The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Getting pissed with the shitty music coming out these days, Modified voices like Akon and Iyaz are getting ridiculous. Sure they have catchy tunes, but fuck they are all fake vocals! And they are actually famous for it!

Modern youth is being monopolized by these kind of artists and it's getting on my nerves. I heard the other day some idiot saying how Alice Keys sounds boring and untalented, that's such bullshit.

:( That was uncalled for Jay, especially after our trip to the woods last weekend.

By the way I can remember that time when i was up at 4 AM when Battlefield 1942 came up and we couldn't get on the server, so we just had a go on the ruddy tutorial. Good times :LOL:
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AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH For the next month... :RANT:
You don't like Big Glasses?

I think they are funny

I'm just shocked in this day and age someone would so openly show their dislike of a race of people on a public forum. :SHOCK:


Nick Marsh please stand up! :P
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I think the horny things (whatever they are called) create a shit atmosphere. Just sounds like a huge traffic jam.

I haven't heard any chants or songs? they must drown out everything.

I really don't like them :((
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