The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Why do people say something is "sick" if it's good?

As far as I'm concerned being sick is anything but good.

There's loads like that, it derives from black english language and culture I think, like people say that's bad for something that's good. Wicked is another and illest etc, there are loads.
Lovefilm haven't sent me anything new for 2 weeks - I have had this star wars game for 2 weeks and that was the last disc they sent to me. This week they've posted 3 games my way (1 extra with the filmextra credit) and my bloody PS3 is knackered. :RANT:


I am dismayed and somewhat angered at having to write to you AGAIN, having already sent an email, (which has not been replied to by yourselves), regarding the return of an Xbox 360 game that I ordered from I originally wanted to cancel the order, but was informed by Craig from your team that it was too late, but I could return the game unsealed and unopened within 28 days for a full refund to my bank account.

Having done this well within the 28 days, I am very unsatisfied that my bank account has not yet been credited for the amount to be refunded. The fact that the second email I sent to you (this is the third), has not even warranted a response from yourselves I find startling. If you in any way valued my custom and wish to keep me as a customer you would have kept me informed on the situation and resolved the situation immediately.

As previously stated I want the full amount refunded to my bank account, after this is done I wish to close and delete my account as I will no longer be using the site to order products. The customer service is poor and the returns service shoddy. You can rest assured I will be sharing my negative experiences with my friends and family, many of whom have used Gameplay in the past.


Tim Edwins :RANT:


I am dismayed and somewhat angered at having to write to you AGAIN, having already sent an email, (which has not been replied to by yourselves), regarding the return of an Xbox 360 game that I ordered from I originally wanted to cancel the order, but was informed by Craig from your team that it was too late, but I could return the game unsealed and unopened within 28 days for a full refund to my bank account.

Having done this well within the 28 days, I am very unsatisfied that my bank account has not yet been credited for the amount to be refunded. The fact that the second email I sent to you (this is the third), has not even warranted a response from yourselves I find startling. If you in any way valued my custom and wish to keep me as a customer you would have kept me informed on the situation and resolved the situation immediately.

As previously stated I want the full amount refunded to my bank account, after this is done I wish to close and delete my account as I will no longer be using the site to order products. The customer service is poor and the returns service shoddy. You can rest assured I will be sharing my negative experiences with my friends and family, many of whom have used Gameplay in the past.


Tim Edwins

Wow, that's pretty bad. I thought Gameplay were good as well from what I've heard.
Some fucker has cloned my credit card and tried spending around £800 yesterday...
Luckily Barclaycard picked up on it so I'm not liable.

The last time I used it was on ticketmaster on Friday, so can only assume someone there has sold on my details, as the only other times I use it is for the cup games on my United season ticket.


Had a proper Peep Show moment, the scenario from the advert they've been using for the new series.

Walking towards the interview room, I'm thinking "say something good, good introduction, make yourself sound smart - don't fuck this up".

Woman says "hello Christopher". I say HILO!

My face must have dropped like a ton weight. I actually fucking said hilo. It's not hi, it's not hello, it's some kind of disgusting mutant alien hybrid of a fuck-up word to start your interview with. Job gone, let me go now, let me just go right now.

Later on we were doing that thing where everybody pretends to be relaxed and chatty. For some reason, I started talking about cheese. In my head I was thinking "okay you're just babbling now, you need to stop and you need to stop now".

So in thinking and saying two different things, I did it again. What I wanted to say was "I slice the cheese thinly". But no, apparently what I like to do, is slice the chins theesely. Leaving the three people interviewing me thinking "what a fucking nutter, he likes to slice chins?"

Do I correct what I said or do I leave it? I leave it, because I'm starting not to care any more. It's gone, it went a long time ago. I leave the interview and seriously consider throwing myself in-front of a bus.
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Some fucker has cloned my credit card and tried spending around £800 yesterday...
Luckily Barclaycard picked up on it so I'm not liable.

The last time I used it was on ticketmaster on Friday, so can only assume someone there has sold on my details, as the only other times I use it is for the cup games on my United season ticket.


Man this is getting so common now...
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