes and misused words can be a pain in the arse to read more than anything, which means I'm more likely to skip past them.
The 2011 Premier League fixtures.

Of all the 38 possible games to be played on 1st October, the day I get married, it's been decided that Everton v Liverpool will be played.

:LOL: Bit late for that now. My mate is a season ticket holder at Everton so he's going to miss going to Goodison as well.
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