The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Oh, that's disappointing. I would have thought the next step would be interactive SSN where you can select the story you wanted then have it expand for more info, or have quick video. Also, they could have had multi screen with the other sports channels so that you could watch SS1 on half of the screen and the news on the other half.
Sky in general piss me off really.
Yeah, their sports coverage is good and the picture on their HD channels is great... but it seems like a complete rip off whenever I've seen any prices.

They have/had no involvement with the production of their biggest TV shows in recent history - Lost, 24 and House to name three off the top of my head. Do they even produce anything themselves?

Another thing slightly related - how do tossers on benefits/with shit jobs afford Sky? How can they justify spending such a large amount of their income on something like that?...
It's not just Sky either - you see these people with massive TVs, the latest smartphones, games consoles, laptops and everything yet their homes are complete shitholes and they eat crap food... Priorities?
Totally agree. But then Sky are greedy mofos.

SSN is still available as part of the standard entertainment pack, you don't need a sports subscription to view it. Just as well as it's not worth paying for. I think you do need the £10 subscription to watch the HD version though.

I'm watching SSN HD now. It's the same shit in 1080i.

Sky in general piss me off really.
Yeah, their sports coverage is good and the picture on their HD channels is great... but it seems like a complete rip off whenever I've seen any prices.

They have/had no involvement with the production of their biggest TV shows in recent history - Lost, 24 and House to name three off the top of my head. Do they even produce anything themselves?

Another thing slightly related - how do tossers on benefits/with shit jobs afford Sky? How can they justify spending such a large amount of their income on something like that?...
It's not just Sky either - you see these people with massive TVs, the latest smartphones, games consoles, laptops and everything yet their homes are complete shitholes and they eat crap food... Priorities?

Yep, they are trying to screw everyone, even the people they HAVE to sell their content to, and the people who end up paying for that is us, they've even stopped streaming SPN online on Saturdays...
Sky in general piss me off really.
Yeah, their sports coverage is good and the picture on their HD channels is great... but it seems like a complete rip off whenever I've seen any prices.

Their sports coverage is good but the level of presenters/punditry is very mixed. I can't stick the sycophantic twats like Richard Keys with his love affair with Jose Mourinho and all the 'best league in the world' crap he comes out with, and Jamie Redknapp gushing over his cousin Frank. And Andy 'he wanted that fizzed into the box' Gray.

Then again it only seems to be their football coverage where the problem lies. Their coverage of Rugby, Cricket, NFL, Speedway and Darts is very good.

Edit (regarding price) - then again a month of Sky Sports costs less than one ticket to go and watch my team.

They have/had no involvement with the production of their biggest TV shows in recent history - Lost, 24 and House to name three off the top of my head. Do they even produce anything themselves?

James Corden's A League of Their own? (don't get me started on James Corden).

Another thing slightly related - how do tossers on benefits/with shit jobs afford Sky? How can they justify spending such a large amount of their income on something like that?...
It's not just Sky either - you see these people with massive TVs, the latest smartphones, games consoles, laptops and everything yet their homes are complete shitholes and they eat crap food... Priorities?

It's called a Labour government.
A counter argument to the poor people with Sky thing is that they can't afford to go out on the town/drinking etc (minimum £30 a night) or on days out to see things so £20-50 a month isn't that much really of a spend when it gives them something to do everyday.
A counter argument to the poor people with Sky thing is that they can't afford to go out on the town/drinking etc (minimum £30 a night) or on days out to see things so £20-50 a month isn't that much really of a spend when it gives them something to do everyday.

People on benefits shouldn't have Sky in my opinion. Benefits are there to help people in need put food on the table and pay the bills, not luxuries like Sky.
Do you actually know that the people with sky TV are on benefits? when you see a sky dish do you ring on the doorbell and ask what benefits they recieve?

People that live in council flats work aswell, they may have a reduced rent because what they earn is minimal. But why can't they have nice things in their life aswell? they should live without any luxuries because they are working class and don't earn lots of money?

I do agree though that people should be assessed more often and if they genuinly earn over a certain amount, they should have a reduction in benefits.

But majority of people on benefits actually need it and want to work etc. Like many other things it is the minority that take the piss and take advantage of the system.

Last time I looked the jobseekers allowance was around £60-80 every two you really think people can enjoy their lives on that amount of money?

People get stuck in a rut and end up in a cycle of shit where their confidence and motivation are sapped out of them.

If people want to spend what little money they have on a subscription to sky and live in a shit hole and eat shit etc it's up to them. I have known a few people on the doll for long periods and all they have is their TV and fuck all else. Eventually they got a break and found jobs. But believe me they didn't have much else, the idea they have iphones etc is bollocks. The ones I know have 10 year old nokias etc and never have credit on them etc

People on Benefits usually have a shit life and people earning money should be thankful that they are earning money and a decent living to be able to enjoy their life.

To say that it is the Labour Government is a load of bullshit aswell. People will always abuse the system whether it be Tories/lib dems or labour.

I bet you this government will only benefit the have's and the have not's will be in bigger shit than they ever were. The tories have basically got free reign over everything now, as they can blame everything on the previous government and get away with it.

rant over :))
But majority of people on benefits actually need it and want to work etc. Like many other things it is the minority that take the piss and take advantage of the system.

Of course, we never said anything different. But what we're talking about here is certainly not uncommon. Everyone knows someone who is screwing the benefits system.

I bet you this government will only benefit the have's and the have not's will be in bigger shit than they ever were. The tories have basically got free reign over everything now, as they can blame everything on the previous government and get away with it.

Labour were no different. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer over the last 13 years. The poor thought they were rich because credit was so easy to come by. And Labour manufactured the house price boom which did nothing to help the poor and first time buyers get on the ladder.

The Tories have free reign because they have a serious mess to clear up, as they always do when they inherent the 'legacy' of a Labour government. Everyone's going to feel the pinch. Then once the Tories get the economy back on track the electorate get fed-up of the cuts and vote them out, Labour get back in and it's spend, spend, spend.....

Repeat ad infinitum.
My dickhead neighbours are a prime example of this kind of benefit thing.

They have sky, a GIGANTIC wall mounted hdtv, they're always going away on holidays abroad, they regularly go out on the piss Friday and Saturday and are always throwing parties in their house. They have a huge trampoline in the back garden, they had a large swimming pool out the year before they bought that and they just bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Only the dad works, and he only works a few hours in the afternoon from 3 until 6pm. So fook knows what he does during those hours that brings in enough money for all of this. I can't see them being able to afford all of this by honest means. I suspect they're claiming this and that, the main one being that she's a single mum living alone with a daughter because there was a long period of time where the dad only turned up in the evening, parked his crappy car around the corner and would walk round, sleep over and then at the crack of dawn was off again.
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My mate reported his neighbours after having a row with the guy for pretty much the same thing they were throwing parties every other week till the early hours, and when he had a go at the guy he boasted about getting most on handouts and working for cash etc, so he reported them and about two months later they were on the local news..

They were gone a few weeks later... :P
Of course, we never said anything different. But what we're talking about here is certainly not uncommon. Everyone knows someone who is screwing the benefits system.

Labour were no different. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer over the last 13 years. The poor thought they were rich because credit was so easy to come by. And Labour manufactured the house price boom which did nothing to help the poor and first time buyers get on the ladder.

The Tories have free reign because they have a serious mess to clear up, as they always do when they inherent the 'legacy' of a Labour government. Everyone's going to feel the pinch. Then once the Tories get the economy back on track the electorate get fed-up of the cuts and vote them out, Labour get back in and it's spend, spend, spend.....

Repeat ad infinitum.

Much worse than people screwing over the benefits system are the rich people that screw over the tax system. This is a much bigger reason why hard working people pay alot more tax than they need too.

I reckon the percentage of people actually screwing over the benefit system compared to those actually using the benefits properly are much lower, than the people who actually pay alot less tax than they should do compared to the people that pay the right tax.

I knew a guy who was earning a ridiculous amount of money, he manage to wrangle his taxes so he paid about £100 in taxes for the whole year! he was earning about triple I was in the year and I think i was paying around £300 (or probably more) on tax a MONTH.

Yet these same people use the services just as much or even more than the average Joe.

I think this is a much much bigger problem than people cheating the benefits system.

Labour are very different to the Tories and actually have a grounding and an interest and a history into helping the working classes. They made mistakes, but nobody can tell me that the tories wouldn't have made the same mistakes as Labour did (over the last decade) re: credit etc.

The people that will feel the pinch to the extreme will be the poorer people with the Tories in charge. The Richer will barely feel anything.

Anyway it's a never ending conversation.

I would like to put the Tories and David Cameron into the things that pissed me off thread :))
My dickhead neighbours are a prime example of this kind of benefit thing.

They have sky, a GIGANTIC wall mounted hdtv, they're always going away on holidays abroad, they regularly go out on the piss Friday and Saturday and are always throwing parties in their house. They have a huge trampoline in the back garden, they had a large swimming pool out the year before they bought that and they just bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Only the dad works, and he only works a few hours in the afternoon from 3 until 6pm. So fook knows what he does during those hours that brings in enough money for all of this. I can't see them being able to afford all of this by honest means. I suspect they're claiming this and that, the main one being that she's a single mum living alone with a daughter because there was a long period of time where the dad only turned up in the evening, parked his crappy car around the corner and would walk round, sleep over and then at the crack of dawn was off again.

Torch the house.
Got a £30 on the spot fine yesterday for going through a bus lane (which must be all of about 10 ft) in town.

Then watched as four other people did the exact same thing as me whilst the policeman was giving me the ticket.

He even said to tell him if others did it and watched as they did it.

I'm also being taken off the insurance for my car on Monday, though if the parents think that'll make me get a job they're sorely mistaken.
Got a £30 on the spot fine yesterday for going through a bus lane (which must be all of about 10 ft) in town.

Then watched as four other people did the exact same thing as me whilst the policeman was giving me the ticket.

He even said to tell him if others did it and watched as they did it.

I'm also being taken off the insurance for my car on Monday, though if the parents think that'll make me get a job they're sorely mistaken.

:PIRATE: That's the spirit... ;)

Most of the people on it are shit and the ones that are decent rarely match the originals of the songs they sing.
The winners get an undeserved run at Christmas number one and their first album normally does alright but then most of the time they are forgotten within a couple of years...
My parents watch it, so it's on when I sit in the living room... I just put my headphones in and listen to music or something when it's on though but it's just the whole idea of it and the popularity it has that annoys me...
Asda delivery.

The morons were supposed to deliver a tumble dryer today between something like 7am and 8:30am. At about half 7 they phone to say they've just finished the last delivery but just noticed no sign of our tumble on the van... so he's passed the message on and someone will contact us soon.

No phone calls all day until at about 4:30pm when some woman phones asking how everything went and if were happy with the Tumble.


So she then puts us through to customer care who tell us that on the system it says its been delivered so he can't do anything about it but he will pass the message on and someone will phone back soon....
Soon apparently means sometime tomorrow. Not good enough, so we're then put through to someone else who tells us that there is nothing more they can do as its on the system and will be dealt with by the morons there when they get chance... but they're very busy.
"Why does that not surprise me."

So just as this moron is about to finish with me he mentions that on his system it says its been delivered, there is nothing he can do... it was signed for and he'll pass the message on to..

"Hang the fuck on... SIGNED FOR?"

So now it's heading to some other idiot who is going to verify if it has been signed for or not and then they'll get back to me as soon as they can.

"So does that mean tomorrow?"

"erm... well yes probably."

Just had another call and apparently it HAS been signed for and delivered according to the van drivers so now it's going to someone else and they'll get back to us some time tomorrow. Like I have nothing else to frigging do all day other than sit in and wait for a call.
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