The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Round prices... that reminds me...
When you're all buying rounds in at a bar and then some wanker decides to go home early, of course before it's their turn to buy a round in. Or halfway through the night they suddenly churp up with 'shit... I've just realised I forgot my wallet!'
Being as we now have Virgin HD installed I've had to swap the TV downstairs which hasn't got an HDMI port and only has DVI/VGA (it is a HDTV though :S) with my 1080p TV I use for gaming as it's all singing all dancing and crucially has HDMI...

Of course it's been an absolute ballache buying umpteen cables and adapters to get the PS3 to work with the old TV. Can't use a HDMI to DVI adapter because of shitty HDMI HDCP (copy protection - stupid Sony) - yet the adapter works fine with my XBOX :RANT:. HDMI to VGA also won't work as it's a digital signal and VGA is analogue. The same goes for Composite (analogue) to DVI (digital). So, I have just ordered a PS3 VGA cable for £17!!!! the bastards, it better fucking work as I've spent about £25 quid total so far and I feel like I've gone back in time with gaming.

At the moment I'm now stuck with normal SCART and I can't read the text on the screen let alone get a decent gaming experience out of it, it's worse than my CRT computer monitor.

p.s. PES also better be fucking good aswell, spending all this time sorting out my PS3 in time for the demo.
Being woken up this morning at 7 by a JCB digger outside the bedroom window.

Getting texts from someone I know without knowing who cause I've either lost or deleted their number.

Then ending up having a conversation with them without being able to ask who it is...
Sorry about the ads, they were playing muted when I saw them this evening. If it happens again they shall be yoinked.
On the same note DVD's and BD's that take 20 Min's before you get to the film, 10 Min's of warning you what Disney will do to your dog if you watch the film on an oil rig without wearing a condom...
Then.. then adverts-ADVERTS for balls sake, followed by clips of movies you'd never want to watch and in some cases (this just boggles the mind) a trailer for the damn film you're about to watch!..
In which the whole movie is given away, which happens in most trailers nowadays, what is with that? Is it a US thing, they have to basically explain the entire movie to them in order for them to understand what is going on, god forbid something was not explained to them and they'd have to make their own minds up...:ROLL:

Only then do you get the option to play the damn feature, so you settle down and press play and then, bang! you get another screen asking you basically "did you mean to press play" AAArrrghh...
Getting texts from someone I know without knowing who cause I've either lost or deleted their number.

Then ending up having a conversation with them without being able to ask who it is...

Not as bad as going through all this in real life at uni, somewhere random in London or at a party... you kind of just go with the flow and then ask someone else who that was you were talking to.
To be fair, his ban did seem harsh - his opinions and reasoning were a little strange but I didn't see him abusing anyone.

I'm sure you have your reasons though.
To be fair, his ban did seem harsh - his opinions and reasoning were a little strange but I didn't see him abusing anyone.

I'm sure you have your reasons though.

That's how it begins, then it all becomes about him and about him only. Then the thread spirals downwards and he plays innocent. Plan M, Beliel, etc. They're all the same. They really are a pain.
Sky Sports News no longer broadcasting on Freeview.

I bought a Freeview HD box for the HD channels, but now there's no Sky Sports News it's pretty thin on the ground channels wise. Would it really have hurt them to keep the SD channel?
Sky Sports News no longer broadcasting on Freeview.

I bought a Freeview HD box for the HD channels, but now there's no Sky Sports News it's pretty thin on the ground channels wise. Would it really have hurt them to keep the SD channel?

Yeah big time! I loved that channel :((
Sky Sports News no longer broadcasting on Freeview.

I bought a Freeview HD box for the HD channels, but now there's no Sky Sports News it's pretty thin on the ground channels wise. Would it really have hurt them to keep the SD channel?

It was going to happen sooner or later. Sky aren't in the business of giving their content away for free.
True, but they lost a lot of followers when they took the channel off Virgin/Freeview in order to keep their exclusivity and coax people to signing up to Sky, and now it seems they are doing the same again with the HD service. I guarantee 9/10 months down the line they'll be offering it on Freeview again as a premium option - a bit like ESPN.

I would have thought that offering SSN in HD for free would be a perfect sales opportunity to advertise the other Sports HD channels, giving you a taster of what it would be like in lovely HD.

I'm sure it looks fab in HD, but thinking about it, paying for 15mins of news repeated all day isn't worth an extra subscription. I'm intrigued, how does the relaunch differ from the old SSN aside from the HD?
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I would have thought that offering SSN in HD for free would be a perfect sales opportunity to advertise the other Sports HD channels, giving you a taster of what it would be like in lovely HD.

Totally agree. But then Sky are greedy mofos.

SSN is still available as part of the standard entertainment pack, you don't need a sports subscription to view it. Just as well as it's not worth paying for. I think you do need the £10 subscription to watch the HD version though.

I'm sure it looks fab in HD, but thinking about it, paying for 15mins of news repeated all day isn't worth an extra subscription. I'm intrigued, how does the relaunch differ from the old SSN aside from the HD?

I'm watching SSN HD now. It's the same shit in 1080i.
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