The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

(whisper it here but) FIFA fookin 10! why can't I just play online without setting up ports differently? It should be as easy as pie to play online. First and last time I'm buying this pile of EA generic turd....I am a member of a league and it keeps telling me I am not despite looking at standings and seeing my name there. Then when I try and go online it just freezes. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Not a happy bunny.

Might be to do with your location mate, I've had no trouble like this with FIFA.
Yeah, it could be location but I have bought the asian version and I was having the same problems with joining other Asian games instead. My quest to play online goes on....
People who you hardly know who add you on MSN. They're like a friend at work who you kind of know but hardly speak to. So they message you on msn like they want to say something to you or ask you something and then conversation ends up going like this:

Them: Hey Wassup
You: Hi
Them: How R U?
You: Fine, you?
Them: I'm great

5 minutes later...

Them: So what U doin?
You: Just surfing the web, checking my emails and stuff
Them: Cool

5 minutes later

Them: You buying (insert whatever game is coming out)?
You: Maybe yeah
Them: I'm not
You: how come?
Them: I hate it

35 minutes later

Them: I'm gonna go mate - cya later
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When he went and sat next to Dunne looking all glum, I was praying that Dunne would smack him around the head. But no, he pats him on the knee. WTF, as I believe the kids say.

You might well look glum Thierry but if you were that bothered you wouldn't have let the goal be counted would you?

Football is on a slippery slope, all this bollocks about not allowing a video referee etc. for the sake of grey haired traditionalism...

What's the bigger crime? Football becoming "less human" (i.e. more correct decisions), or a team getting dumped out of the World Cup by a massive fucking cheating cunty bollocks?


Every season I find myself watching football less and less, this is part of the reason. Platini, get your finger out of your arse. Blatter... Well, Blatter, fall down some stairs.
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Great photoshop work Retkit, even playing basketball he points his finger :D

@ Chris, they won't. And I really believe it has nothing to do with keeping the game the same as grass roots or anything with old traditions. Football is business and controversy generates interest which generates money. Everyone, except the fans, get's more if the game continue's to accept controversy. After all why does the FA hire top business people to run the FA? People who barely have an interest in football. If they were really serious they would hire "politicians" who love the game. After all the function should be to "govern" an organisation. Instead they are aiming to make profit and increase the games' reach across global markets.
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