The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

The Asda driver banging on my door and ringing the bell at 9.15, waking me up then asking if he could deliver the stuff I ordered for 11-12 am.

Fucking spotty little cunt.

I came out of a restaurant last night and there was an Asda Van parked there and the guy looked like he was going to cry. He came out and asked me to fix his Sat Nav as he couldn't get it to work and so couldn't deliver any food to anybody! (Apprantly he just had a woman on the phone shouting at him, asking where her food was):LOL:

So I sat in his van and fiddled around with it (the sat nav ;)) ), found out it was set to Albania :LOL:

Sorted it out and set him on his way :DD It was very might have had to have been there though? ;))
Same as mine Tim. My old one would go mental, but that was previous gen. I think these unibody ones have too few holes/gaps for dust to get in.

Just giving me more excuses to ask for an upgrade Stef :P

It's weird though, I've heard different views on what causes flash videos to sent the fans mental.

Either it's just 'cause I've had this since March 2008, and so dust and general usage will eventually clog up the insides and the fans will act up more often anyway, or whether it's something to do with Apple and Flash and their arguments, so OSX won't run flash particularly well since they've updated it. It certainly didn't do it when I first got it either way.

Makes watching United via streams/long Youtube videos/other stuff...a tad annoying cause you can hear the massive whine of the fans going. Genuinely does sound like it's gonna take off if you leave whatever video it is running for long enough. Games are the same, and .gifs cause the web browser to hang for a while but eventually load up.
Laptop was returned today and the fans have hardly kicked in, temperature staying around 45 degrees whereas previously it was getting up to 60-70 with ease. They've replaced the motherboard and noted it had a fan problem so hopefully it's now fixed.
I was mad, damn electric supply! Finally finished the race this morning though, left the PS3 on all day. Don't know why Polyphony Digital put these extreme time races in the game though, and that you need them for 100% completion and the Gold Standard trophy, takes the piss.
First it was the ScoreBox.

Then it was location updates every 30 minutes.

Now Tim has turned to acting like the Opta guys on Twitter and adding a summariser word on the end of all the Facebook updates he posts.

I can't wait to see the next craze.
No more Mike Parry... :SHAKE:


He was as mad a fucking hatter, but it was stupid comedy most days.

Grays and Keys, they may make the end of the footie season, by that stage they will have called every fucking player, ex player and manager ever to be in or around the Premiership.

Tis a poor fooking show.
Completing a level on Halo Reach, getting the achievement for finishing it, but loading the game back up and it seems to have forgotten to autosave that I'd finished the previous level and expects me to do it again :BRICK:

He was as mad a fucking hatter, but it was stupid comedy most days.

Grays and Keys, they may make the end of the footie season, by that stage they will have called every fucking player, ex player and manager ever to be in or around the Premiership.

Tis a poor fooking show.
Yep, they are dull as hell without trawling out a guest every 10 min's...
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